What's wrong with white women exactly?

What are they thinking and why do they act like this? And why do they always end up exposing their genitalia or their breast when they protest about something?

What's with their obsession with sex and their reproductive organs?

Attached: powerful.jpg (640x427, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:



just plain ole attention whores

They want attention regardless of if it is positive or negative.


>What's with their obsession with sex and their reproductive organs?
They don't have more complex identities than that. Women are nothing but baby factories and they all know it.

>What's wrong with white women exactly?

First of all, it's ALL women.
Second : It's literally the Jews


Attached: Feminists by religion - Wikipedia.png (904x651, 33K)

Isn't it kinda sad that the only way that they can get some attention is to expose themselves and remove their clothes? Why can't they just debate like men do, based on their ideas? Seems like a cheap trick to me.

White women are the worst. You don't see that shit happening in Asian countries for example.


But also, deeper :

"Women are not a resource, the womb is. The woman is an unfortunate parasite on the womb."

I can sympathize with them. It must suck to come to the realization that your entire life is meaningless, unless you produce a child. Is this what's driving them to go crazy?

>Isn't it kinda sad that the only way that they can get some attention is to expose themselves and remove their clothes?
>Why can't they just debate like men do,
They are mentally underevolved, stuck at small child level 'reasoning'.
>based on their ideas?
Women dant have nor understand any.
>Seems like a cheap trick to me.
They are cheap. Their only value is that of their womb.

Attached: women 758697.jpg (1158x1000, 432K)

seems fine to me

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Are we headed toward a future where it will be forbidden to have a baby girl? A world filled with only men? That sounds really gay to me.

But at the same time, when the tech is ready, it's game over for them. (Pic related).

Attached: GameOverWoman.jpg (1030x809, 187K)

>Islamic feminists is the second-biggest category

You've clearly never heard of South Korea.

Can't believe that vagina costume isn't black, what a racist bitch.

Not enough of them have access to my dick and the thirst drives them mad.

Shlomi, why are you intentionally overlooking the 430% bigger Jewish category ?!

Attached: redpill israel 5464567.jpg (655x814, 85K)

I'd like to know more.

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I'm saying that because everyone already knows there's a connection between Judaism and feminism. It's obvious and expected that Jewish feminists is a big category.
What doesn't make sense is why there's such a big category of Islamic feminists

They're hurting for a squirting.

Attached: 4C41600A-A093-47DC-A09B-B96BB7C47094.gif (500x230, 917K)

Why do they always have to look like this? Every single time.

Attached: everysingletime.jpg (459x295, 103K)

Attached: radar infiltrators.gif (478x478, 125K)

what this guy said.

jews melted womens brains through their trickery and subversion.

Attached: Feminists by religion - Wikipedia - Jews.png (904x651, 50K)

>create babies from skin cells
Is this cloning, and if so, how do they address senescence?

Me too.

They are, on average, jewish.

Attached: bigot.jpg (1722x1128, 326K)

Look at this shit, how retarded are they?

Attached: WahmenProtest01.jpg (1024x710, 394K)

At least they're smart enough to protest where they won't be beheaded.

Attached: menvswomen.jpg (1200x1085, 1.27M)

We are literally telling you what's going on and you never listen
It's the guys that changed... Once they agreed to let women do whatever they wanted, they did. The women didn't change, the men did.

They are mostly mental retards

Attached: D909C811-5656-47D1-9C7D-37BD1047BA18.jpg (184x274, 8K)

So, according to this logic, giving them the right to vote was a mistake?

Neat. I just wonder if they realize open borders will lead to the loss of their rights.

Lol, no.

Probably not. Since you are living in SK, can you tell us more about this?

Everything women do if for attention. Showing off their bodies is the go-to strategy for gaining attention. Women and neither complex nor creative

I kinda feel sad for them. Not white knighting or anything. But it must be really shitty to be a woman. Especially since soon their value will be next to nothing.

Attached: artificalwomb.jpg (690x400, 78K)

There are some movements like me too in what I can tell are mostly isolated situations. I was hoping he could expand, since it's not really anything by what I can tell.

>I was hoping he could expand

Wut? Why would you want for this toxic movement to destroy your society like it did in the west? Are you insane?

Men: Decency, arguments, liberty.

Women: Low IQ, screaming apes.

Attached: stinky goddamn negroids.png (400x500, 183K)

>. I was hoping he could expand, since it's not really anything by what I can tell.

