Polish people

Why did Hitler want to genocide them? What makes them different from the Norwegians or Swedes? Or is the whole thing about Hitler hating Poles and Slavs bs?

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They slavs and they embraced Bolshevism and were killing ethnic Germans


(((Poolish))) is fake nation overrated by kikes on a stolen clay. Utter degenerate pale niggers or t.eternal winging victims, but migrants and beggars still.
Papa H. was as visionary as based AF!

and yet your country rejected his offer of alliance...fucking british retards

Churchill was (((our))) alcoholic kike

In all honesty, you need to approach issue starting with 1'st Zionist Congress and how (((they))) recreated the shithole for themselves after ww1 at a easy cost to German people and unfair clay claims.

>what is the Ostsiedlung

He was a methed up autistic retard

That's rich coming from the British.

Like you weren't on the same side as us. Without you we might've been defeated.

Our only regret is we murderd too few of them

Lmao dicklet roach, hows that brexit business going?

Poles started WW2 with the Danzig massacre. Pollacks killed 65000 ethnic germans in "Prussia". Only after that did Poland get invaded. So poles killed more people in the Bloody Sunday Massacre,
Then poles killed millions in the Polish Death camps.

Poles and Germans had good relations with each other until the switch in Polish leadership. Poles started becoming openly hostile to Germany and declared they could take Berlin. Germany wanted a cooperative relationship over the Free City of Danzig and for them to sign the anti-Cominterm pact but Poland refused this and instead killed German minorities on border towns.

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Also white negroes of Haiti

He used cocaine, not meth.
Cocaine was common "medicine" back in the day, and many armies were fueled by it, because it basically works like coffee but way stronger.

Funny how leftists use this tactic, and also want to legalize all drugs. And of course the blatant ignoring of context. Everything is what you want it to be when you remove the context.

>They slavs and they embraced Bolshevism
Please tell me you’re fucking joking.



>and were killing ethnic Germans

Poles in the Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany before 1939:
>Weimar Republic revoked Polish minority rights in 1930
>not allowed to vote
>not allowed to own property
>not allowed to teach Polish in schools
>Germans persecuted and slaughtered Silesian Pole

Germans in the Second Polish Republic before 1939:
>German minority received minority rights in 1918
>allowed to vote
>allowed to own property
>allowed to teach German in schools
>Germans had own representation in parliament

Stormfront wehraboos:

No, FUCKTARD. No such thing happened before the invasion.

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Polish (((people)))
Oh Woichzieczk

>(((Poolish))) is fake nation overrated by kikes on a stolen clay.
How is that even possible if they predate your country?

>Utter degenerate pale niggers
Thats funny coming from the palest fucking people on earth that scortch in the sun in the span of a second. Go fry like the piece of bacon you are, fuckhead. At least Poles are Type 2 skin who tan easily and are not disgusting sickly looking pink fuckers like you.

>Hitler comes knocking
>Hey poleshits, wanna like give me Danzig?
>It totally won't mean you being cut off from trade, relying on us for outside communication, and you won't become our bitch at all
>Oh by the way, if you agree, next month I'll want the rest of Silesia
>Oh, then the next week I'll want Posen
>Just look at Czechoslovakia, giving up land ended so well for them
>And just ignore all the anti-polish propaganda spewing from us

*Germany wants Sudetenland*
*Gets Sudetenland in Treaty of Munich*
*Invades Czechoslovakia breaking Treaty of Munich* (Like a faggot)
*Annexes Memel*
*Despite anti-communist posturing works with Soviets to fuck over Poland* (who fought the Soviets in 1919 - 1921)
*Invades Poland*
*Bombs Polish city of Wieluń with at least 127 civilian casualities*
*Bombs Warsaw killing 6,000-7,000 civilians*
*Invades neutral Denmark*
*Invades neutral Norway*
*Invades neutral Belgium* (again)
*Invades neutral Netherlands*
*Invades neutral Luxembourg* (again)
*Britain bombs Wilhelmshaven in 1939 killing no civilians* (you should be mad about this English war crime)
*Bombs Britain killing 14,000*
*Breaks another Treaty and attacks Soviets* (Like a faggot)

Wow Germany really didn't do nuffin!

>Go fry like the piece of bacon you are, fuckhead.

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Its was written clear as day in mein kempf you newfags should read
"Inferior people of the east spred communism like rats spread the plague"

There is no sense arguing with Stormfags. Brainless subhuman sheep.

