
Jannies want this tweet and this discussion purged. Thread on the subject has been clipped three times in less that a half an hour.

Fuck Israel and glow in the darks

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Other urls found in this thread:


Janny deleted 3 threads. Fucking cancerous kikes need to be removed from positions of power.

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that's how you know it was mossad

Yeah what the fuck I just noticed them deleting 4 thread's in a row about ilhan criticizing israel

Noticed. Fucking jannies protecting a black Muslim.

Mossad is a bunch of degenerates that will be killed soon

No. You're the mossad shill that shut the other threads down. Because Ilhan is the queen of Jow Forums.,

Pretty odd honestly.

>deleting 4 thread's in a row about ilhan criticizing israel

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No they aren't they are protecting the normies on this board from the thought that Trump is zionist and there's no denying it.

And zionism is the cancer that has ravaged europe and the united states.

No. You don't understand. THERE WERE NO DUPLICATES.

No duplicates. I am not the OP of the other threads I watched get purged from the catalogue. I made the thread because I thought he was going to be banned.

Well keep posting there is no rest in this rustling of the KIKE. ALL Eyes on Juden Junge


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Did she really marry her own brother?

these kikes keep doing it!

They just killed the other thread again lmao.

>it’s duh jooooooooos
Kys you fucking lunatic!


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>MIGA threads spammed constantly
>Can't go through a single page without "Le tratior Drumpf Zion migapede!"
>Jannies clean up spam
>Hey, why are le ebil jannies silencing all criticism of Israel?!?!?!

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I'm not shutting anything you fuckface and stop calling me a kike.

Maybe you're a Jannie. I'm sorry if I'm offending you ahmed. Show your real flag disgusting Animal.

Based user knows. But still don't justifies why is pol shilling a black Muslim.

Is this the Jow Forumsdonald? Or is his Jow Forums?

Why should we be squelched? Why should I let my brethren succumb to kikery?

Because if she is killed by the kikes we can use her death as a way to band together the leftists, blacks, and muslims to fight against zionism.

They can do all the dirty work while we ride the Tiger.

You don’t make valid criticisms. You sit there and circle jerk each other while screaming “duh joooos”. We need to sterilize people like you.

based x10

>not spamming existing threads when jannies delete yours? kek

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The average Muslim IQ is 80.

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> Blacks, Muslims and the left.
user I.....

Well if you don't believe that allowing dual citizenship of congressmen and senators to israel isn't enough then should we talk of the Media, education, banking, investing, and medical systems within the united states?

Or would they too not be valid in your ratlike eyes?

>low quality twitter thread gets deleted
>better make a thread complaining about it!
good job OP!

Can confirm, seen this 3 times.
OP had to change the picture I think they're looking for it, I used it in another thread and it got Shoah'd.

>he doesn't know about the droves of indoctrinated whites that make up the majority of leftists in the united states

Better than shilling jews.

Hell, we can't even talk about AIPAC not being registered as a foreign agent without some kikes getting triggered.

I guess you are right. But it is strange seeing so much of a push here for zionism. I'm reading the same narrative here being pushed for weeks of "If you hate jews you must be muslim".

Which seems pretty kikish to me. Then they start deleting threads about the only politician on capitol hill that is calling out Israel and it starts getting my noggin joggin,

>he thinks neoliberal rootless cosmopolitans are leftist

Using positions of power and trust for one's personal advantage is the jewmerican way!

>I'm reading the same narrative here being pushed for weeks of "If you hate jews you must be muslim".
Are you on drugs? there are tons of threads up in the catalog discussing the kikes and isreal.

this thread.
If OP is getting banned/deleted threads, go to IRC and ask a mod directly since they ban according to what a janitor puts in the request for, they don't look into it unless someone complains to them on IRC.

fake news

Not really. Also the posts inside those threads will tell you what I say is true.

if this was the first one to get deleted, it's probably because it was a shit thread. there was no discussion in the OP. Some user reported it for low quality, a jannie agree'd, deleted it, and now you're sperging out. just make a less shit thread next time.

Women are leftist as well as a large number of fighting age males. As they believe them self educated.

looking through those archived threads, there was almost no discussion going on. just some anons posting the same old images over and over. not surprised they keep getting trashed.

>retard migas and retard knee jerk redditors switching to muslims are 90% of the board

>t.brand whore

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