What are your sister(s) and mother like?

are they whores/sluts like most westernized women?
My sister is very similar to me in morality and hence never really engaged in the slut culture propagated by ((them)). I kinda wish more girls were like but i honestly havent met any and most of my friends who are redpilled have blue pilled sisters

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My sister is an adorable little girl and my mom took my money and ran away with her boyfriend. Haven't seen her in two years.

mom is turbo catholic and sister is oblivious to politics but wants to have kids and has been with the same guy since 1st year of high school
so they are alright

My step sisters are a bunch of idiots and heroin addicts who don't know WTF contraception is.

They just dump all their kids on my stepmother and collect welfare and inflated tax refunds, she's very close to losing her mind.

My mother is the most level headed liberal I've ever met. She's right 90% of the time about everything. Knows the ins and outs of institutions from working in accounting for so long. Not a super genuis but incredibly kind and caring towards everyone. After my dad died she never remarried or tried to date again. My dad has children from another marriage, and my 2 oldest step sisters are fairly based while the youngest is pretty bad. One has 5 kids, one has no kids but works as a doctor, and the youngest has 1 kid whom she loves dearly but has a new husband every other month it seems. I feel bad for her, but I stay out of her way and it works out ok.

You need to hook your based sister up before its too late OP. As for myself, my boomer mother is a roastie divorced couple times before settling down. I have two sisters one of whom is a typical narcissistic single mom bitch who was hot. The other is smarter yet less attractive but made some mistakes while she was young before starting to get her shit together. So one of my sisters actually got her shit together unlike the other one. Honestly, think if we had a better family environment my smart sister would have been far better off. I don't think it would save the other one or my boomer roastie of a mother.

Mom “traveled” to the UK and France for a bit after college, married my dad a bit late. My dad I think was engaged to another woman when he met my mom.

But they never fought. I had a great childhood, and I’d like to raise a bunch of white kids who end up good too

Really? Sorry to hear that m8. I hope your dad is ok.

Complete opposite end of the spectrum for my sister. She’s a coal burner with 3 kids (all different fathers). Plays the race card because her son is “black”, when he’s actually half. Calls herself an ally and all those other terrible buzzwords. Just an absolute piece of shit who has absolutely no custody of her kids and is incredibly selfish. The nigger culture ruined her from an early age and there is no turning back from it.

As for my mom, she leeches off government assistance and feigns illnesses to where she can collect disability. The broken system allows the hypochondriac to thrive even more.

my mother is borderline. My sister probably is as well

You should marry your sister.

you know pic related sucked some serious dicks to get where she is right

america really got raped by the jews, no family structure left

Three older sisters who were virgins until marriage, although they don’t want to have children.

i believe incest thoughts are literally not possible if you have a functioning brain. while my sister is objectively attractive, I am not attracted to her personally because of biology i guess? either way, incest is degenerate and lgbt pilled

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Mother is a whore that was an extreme alcoholic and destroyed our family by cheating on my dad and perpetually opening bank account under each one of her kids and putting them into debt. Which took me till 28 to be debt free

To be fair my Dad was a hippie pussy.

Sister got knocked up by a mexican at least they been together from day 1 but LMAO fucking mutt family now.
Other sister is a recluse who now live in one of the wealthiest communities in the Midwest. Her hobbies are show horses and show dogs, shes 41.

>Other sister is a recluse who now live in one of the wealthiest communities in the Midwest. Her hobbies are show horses and show dogs, shes 41.
shes def fucking both the horses and dogs
whats up with midwestern white people?

No man, my sisters had 2 boyfriends who she married. The first guy she dated since school, he was fucking hot, got a fantastic job but turned to drugs and became an irresponsible father to their children so she threw him out, got divorced and then met another very hard working catholic guy who she married and had 3 gorgeous girls together. They’re well matched and lovely together.
My father lost his job, couldn’t support us so ran away out of shame and my mothers been single and happy ever since.