Imagine being this retarded

It is Judeus Paradisus and the only reason why serf's exist

Don't deflect from issue on hand and if slave state belong in Europe, as if Celtic, Germanic, Baltic people didn't live there for 15000 years before arrival of parasitic, intense pale nigroes from Khazaria

Actually we killed 6 million Germans in Prussia

It's always about the land. Poland and Ukraine have really fertile soil and that's basically it.

You what nigger?

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> before arrival of parasitic, intense pale nigroes from Khazaria
What the fuck? Poles aren’t pale nor from Khazaria. They’re Corded ware culture and are genetically indigenous to their lands, having the highest concentration of haplogroup R1a. Have you ever seen a Pole in your life? Or are you just fucking retarded and confusing Poles with Cossacks/East Slavs or some shit?


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brit ge(u)t

Germany didn't want to genocide Poles and Austrians like Hitler were much more friendly towards Poles then the former Prussian elite.
But there was a lot of conflict which ame from borth sides. The nazis did a lot of shit but so did the Poles. Many Germans were persecuted in Poland and had to flee to Germany. Poland also didn't put a lot of preassure on Danzing,didn't respect the vote of Upper Silesia to stay with Germany and had no intention for Germany to establish a secure land connection to East-Prussia.
And their rhetoric was also at least on nazi level, Germans weren't the only one talking about Lebensraum.
So yeah, Germany invaded Poland with a much more valid justification than France and Belgium had in 1923 when they invaded Germany, just let's put it that way.

>didn't put a lot of preassure on Danzing

Nope R1b gene is slavshit gene, that arrived in a for of "christians" in C Europe upon exterminated Khazaria khanate, before hand it was native Celtic, GERMANIC, Baltic tribal clay, but all of them were just too nice to vermin immigrant infestation.
As a matter fact first settlement of Khashubians is recorded in Mazurien (Baltic Old Prussian) clay in 9'th century.

Nippon is fooled by Hu-whit nigroes...
Give it a time, you'll change your mind

>Austrians like Hitler were much more friendly towards Poles then the former Prussian elite.
Hitler wasn’t friendly towards them though and Prussians were cold as fuck. As for Austrians overall, yeah you’re right since Poles were citizens of Austria-Hungary and the parts of Poland under Austrian rule were the most liberal and accepting, as opposed to Russians and Germans who wanted to Russify and Germanize Poles. Austrians treated them with respect and as kin part of the same crown.

Many Germans were persecuted in Poland and had to flee to Germany.
Not as much as vice-versa, especially when Nazis came to power.

>And their rhetoric was also at least on nazi level, Germans weren't the only one talking about Lebensraum.
Gonna disagree on that one. They never had plans to murder and colonize foreign lands.

>Many Germans were persecuted in Poland and had to flee to Germany.
Not as much as vice-versa, especially when Nazis came to power.

>t's always about the land
Nope, it's about Jewish way of thinking of taking over host nations, enslavement and profit
Be it via proxy of pale niggers.

How, why did kikery survived in Europe for a thousand of years simpleton?


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>iT WoZ wRoTen
Are so fucking retarded as snails shit that you will ignore the whole history thing when Poland actually had a bloody war with the Soviets.

maybe Hitler was right after all

Imagine ignoring 1000 years of Europe history when pomorania (which literary means by sea) and silesia were under control of the slavs

You must be new here.

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>Austrians treated them with respect and as kin part of the same crown.
This is little exaggerated. Austrians just didn't want experience chimp outs and they were already multi national country, they had to tread lightly
As for fucking germans, Britain and France should attack it earlier as Pilsudski proposed

hm...still its kinda immature for Hitler to go the “eye-for-an-eye” route instead of just beating up Poland, showing them whos boss, then converting Poles into Nazi soliders instead of muh genocide.

>embraced Bolshevism
post proofs

>Nope R1b gene is slavshit gene
No it isn’t dumbfuck, R1b is Western European and found in Celtic/British Isle/Germanic nations. R1a is Slavic and found throughout Central and East Europe amongst Slavic peoples and Hungarians and Estonians, Latvians.

>before hand it was native Celtic, GERMANIC, Baltic tribal clay, but all of them were just too nice to vermin immigrant infestation.
Are you really this fucking dense? Almost the entirety of mainland Europe is made up of many cultures, there is no single unique homogeneity. Baltics are also related to Slavs, theirs evidence that Poland is the Slavic homeland, and Germanic tribes were btfo long ago and migrated west.

Do not forget also that it was Teutons who killed the Baltic populations off in the first place.

