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I bet Pol can't name 5 languages in Africa

Prove your nigga right

Attached: giphy (7).gif (350x191, 995K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Oogga, booga, bix, nood, and mufugga

>muh dick
>gibs meh dat
>ayo lmao

English, German, Spanish, French, Dutch

>Niggers swearing
>Niggers complaining
>Nigger logic
>Nigger suffering
>Nigger gibs
All combined in one African language.

lol this
and arabic

I can't. Why the hell would I spend time learning about nigger culture?

Mup, Da, Dip, Doo, Bix

Africa has languages?
I didn't know it was discovered recently that they had secretly developed the scribe skill in secret and then accidentally and lost them in a cave.

Oh wait you mean you want 5 names that were assigned to groups of vocabulary.

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