>i believe incest thoughts are literally not possible if you have a functioning brain
i think it happens from growing up and being around someone so your body recognizes them as part of your tribe, although sometimes it doesnt kick in for some people i guess

>he was fucking hot
post pics faggot

Oldest sister is super catholic and wants like 12 kids, almost 30 but she can't find a husband because all her BFs dump her when she won't have sex before marriage (I'm 90% sure this is true, but I know how thots are so who knows, she has never been a party girl so I think this is true).
Feel kinda bad for her actually.

>i think it happens from growing up and being around someone so your body recognizes them as part of your tribe
i dont think so. ive been attracted to a cousin i grew up with. now shes a hoe but i would still bang if i was a degenerate. I would never however think about my sister in a sexual way.

Man, I'm gonna pray for your sister to find a Catholic guy soon. She should be in a Catholic Dating app and searching for guys in her parish.
And also, it's not quite normal for a woman not to be able to find a good husband. Maybe she is after Chad and she doesn't even think of uglier men?

>almost 30
yikes, thats near expiration date for most women

Mom was a virgin puritian. Sister is like 90s girl.

Seems like her boyfriends are just that, boys
The only female in my life is my mother, who my dad was terrible to. She doesn't mess around but is really NPC-like, has health problems. I feel bad for her too
She also knows what I am and because I am successful, she doesn't give me problems even though she disagrees because evil Hitler

>Maybe she is after Chad and she doesn't even think of uglier men?
That's probably it desu. Frankly waiting for sex until marriage would be a hard sell for me and I've been fairly successful with women, so I think this is part of the issue. If pussy is free, why wait for her when you can find someone else?

Mother is the nicest mom you could ask for, and quickly getting redpilled about race. Sis is the same but smarter and quicker to learn, I warn her about stuff and share memes, she sees they're real, sometimes she imitates the merchant meme when we're talking about business and money, it's adorable.

im loosely referencing something i read a while ago about it, like when you live and grow up with someone your body recognizes them as your family or something and then you dont feel attracted to them
>been attracted to a cousin
way to promote the stereotype lmao, but speaking of that me personally i have never been attracted to a cousin or my sis in a like i wanna be with them way or i want to have sex with them, but have had thoughts and creeped on them a few times, i guess its more of a im horni atm type of thing rather then incestuous feelings

Then talk to her about it m8. Maybe she opens her eyes before she hits 35 and then its pretty much game over.
Most of Chads are not Catholic anyway. They are too busy fucking countless women.

>imitates the merchant meme when we're talking about business and money, it's adorable.
>That's probably it desu
no honest man would say no to that if he actually wanted to be with her, needs to find someone more serious about starting a family

I wish I had some. One time I went to visit and thought no one was home so I checked the bedroom and he was sprawled out across the bed in his tight white briefs with massive bulge. He was completely out of it, high on drugs. I got a boner and stood there drooling over his naked body. I could have done anything to him. I still think about that day a lot but no idea where he is now.

Biological mom is a histrionic hoarder retard. One bio sister smokes crack and had her kids taken away, and the other one is a crazed munchie lunatic who lies about having scoliosis online for attention. She's getting married to a 27 year old who knocked her up a week after meeting her immediately after she graduates. She uses and abuses her way through life, just like her mother.

Adoptive mom is a mean, controlling woman that didn't allow me much room for independence (I wasn't allowed to own a computer or phone even if I bought it myself, and she tried to get me to drop out of high school to get on neetbucks because she thought I wasn't good enough to graduate) but I guess I don't hate her. My adoptive sister has Down Syndrome. I love her a lot. She didn't ask for her condition, and she makes the best out of what she has.

I really didn't have very good relationships with the women in my life growing up.

Like you know what your sister gets up to faggot

>Sister is like 90s girl.

Are you gay or something? And if so, how much does your asshole account for sexual stimulation in a masturbatory sense?