>proves why hitler invaded
The soviets and germans didn't kill enough of you pollack retards

>Austrians just didn't want experience chimp outs and they were already multi national country, they had to tread lightly
Obviously Austrians were seen as the dominant ethnic group, but they saw all minorities as equals and didn’t treat them as subhumans. This goes for not only for Poles, but Czechs, Slovaks, Croats, etc.

That was Baltic tribal clay
Last known ruler was name Zsiemuszil in 1142, (meaning low, grey haired) and slavshit languages borrowed it meant the same.
You'd have to read up Danish king's involved, having been called in to mediation, because of endless polacken invasions.

Hitler didn't genocide anyone. Read a book you fucking retard

hi satan

R1b is western Europe you dumb faggot.
R1a is Poland.

a&b represent two Aryan brothers founding their own dynasties millenia ago.

>Do not forget also that it was Teutons who killed the Baltic populations off in the first place
Begged in to (later shafted for the trust in slavshit honour) by Konrad the 1'st of newly created cuckdom of poopland

>Hitler dindu nuffin

please nigga. Just because jews are literall goblin demons doenst mean Hitler was a sweety innocent.

Yes plunger migrant, my mistake

Hitler did not hate slavs (even niggers were in waffen-ss, just like french and norwegians). btw there was Vlasov and his ROA, he tried to save us from the gulags and bolscheviks, that's just a lie about how he hated non-germans, he was socialist

literally who gives a fuck.
Poles are of Sarmatian orgin, a Scythian Aryan tribe. Horselords. Hence why they are so good at killing Turks with their winged Hussars.

To be fair though, R1b is the second most common in Poland. Either that one or I2a, I forgot actually

literally whiter than you mohammed. What the matter, got cucked by the polish handyman?

Hello slob Shlomo

Low effort bait nigger

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>Hitler wasn’t friendly towards them though and Prussians were cold as fuck
Never claimed that in my quote. Just pointed out that he was friendly than the Prussian elites who weren't even intrested in a peaceful solution when it came to the territory dispute.
>and the parts of Poland under Austrian rule were the most liberal and accepting, as opposed to Russians and Germans who wanted to Russify and Germanize Poles
Austrians are Germans, you probably mean as as oppose to Prussians. I agree with that but i think Austrians acted so friendly because such a state as Austria-Hungary wouldn't really allow for Austrian domination on a larger scale. Austrians within the third reich probably pushed more for Germanization than Prussians did.

>Not as much as vice-versa, especially when Nazis came to power.
There was much more persecution by Poles than by Germans which can probably be attributed to the fact that simply a lot more Germans lived in Poland than the other way around. To extend an olive branch here, i wouldn't know the number in % adjusted to the population which lived under foreign rule but then again, a life is a life.
>Gonna disagree on that one. They never had plans to murder and colonize foreign lands.
Colonizing foreign land and retaking former clay in which a lot of your own kin lifes are too different things. Also, the nazis didn't plan the invasion from the get go and were much more willing for a peaceful solution than the elites in the Weimarer Republic.
>colonize foreign lands
The Poles seeked to gain former German colonize and there was a real fear in Germany of a Polish invasion. An again, i'm talking about the rethoric which they had.

>literally who gives a fuck.
I do
>Poles are of Sarmatian orgin, a Scythian Aryan tribe.
You what?
Who? Horse shit- yes!
>Hence why they are so good at killing
>Turks with their winged Hussars
Yeah... Pointless as you are just too thick of scull nigger to even learn
Plunge the shit and do not talk no more, OK?

no more brother wars

not an argument

>As for fucking germans, Britain and France should attack it earlier as Pilsudski proposed
WW2 should've started in 1923 but Germany was still to weak at that point.

Lame shit nigger

>that grammar
>those logical fallacies
No wonder most of the internet sees Jow Forums as a cesspool of racist retards.

>What makes them different from the Norwegians or Swedes?
Silly question honestly. Different culture, history, language, religion, genetics. At one point 25% of Poland's population was Jewish.

you spelled labor camps wrong, also spelled 200,000 wrong

You shouldn't be here, Jow Forums isn't a place for underaged muslim.

the absolute cope

Bitch Please. UK is a more fake nation than Poland

Hitler hated Slavs, he called us subhumans
and that's why.

Ethnic poles were actually considered to be assimilated into the reich.
If everything would had gone according to the plan today polish men would be beautifull people fucking beautifull fraulines as part of a Greater Germany empire.
Instead of that international judendom destroyed Germany and sold Poland to the bolsheviks.
The results is what you see.

