Abolish mexican army

Why do we need it?
we don't go to war against anyone but ourselves,wouldn't be better to make a mexican defence force? just to fight crime and cartels and leavy war to another countries?
we should focus on cleaning our streets first.
also less and less people doing military service.
it just doesn't work anymore.

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Abolish Mexico.
Why do we need it?

Indeed Mexico is successfully conquering the USA without firing a single shot why would they need an army ?

Our mestizo seed in european wombs are our deadliest weapons.

What's the point of defending such a shithole anyway?

What the European wombs? Idk you guys are the ones making a big deal of them.

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This ×100

I agree. Mexico wouldn't last more than 3 days against the U.S. military. Might as well have a self-defense force trained in guerilla warfare and urban insurgency. As of now the Mexican Military is just a CIA army.


Bc of the cartels you detached from reality retard.

Mexican Cartels are CIA, part of managed chaos.