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i mean i can force myself to let me lust over my cousin. i have literally no feelings of lust for my sister or mother.

i do. i have her on all her socials and are friends

>Then talk to her about it m8.
Frankly I don't know what she should do so I can't offer advice. So, she should be with a man she doesn't find attractive to have kids? That's not a great option. I don't know how chaste women should act in our society so I have no advice to offer. I'm not married and probably won't ever because it's a shit deal for men.

>no honest man would say no to that if he actually wanted to be with her
Maybe I'm not an honest man or just a degenerate but I doubt that.

Yes, yes I am. Guys here are mostly a hell of a lot more attractive than girls and I prefer manly activities on a daily basis.
Anal sex does feel amazing and every guy should try it but I’m terrified of gaping holes so I do butt clench exercising and limit the anal sex to maybe 3x a year. I love spooning against my bf butt and passionate kissing, hugging, balls in my face and bjs get me off but never put my willy in there yet.
Also why are you Somali bro with a Union Jack? Are you not british?

blue pilled and degenerate

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My mother is a house wife. A respectable woman in ways. Not a whore, a family woman.
My sister... well there is a lot I could say, but finding something good to say would be hard. Where do I even begin?

Firstly, my sis is the oldest. A redhead. She was always a jealous attention seeking bitch, she always wanted the world to revolve around her. She used to "try and kill me" her younger brother when we were small. When I was six months old she was 2 years old and she sat on my head sometimes because she was jealous of the attention I as a baby was getting. When I was 3 she wacked me over the head with a sally rod, we were not even fighting she just simply hated me. She did many things like this. She used to pretend to get stuck all the time for attention. "The trees grabbed me! Help me!" etc. One day she got stuck in a tree for real and she was up there all day because no one believed her lmao

So anyways, when she turned her teens she became an emo and cut her wrists. Then all the way through her teenage years she got into all the trouble you could imagine. Pedos (they didn't fuck her because we got a restraining order), druggies (she took drugs), abusive sick boyfriend who isolated and beat her.


Well, if she wanna have children and doesn't seems to get Chad to commit, I guess... Yeah.

Oh man. Go squirt perfume on yourself whilst wearing your mothers knickers.

My sisters aren't blue pilled and lead relatively innocuous, successful lives. Honestly, I have always seen the slut/bro culture stuff, and the glorification of partying and what-not, but I never met anyone like that (and I assume they didn't either). We used to just chill and play multiplayer games on console, watch movies with friends, or go out and bowl. Maybe I just lived an odd life through the late 90s and early 2000s. I'm happy that I know they are moral people though. Then again, one of my sisters used to show me memes from oldfag times when I didn't have my own computer. There weren't girls on the internet, but there she was.

Then in her early 20's she got raped because she was leading on fellas and using them and my da even warned her that this fucker would rape her. She also dated the biggest and most known druggie about the place and tried to get pregnant to him so that she can leech off him (we found this out by breaking into her passwords and accounts on everything) (also how we tracked her every move to find out she was taking drugs in her teens and doing drug drop drop off runs with the woman beater).Then she broke it off with him and shortly after tried to kill herself by drug overdose. Not on an illegal drug just a normal drug but i forget its name. My ma knew something was wrong when she went to bed, her mothering senses saved my sis. So then after getting her stomach pumped and her systems flushed she went straight to the nut house and she didn't like it because there was crazy zombie women with beards roaming about.

She always was a gold digging using heartless bitch and I can't count how many partners she had. Always monkey branching and she just drops them like it's nothing when she's done with them.
If there is one thing good to say about her, it would be that she is intelligent, well in a way. She acts like a bimbo sometimes but she got good grades despite it all and despite being flat out on fuck knows what drugs.
She's 24 now and most of it is all behind her. But she's still a THOT whore using bitch

Probably missed a lot but wouldn't be able to fit it all.I could write a fucking book

Actually red pilled for a gay man. Most of those idiots don't care about safe anal sex and pay for it later in life from entirely avoidable conditions.

