Seems strange this LARP went radio silent now of all times. What gives?
Q hasn’t posted anything in over a week
Got reassigned to honeypot threads
you double nigger
Why do people give this random guy so much attention? I swear Q is the one posting all of these threads for attention.
Q glows bright red. Fuck Q shit.
>look at the people upset with Trump being a total cuck!
>reconcile using logic
>think for yourself
>keep following my carrot dangle posts & vote for GOP
Why doesn’t wheels just backtrace Qs IP and end this farce
What is this boomer shit? What's next, a prog rock album containing secret messages on how to financially suck the world dry while blaming your kids for it?
The BO quit on /qresearch/ the place is a shit show right now go fuck with them it's fun
>keep following my carrot dangle posts & vote for GOP
Just add terse schizo ramblings and a link to a tweet
The last posts were cringe af. I'm not surprised. He probably doesn't know where to take the story now that the Muller investigation is over and Trump cucked out again. I'm so fucking tired of nothing happening. Why doesn't anything happen? It's like we never won an election.
Q here, just thought I'd let you know the tripcode is ##hampton
lol really? when
Q is multiple people. Q is just a new term for whistleblower.
Becasue its a MI cybercommand operation. Go mess with it and find out for yourself faggot.
why would MI cybercom devote time and manpower to shitpost on Jow Forums and then 8 chans?
All this just to profesionally shitpost?
I dont follow that psyop shit but i remeber sometime ago people were saying that Q hadnt posted for a month or so. So its nothing out of the ordinary for a week or so of not posting.
I can remember when he finally posted people were freaking out getting all excited etc. Pretty fucking gay imo
Yeah, that was during the Kavanaugh heading. Went silent during that time, and he never posted anything about the hearing itself. Seemed odd. That’s the only other time I’m aware of that the LARP has gone silent like this.
Kavanaugh is a pedo cabalist, just fucking look at him
Jesuit. as is pres trunip and the pope.
So you think an army of democrat maniacs who dig into every anus of his history and could only manage to dig up a fantasy that never happened, just failed to come up with his pedo history? You actually believe that?
Because it started at the least as a dedicated larp(likely due to multiple people keeping it up non-stop) anons fleshed it out and prepped it for boomer consumption. user seeded it onto leddit before it got the jannie bannie here and then quickly got banned from leddit, that was all the boomers needed to buy it hook line and sinker as a real conspiracy.
removed on line member count from qmapp stopped posting due to being under federal investigation for various crimes committed by the perps called q
It’s not uncommon, but it really helps people keep their spirits up to see Q make an appearance. I keep checking back for an update. I used to read all the qresearch threads but got a bit burnt out
His accusation that the pagan symbol and the 14 on BT's firearm was somehow connected to the 14 fish symbol on Podesta's hands was a big red flag for me
>By red flag I mean that he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about
Just give me a different Republican while Trump is still there to make it happen
BT was definitely an intelligence asset so that is actually possible, weird how tgat is the thing that made you disbelieve q and not him being wrong about things in the Mueller investigation.
I don't pay attention to everything he says, but less so now
Also "definitely" is a strong claim fren
No it isn't, it is a statement of fact.
Fuck off
Are you a shill, ignorant or stupid?
You have to be one of these three because anyone who payed attention to the facts knows the whole story is bs.
the Q stuff is so esoteric.. it really confuses me why Christian's (even boomer tier ones) flock to it. sad.
Will Update SOON!
Maybe because posting about the trial while serving the president by proxy would constitute obstruction so they had to let the course run the narrative while exposing counter flaws found by nsa exploits
You heard me, fuck off schizo. All of you fucks deserve a claw hammer.
Oh you're a Jewish shill? Oh in that case, eat shit schlomo! The goyim know what your faggots are up to and a holocaust is going to happen for real and globally.
How do you Q fags justify none of the le 4d chess Mueller shit coming to fruition?