It will never happen in Asian societies. They will nuke the entire world before it happens.

No. I was hoping the person that said "you've never heard of South Korea" could expand on what he meant

they don't have actual souls like men do, so they just try to mimick the current spirit of the age

South Korea can be saved if it loses its connection to (((USA))).

Especially if it gets a new big brother nation it can look up to, for example China.
Now only will SK be saved from retarded women, their male babies will also be saved from the (((circumcision))) that has infected the nation.

Attached: 1535479733089.png (900x1593, 402K)

Go to the Jow Forums archive and research Megalians. Our local equivalent is this.

you can't /thread your own post but yeah that's the reason

is it all because of social media now? they weren't as open about this shit ten to twenty years ago

The cancer is spreading. I'm surprised that you were able to post this and haven't been caned a thousand times already. I hope that you VPN user.

Attached: singaporeqt.jpg (334x500, 129K)

They want to be beat into submission. They are just behaving like rebellious kids because no one is putting them in their place.

You're right.

It's called "shit testing", women do that shit all the time.I remember Sargon doing a video on this issue.

What do you propose men do to change this?

Die of AIDS faggot

Tits of GTFO, you know the rules.

Attached: femanonhere.jpg (450x584, 115K)

He is objectively right even if it sounds mean.

Giving women political power will bring down any society.

>Giving women political power will bring down any society.
>Giving women political power
>will bring down

It's already too late. Way too late. The damage is done. The west is fucked.

We can accelerate things. This will save other countries and guide them on what not to do.

Kind of like a controlled fire to save people from the real fire spreading.

So, are you saying that suicide and sacrifice is our only option?

Not for you. But it's the option for Europe.

We can see it's working, the more Sweden/Germany/UK suffers, the stronger the Visegrad countries and Italy becomes.

jews haven't given a fuck about asia until recently. look at south korea. it is coming to china soon. chink women don't have souls in the first place so it may be hard to corrupt them, as they are starting at the bottom of the barrel from the start.

If you can somehow get California to suicide, I guess that pretty much is the equivalent of Germany suicide itself.

It could work.

>white women

They're cunts


Because that is their worth. Women are objects -men are agents. They can not articulate anything of substance but they can show them tiddies which is how historically and biologically they are validated.

They will be the new niggers.

Absolutely yes

How do we change that? What can be done about it now? Any suggestions?

Make sure people don't flee from California.

Keep it as a quarantined zone as it burns.

California is doing a fine job of suicideing itself

You know how in love with your benis you are?
That's womens, except it's their bagina and their bagina love is society sanctioned.

Nothing else about it is surprising.

The problem is they are turning other states blue when they flee to those states.
For example Nevada.

To give you a real cliffnotes abridged:

Megalia is a radfem group in Korea (their emblem is a hand making the tiny penis gesture, or basically Italian finger-thumb but with a touch of space between them) that hates men. As in wants men aborted, wants to torture and brutalize men. Will organize mob-action online against men. I'd say particularly South Korean Men as I've seen comics from a Korean woman that was Borderline and who celebrated/mocked the baby she aborted, who seems to hate men but love (and hate) white men. They had connections to the South Korean Preisdent who got thrown out of office and who was part of a "8 Goddesses" (8 powerful women) cult with a legit cult leader being her Rasputin.


You can socially manipulate and indoctrinate people with alarming speed. At a max I'd say no more than 20-30 odd years is necessary.

Forgot the primary picture people are familiar with.

Attached: zy1oldvnv1ux.jpg (1279x634, 145K)

>Megalia is a radfem group in Korea (their emblem is a hand making the tiny penis gesture, or basically Italian finger-thumb but with a touch of space between them) that hates men. As in wants men aborted, wants to torture and brutalize men. Will organize mob-action online against men. I'd say particularly South Korean Men as I've seen comics from a Korean woman that was Borderline and who celebrated/mocked the baby she aborted, who seems to hate men but love (and hate) white men. They had connections to the South Korean Preisdent who got thrown out of office and who was part of a "8 Goddesses" (8 powerful women) cult with a legit cult leader being her Rasputin.

Wow that's fucked up. Why aren't they classified as a terrorist group?

It might actually be the lack of a sense of duty.
I work out because I must, to not be a fat fuck and I like being strong.
Women work out so they can socialise and brag about it on social media.
Replace working out with going to war, providing for your family etc. and it still holds up.