Sisters are both totally indoctrinated airheads and one is a thot. They inherited my mother's stupidity. I try to redpill them about how homogenous ethnostates are the only sustainable states in the long-run, how niggers are the reason for many of the problems in the US, and shit like that every now and then, but all my sisters do is get all butthurt and spout that "everyone is the same" and "there is only one race -- the human race" bullshit they get taught in high school. My father seems to be slightly more receptive to these redpills (except for the parts about race since he's a cuckservative) whenever I talk to him, makes sense since he is a male and more logically inclined.

Mom is typical center-right Catholic boomer, sister is eccentric, but not slutty.

Oh but she does hate foreigners. She thinks niggers are disgusting. She thinks all foreigners are. And she thinks the same about faggots. Do I suppose there's that.

In her teenage years she drew a big swastika on her bedroom wall because she was dating a skinhead and if she spend a day with the ducks she'd come home quacking

Mother got me at 16. Had 2 more some years after with another guy. Never could put the dick down. Basic single mom roastie riding the dick not having time enough to cook for her own kids.
Little sister is half me as I helped bringing her up from when I was like 12 and half normal (if that's a thing). She can take care of herself, got a job and moved out with a friend of hers at 18. We're great friends and I love her to death.

My sister got Blacked, it's soo hot


Don't know why I bothered even writing that all. It's not like anyone cares

My mom is Jewish. I saw her use the Six Million to cut in line at a buffet.
>I can't stand being herded like this, it reminds me of The Camps

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Forgot 3/3

My older sister is pretty much a stacey. Instagram, makeup, starbucks, etc. But she's one of my closest friends and a good person. She's been dating the same guy since 2014. I wouldn't be surprised if they get married in the future.

In theory my dad is an anti-racist liberal, but in practice he's one of the most hardened racists I've met. If you tell him about the 13% statistics he'll simply brush it off "eh whatever, they are many nice blacks too :)", but god forbid a nig looks at him funny "dirty pavement apes, they're all the same. We should send the dumb bastids back to the savannah"

Sister is an ugly insufferable sjw rejects who pretends to be nerdy just to fit in with other low status introverts.
Mom is full 1488, recently redpilled during the last decade

Almost everyone in my family (except my sister) is redpilled to a degree, from "not a racist i just don't like x,y and z races", "everything was better during franco's regime" to openly talking about how hitler was the good guy.

My mom's old school catholic. My sis was a degenerate. The latter's dead now.

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How'd she die?

Very rare blood cancer I keep on forgetting what it's called.

my mummy is very smart pretty and kind

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flag checks out

My sister's my best friend, but she's a fucking mess. She has no social skills and is basically this video:
She's racist and redpilled, but she's trying to fight it and go along with the liberal philosophy, and I'm pretty sure it's tearing her up inside.

It's sad to see so many having fucked up siblings. There's a bond stronger than blood to be had with a brother and/ or sister if life can just play out right. Especially if you're the oldest in your group. Being the oldest gives a chance to influence them to be the better.

Pretty much the same with me except my sis is still alive. She had nearly died a few times. Failed Drug overdose suicide attempt, Multiple serious car crashes, pedos, a baby grown in her tube... Still alive

Do you miss her?

my sister is based, my mother is a feminazi whore

Well, that's pretty rare. Usually the daughers of whores become whores themselves. How did your sister manage to escape the whoredom?

like you worst nightmare.

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mummy can be an angel or your worst nightmare

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Because she is intelligent like my father (who is also based) and studied civil engineering instead of a brainwashing degree like psychology. What I don't get is why my father married my mom, she must've been really hot.

Aww I wish my sis was like that. Want to swap?

I'm racked with guilt and sadness if I'm not angry. I'd rather be angry because it's more manageable.

Our relationship turned from bad to worse on her last few years. I lived with her and took care of her kids when she was too weak but she treated me like crap so I did too I in return

My mother is a decent woman

mother - neglectful selfish cunt, bitch mode went overdrive at metapause
sister - lost virginity to husband now 5 kids
other sister - meth and motorcycles
youngest sister - weed fat and lazy
Parents were tradcons, kids are batting about 1/3 were not fucked.

