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This is user's room, he/she is really into politics

This is user's room, he/she is really into politics.

Attached: 20190406_124011.jpg (2560x1440, 948K)

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not entirely inaccurate

Fuck wrong photo

Attached: britain-uk-woman-opening-a-room-door-turning-handle-with-hand-white-B8RN4R.jpg (1300x956, 99K)

Fucking mess also the fury rat cage probably smells like shit.


This is user's room.

Attached: pol battlestation 4.jpg (2048x1536, 635K)

She, guys dont have austistic rats as pets.

I thought that laptop was a giant light switch from a wall.
i am high. rate my room.

Attached: 1549074843847.jpg (1024x651, 85K)

Guinea pig. I got used to the smell
Not a girl, guy. Lot of girls have guinea pigs though, mostly art bitches though.

Attached: 20170922_202017.jpg (2560x1440, 965K)

Attached: 1483260035519.jpg (444x332, 14K)