Original merchant cartoonist

the happy merchant created as a satanist psyop? the original cartoonist literally attended church of satan meetings

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/pdfy-Mv-q4qGq8_TBPcwL/Michael Aquino (US Satanist) - From PSYOP to MindWar - The Psychology of Victory (1980)_djvu.txt


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>according to buzzfeed


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Fake and gay.

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>"Smite him hip and thigh": Satanism, violence and transgression by Jesper Aagaard Petersen, NTNU

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right panel OP pic is an "8/8/88 Rally"
more info here, archive.org/details/Radio-Werewolf-8-8-88-Rally especially around 50 minutes

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No shit. LaVey cops a lot of shit here for being from Jewish lineage, but the Church of Satan has a long, proud history of supporting eugenics, fascism, tribalism and the abolition of things such as abortion in favour of "more acceptance of personal responsibility, and less get out if jail free cards for the irresponsible and the idiotic".
The current High Priest Peter Gilmkre refers to his most trusted friends as his "SS Stormtroopers", and argues in his book for a paramilitary police unit with kill on sight authorisation for certain criminals. They call for extreme criminal punishment, such as a thief having his hands placed in metallic cages so he cannot feed or look after himself - thus forcing antisocial criminals to rely on societies support and forcing them to make amends or die, and support personal justice personally administered, allowing the family of a murder victim or a rape survivor to inflict bodily harm on the perpetrator. The Magister I think will take over next as leader (a Canadian, believe it or not) has an entire room in his house filled will Nazi symbolism and occult artifacts.

holy shit look at this post on facebook:
facebook dot com slash Nikolas.Schreck.Official/posts/happy-ear-nniversary-as-this-is-the-thirty-first-anniversary-of-the-incident-in-/1795206507200520/
the crazy dude talking about bringing the apocalypse and creating a new reality in the video here admits they do false flag psyops using this guys cartoons

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Should also be noted that Nikolas Shreck was expelled from the Church of Satan in the 90s, and left with Anton LaVeys daughter Zeena, who resigned as spokesman to go with him to Germany. They renounced satanism in the mid 90s, and became heavily involved in Tantric Tibetan Buddhism, before forming their own group the Sethian Liberation Movement. They no longer speak for the Church of Satan or represent it an anyway, and there is a great deal of animosity between the organisation and themselves.

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interesting, Schreck turned from a being a satanist who basically predicted the Jow Forums meme/conspiracy culture of psyops into a newage cunt? is he a lefty now?

anyhow this whole investigation was pretty fun. now i can rest assured that when Jow Forums is posting images of the merchant and thinking "shifty jews!" there is some LA satanist liberal satanist sitting in his room rubbing his hands being like "good Jow Forumsgoyim, false flag accomplished!"

all of you satanist fags are a bunch of cocksucking subkikes thinking you know better than natural law

All of you Mexicans are just a bunch of cocksucking SubAmericans thinking you know better than natural borders.

cool digits

>mfw.jpeg (666 KB)

All the world's a farce.

Not really a leftist. Not really on the right as much anymore either, though he still uses the symbolism to "shock" people. He is now closer to someone like Aleister Crowley in terms of belief and politics i.e drugs, tantric sex, withdraw from the mundane of politics to explore the metaphysical. He's basically an occult black magic hippy guru taking money from schmucks to teach them how to reach the true God Seth through ritual sexual experiences and a combination of Satanic magic, Gnosticism, Tantric Buddhism and Egyptian mythology.

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>FACT: Bill Rice the jew is connected to Tom Metzger the jew who he proudly promotes and has associated with and interviewed for years, Metzger is publicly connected to the jews Nick Bougas aka A. Wyatt Mann (who created the famous jew caricature we have all seen) and jew Nikolas Schreck who is of course directly connected to The Church of Satan which was founded by jew Anton Lavey (his Father-in-Law), and the Temple of Set (jew Michael Aquino’s Satanic Order) and Radio Werewolf, and of course Zeena his wife (Anton Lavey’s daughter)

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Interesting fact about Michael Aquino: A high ranking Church of Satan member in the 80s and was a good friend of Bougas, LaVey and Screck in this period. He was a former Lt. Colonel in the US Army, serving as an Intelligence Officer for the duration of his service, and was tasked with utilising psychological warfare and propaganda against the Vietnamese in the 70s.