Honest answer: They haven't committed violence yet and terrorism is usually treated as the use or threat of violence (Credible threat - otherwise Jow Forums would be a terrorist organization) by individuals or groups to achieve political influence/result. However, their proximity to the resigned and disgraced PM makes me expect that the faction in South Korea aligned against her invariably will see Megalia as a threat. Likewise, legislating them as such would open the door to anything equivalent on the male side as being terrorist. They are disgusting and disturbing but they are not terrorists the way Antifa are 100% terrorists. They are just insidious like AOC's Democratic socialists are.

And what is the public perception of this group? Negative or positive?

I had no idea SK was this far gone.

I guess they have to be the Sweden of Asia and die so the other countries can live.

Not korean so I can't say. Judging from what the user said (I remember the threads, I am not re-reading the archives. Read the archive or archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/21705167/ or my pic, it's a culture war like here. Apparently I was wrong and there was some violence or threats of violence you can read in the picture.

Something interesting is the user's remark about going to jail for japanese hentai watching. And how insidious it is that the left will false flag legislation in their interests as instead a right wing thing. Since at the time I heard about it I expected the anti-porn legislation in Korea was just Christian conservatism and a Shinzo Abe style "Stop fucking waifus, start fucking real girls". It may have been, perhaps there was a mutual interest between both camps. But if the law passed when the 8 goddess president was in power then it clearly was a womyn empowerment legislation.

Note the similar echoes to our own culture war:

>The whole fucking nation divided, literally every korean cominities, forums, boards are now battlefield between magalians and rational people. Normal people overwhelmed by their fanaticism and insanity and panicking.
>Webtoon company (biggest in Korea) declare support of Megalia.

I'm reminded of first time tragedy second time farce if our 2020s and 2030s have radfem transrights leftism instead of comitern workers rights.

Attached: 1479165934865.png (1683x936, 554K)

It's insane to see this insanity spreading to the entire world. I'm really wondering if we are not witnessing in slow motion some kind of biological alien attack. I don't know how else to explain what's happening to our world. Crazy times.

They're women. What the fuck do you expect?

I don't have a set answer so I can run myself through the conclusions I see as plausible:

1) FEMEN virus full stop is /x/ onsense. It's making the issue far more sexy and cinematic than it really is. There's not a biological weapon. There could be a biological answer, however: Maybe the BPAs or whatever that androygenize men masculinize women and result in this angry-bitter-misandrist.

2) Ideas are contagious. This was true of communism, anti-colonialism, Islamism, and is now true of Feminism. Feminism is starting to adopt a truly political force beyond just being a constituency and has become a political ideology and philosophy. Sweden being a "feminist government" or however they say it. At the end of the day Political-Feminism is nothing more than identity-tribalism with the desire to enrich and empower women to the detriment of the exclusionary group (men).

3) My theory is that it's the perennial threat of leftist-authoritarians, using Western Feminism as a vector to infiltrate Korean women's interests. This is what Communism has always done, it's sought out peoples with legitimate grievances and radicalized/inflamed the tensions in order to profit off the disorder. Very Al-Qaeda Management of Savagery esque ("Bring about anarchy and disorder so when the system falls, we are the ones left standing able to bring about order and governance"). In the past the successful wave to ride for leftist authoritarians was the urban proletariat (Russia/Germany) or the rural proletariat (China/Cambodia). Now the most successful wave to this position is the female vote (Political-Feminism) and the male sycophants.

Pic related. The dynamic of AOC's handler and AOC is a near perfect reflection for what I think is the dynamic behind the globalized spread of Political-Feminism. And the Pajeet-Bose t-shirt is also related, as it's a reflection of the agenda of the handlers of Megalia or Democratic Socialists/AOC and similar movements.

Attached: saikat-chakrabarti.jpg (807x864, 122K)

You've also got elements of globalism and Soros-type concentration of power to deal with. But to really shorthand it: It seeks to utilize women as a reliable and 50% of the population voting block (likely more because women I believe more often vote than men do) to support both larger government, governments more amenable to internationalism/international government and organizations, and most importantly it is used as a vector for male leftist-authoritarians to get into power who normally wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell. The exact same way some jackoff prosperous middle-class Russian named Vlad Lenin couldn't get anywhere unless he used the urban proletariat as a vector.

It's one of those things that once you fuck up, it's very hard to undo. Next time there's a dictatorship, hope that this will be on the agenda...

>"Women are not a resource, the womb is. The woman is an unfortunate parasite on the womb."

Could not have said it better myself

It will only get worse.

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