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>What I don't get is why my father married my mom, she must've been really hot.
Indeed. It's amazing how much power the pussy has over men.

Mom is basically your guy's wet dream; Few sex partners because slightly aspies and met dad young. She's debt free. Makes 6 figures being a CEO of one of the largest supermarked chains in the country. Does all the housework. Did all the raising of me and my sis. A perfect mom in every sense. A 10/10 score.

Sister is slightly spoiled, but wonderful human bean. Very sociable, very likeable. An 8/10 pretty but not too slutty. Has racist values and hates the shit out of blacks/chinks/spics whatever. Is redpilled.

Very happy with family, they turned out great

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My mom, who works at an office full of women understands women, realizes that they already had a good thing going, and shouldn't be in charge of anything. She subscribes to the Phyllis Schlafly school of thought, and is essentially an anti-feminist. Women have their own strengths and place in society, but its vastly different than a man's role, and the sooner society relearns this truth again, the better off we'll be.

Found out a few things about my mother in the last year. She got divorced from my dad. Then tolde that she had been married before that marriage. Then told me she was having an affair that lead to divorce with my dad. The kikes killed the family unit decades ago and I no longer have an interest in getting married. I would love to have kids but the thought of losing half of everything because of kike brainwashing is too much for me and no roastie has been worth the risk for me.

My mother was a LSD-taking, pot-smoking hippy but she went back to the Lutheran church when she hit 30 after her divorce, then she met my dad and completely stopped all drinking and drug taking. I never saw her have a drink in my life until after my little brother turned 18, she put everything on hold for us. She's a saint of a woman, though like myself she can be cold and withdrawn.

i appreciate your story friend, sorry about the lack of (You)'s

That sounds fucking awful. I don't like my degenerate sis but as of yet I can't hate her. If she died It would hurt no matter if I hate her guts.
I hope your grief and turmoil over your sis heals.

Thanks user. I wanted to vent about it anyways in retrospect. I never really talked about it, just thought about it.

Nice. Thats good to hear. Most anons ITT seem to have awful sisters or mothers

And my mom is still married to my dad. She doesn't give a shit about politics or anything involving the government.

My sister is redpilled and based but to be fair she's high strung and high IQ and her last bf just wanted to play Destiny instead of Fortnite so she left him.

My sis has been watching the biblical series by jordan peterson, what grug do???

Yes, thank you for noticing my post senpai

Let me guess. He turns the bible into a doctrine of his radical individualism
Make fun of Juden Peterstein. Mock him with a light heart. She will eventually see through his bullshit if she really is based and redpilled.


My sister is a literal fatassed, blue-haired landwhale, SJW narcissistic single mother with stretched ears and a nose piercing. She's an absolute piece of shit who smokes pot all day, does nothing, and lives off the child support and welfare she receives. She believes everything she hears from Rachel Maddow and was a hardcore Hillary supporter. She's about as stereotypical as you can possibly get.


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We haven't spoken since election night 2016 when I rubbed her nose in Trump's victory, and she came unglued with cussing and insults. I honestly do not care if I never talk to her again.

LMAO honestly I wouldn't either. My own sis is a fucked up bitch but im so glad, SO GLAD she will never be this. If she turned out like that I would feel more for the doormat and the toilet brush than for her. Just ewww

I fear for my little-sister, she act very entitled, and actually believes that she is going to be an actor/singer.
My father have been married two times before, resulting in a bigger half-brother from each, he never married my mom but just had a relationship with her my entire childhood. Both my parents raised me, but my mom probably had the biggest influence. My oldest brother hasn't settled down, I guess he haven't recovered from being Chad yet. Next brother is a typical smart, liberal computer nerd, and has a stable relationship with a biological engineer. I realized during conscript service that my middle-older brother and my mother probably had the best advice on dating and it paid off, as I have fantastic relationship with my girlfriend that I met in the city I'm studying in.
My father was 75 a couple of months ago when he died.
Sorry for grammer, hadde a lot on my mind.