>Also I see you deleted the posts proving that the “Joy of Satan” website had the same mailing address and phone number as the National Socialist (Satanist) Movement in America. Well done. I’m sure you will get a raise, but this information will never go away, I’ll make very sure of that, Billy BOY


>These organizations had the same contact info because Ex-NSFM/NSM Chairman Clifford Herrington’s widow (using the name of a famous satanist jewess actress and spy for her website registration) is a high priestess in her satanist org “Joy of Satan”. A search on Jewgle will show that this has been known for many years and jews are still hiding and censoring this information.

shit is classic

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fucking hilarious

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I don't know why anyone would take anything LaVey had to say seriously. Really the guy couldn't even keep a job at a carnival geek.

The Chruch of Satan is nothing more than a bunch of atheist edgelords who get together and have degenerate parties. Being around California so much, this guy got to know kikes and their tribe, so he ended up drawing cartoons about them.
>inb4 "b-but goyim this thread means you can't use the merchant meme now :(("

>The Beatles or the ‘White Album’
>By Mark Goodall

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sauce? that's like some sort of infraredpill

so is your image, faglet

It's on his wikipedia page I think. He also wrote a US military concept paper based on his ideas which was accidentally made public in the 80s. Once it was out there they declassified it and he turned it into a book called "Mindwar" amazon.com/MindWar-Michael-Aquino-Ph-D/dp/1535199563

Full text of the book is here:
archive.org/stream/pdfy-Mv-q4qGq8_TBPcwL/Michael Aquino (US Satanist) - From PSYOP to MindWar - The Psychology of Victory (1980)_djvu.txt

Who cares? Merchant is ours now, just like Pepe.

pepe’s memetic origin is simply peepee though, kek. just juvenile humor

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a wyatt mann is a legend. Judaism is the real church of satan

schizo jew agents

think memeflags thing jewgle think cult of bob its all psywar

I wish mainstream political cartoons were like this.

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t. palestinian


Its a jew operation stripping down the kabbalah agenda for goyim perversion efforts, sting ops, disinfo ops, and other mentalist bullshit. Learn to read before you talk

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>nice mythology of the "suicide" bomber

normies saw his trash as "repulsive" sympathizing the dastardly enemy kikes

>muh false flag
>muh psyop
>don't use the merchant meme goy! It's a leftist psyop goy!
t. Jew

>Socially ostracised people but infamous people who were both probably into punk rock and metal know each other
Woah, also should we stop using Pepe since the creator is a faggy Hilldawg.

no sorry im catholic (but not really practicing). but whatever if you don't believe me fine

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>Genesis P Orridge
Pic related. Friends with Rick (((Rubin))) the Jew that brought rap music to white America. Rubin was forced to pay Orrige when Orrige was injured in a fire during a ritual performed at Rubins studio/residence. All of them went down the satanism to tantra pipeline. Take from that what you will you poseurs out there.

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Perhaps these videos touche on what could possibly be going on? It discusses esoteric symbolism. If life is kind of a battle royale game, then perhaps there are players that are on a completely different level than the average person?

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Oh I thought the merchant was created during the time of the Nazis...

More like edgy jews, atheist and satanist are all accelerationist and people like James Mason was always in on it.

I should clarify, there is an obvious overlap between satanist, accelerationsist and the ideas behind movements like Frakism/Sabbateanism. The right for some reason seems to continually fall prey to this same type of subversion from nihilist.

tidder is an old english word meaning "to make frail, tender"

that methane suggestion is interesting