>Jow Forums as a cesspool of racist retards
Oy vey

>At one point 25% of Poland's population was Jewish
At the most of it's existence

He didnt ever call slavs subhumans

U assholes hated the germans and killled and kicked germans our of poland, also

No. Generalplan Ost was legit. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalplan_Ost
Between 80-90% of Poles were scheduled for ethnic cleansing. Only 50-60% of Russians were.

So why did Hitler hate the Slavs?

Hitler got played by Roosevelt into destroying Poland. The problem was that combined Polish + German potential would have been enough to destroy Russia, so a Polish-German war was needed to destroy resources on both sides and delay Hitler's inevitable attack on Russia. Hitler only realized his mistake in 1944 when it was already too late.

> The former Polish government refused to respond to these proposals in any way. In this regard, the question presents itself: How is it possible that such an unimportant state could dare to simply disregard such proposals and, in addition, carry out further cruelties against the Germans, the people who have given this land its entire culture, and even order the general mobilization of its armed forces?
> A look at the documents of the [Polish] Foreign Ministry in Warsaw later provided the surprising explanation. They told of the role of a man [President Roosevelt] who, with diabolical lack of principle, used all of his influence to strengthen Poland's resistance and to prevent any possibility of understanding. These reports were sent by the former Polish ambassador in Washington, Count [Jerzy] Potocki, to his government in Warsaw. These documents clearly and shockingly reveal the extent to which one man and the powers behind him are responsible for the Second World War. Another question arises: Why had this man [Roosevelt] developed such a fanatic hostility against a country that, in its entire history, had never harmed either America or him?

Polacken untermensch, as always, as ever

>So why did Hitler hate the Slavs?
The lies, the savagery, the low life vermin like submissive to the kikes existence
>This thread!!!! !!!!!
Just L00k at the nigroes chimpout

This is of course a vile plan but it's to be mentioned that Germany didn't go into this war with such a plan. It was a plan which was created in the heat of war by the SS. A German civil war between the SS and Wehrmacht would've probably been more realistic than the execution of such a plan.

It's both, policy has been changed about 1938 because Poland was repeatedly giving Hitler a finger about alliance proposals. shows why Polish leadership decided to commit a national suicide.
A similar thing happened in Czechia in 1942 when Czech government in exile got baited into killing Reinhardt Heydrich who had a relatively pro-Czech policy, and his assassination resulted in more repression.
> As Acting Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia, Heydrich applied carrot-and-stick methods.[92] Labour was reorganised on the basis of the German Labour Front. Heydrich used equipment confiscated from the Czech organisation Sokol to organise events for workers.[93] Food rations and free shoes were distributed, pensions were increased, and (for a time) free Saturdays were introduced. Unemployment insurance was established for the first time.[92] The black market was suppressed. Those associated with it or the resistance movement were tortured or executed. Heydrich labelled them "economic criminals" and "enemies of the people", which helped gain him support. Conditions in Prague and the rest of the Czech lands were relatively peaceful under Heydrich, and industrial output increased.[92] Still, those measures could not hide shortages and increasing inflation; reports of growing discontent multiplied.[93]

>post about uppers in war
Didn't you have a guy get gloriously trashed on uppers, disappear innadawoods for a week, disassemble a bunch of Soviet shit, and come back with zero memories and pockets full of acorns or something?

The man, the myth, the legend.

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You what polacken nigroe wannabe?

WW2 era? Meth was the combat drug of choice. And yes, Hitler was on meth among many other drugs. It's not exactly a disputed claim, there's a good bit of documentation on this. Germans are famously meticulous in their documentation, with one pretty glaring alleged exception.

> slavs embraced bolshevism
Then why the fuck we got a war against commie faggots ?

>proceeds to take the quote completely out of context
Like pottery.

>> slavs embraced kike-evism
>Then why the fuck we got a war against commie faggots ?
Kikes told you to do so

>a britpaki throws a tantrum over poles and kikes in broken english
>calls everyone else unreasonable

1) Sudetes

2) communists wanted poland too

Don't forget
1 diversity is our strength
2 divide et impera

* Slav is a different and distinct ethnic/cultural/language group than germanic. Norwegians or Swedes are germanic group, while Poles are slavic group.

Polaks wanted Haiti too

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>retarded stormtards and shitskins
every time
>they wuz gud bois, dindu nuffin

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its bs though there is some truth to it, mainly poles didnt submit to Hitler rule, polish nationalist was (is) strong and they didnt want to be nazis or be part of it. thats why Hitler had to attack. I blame poles, they should have just joined the Third Reich.

Because he didn't hate them and there's no proof he did written nor said.