Well Jow Forums?

Well Jow Forums?

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im just waiting for my $1000 desu

Low quality shitpost, but I'm bored on a Saturday night, so fuck it: If this trend starts, they WILL go after not only lower income levels, but existing wealth.

didn't we have this same thread like 4 hours ago

Why would anyone want to make 10 million a year+ if that means 70% of it is taken by the government

Why would anyone that does make that money now want to live in a country like that in the first place instead of taking their business and capital elsewhere

Income tax is not the answer. Capital gains tax and tax in dividends being increased would be better. But that would upset some (((individuals)))

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>Taxing the rich is like anuda pearl harbor! I hate the liberal elite, guys, but hands off their billions!

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People who benefit from govt spending have an interest in derending it. Totaly doesnt work. Tue right cant mem.

>Tue right cant mem.
wat is meant b y this?

They'd just have to raise taxes on financial and capital transactions.

>We will use this tax money for free shit
>Millionaires all use tax avoidance schemes
>Never actually collect the money from millionaires
>Still give all the free shit away
>50k/yr person gets fucked

Seems legit

Did you have a stroke?

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How much time do you spend on Jow Forums?

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No, just Polish.

Maybe its because they know you secretly idolize rich people and will tax the middle class instead. I bet you beat your pets and get upset when they avoid you.

billionaire's don't simply allow themselves to get taxed at 70%. how naive are you?

>billionaire's don't simply allow themselves to get taxed at 70%. how naive are you?

lets say they entertained the thought of paying a ludicrous rate anyway, why not just say fk it i fire 90% my employees down size and make 9.5 mil. whats to stop them? then whos gona help all those laid off peoples?

How does increasing taxes help people who make $50k/yr???

Rich people don't pay taxes at all. In the end it's always the middle class that gets hit by taxes.
(((They))) want to destroy the middle class - and have done a great job so far - and prevent social mobility, they want you to stay a pleb.

>billionaires try to avoid 70% tax
>CIA has reach around the world into all banks
Kek, good luck trying to cheat America if we decide to come for your ill begotten wealth, we will get it.

Billionaires run the CIA

didn't think this through

That’s the reaction of hard working people losing their jobs. They have not yet enjoyed the limited but consistent monthly injection of EBT, section 8, and special social security. We can all live like losers.

iT's NoT lIkE iM a BoOtLiCkEr Or AnYtHiNg, I jUsT dOn'T lIkE tHe IdEa Of StEaLiNg WeAlTh

>he actually thinks the wealthy store their wealth in banks
Why is it not surprising that poor commietards are always financially illiterate? You will never get their wealth, just like you never got it when the tax rate was 90%. Why don't you try coming up with a less infantile solution to this country's problems.

>reddit meme
>thinks fighting against authoritarian overreach makes you a bootlicker
yeah go back

What incentive does somebody who managed to grow their business to that 10$ million line have to bust their ass and expand when more and more of their work every year just becomes "charity" taken at gunpoint to be handed to niggers? The "hurr marginal tax only super high incom durr" shit literally only benefits welfare queens, mexicans, and the established super wealthy who already don't pay taxes. All this will do is encourage those with fledgling corporations nowhere near the fortune 500 companies to hide their wealth and evade paying ANYTHING the same as the super wealthy. It'll ultimately drive a bunch of honest men to stagnate financially and in the long-run will lead to even LOWER pay-in from those making 10mil+. Nice bait though, I typed many words, 6/10.


There is no we in the CIA. They work for just about everyone but the people they're supposed to protect.

I'll add to this: sure makes you wonder (((who))) the leading names in legal tax evasion financial planning for the super rich are. Ultimately, it doesn't really benefit the coca cola company much that an up and coming drink company stagnates or decides to start moving their money around to avoid paying taxes. The REAL winner with this shit would be (((whoever))) is in the business of moving that money for the wealthy who won't be harmed by this.

> who managed to grow their business to that 10$ million line have to bust their ass and expand
> implying with non-competitive, monopolized/oligopolized industries like we have today, anyone in that income bracket busted their ass
There is no ass-busting involved any more user, that's theoretical models and maybe last century's reality. No-one who makes that much money today busted their ass, they were just born to the right family.

maybe it's cus dey be employed by big cumps that make that much money.. and so dey don't want dem cumponies leavin da cuntry

How many of the forbed top 10 richest individuals were born to the right family?

>wanting the government to have more money to work its evil
If you want to tax rich people 70% and then just destroy the money, fine. But I k how that you're planning on using it to fund shitskins and sluts. So I would rather have rich people keep the money.

Wait hol up
Feeling empathy for other people?
of course liberals are against it

>they were just born to the right family.
>source: my feels

>There is no ass-busting involved any more
So what do you make now? 30mil, 40mil a year? It's so easy you must be loaded.
>but it t-takes money to m-make money...
Most lotto jackpot winners wind up broke and in in more debt than before they won. Damn near every single one has a financial planner on-board to "grow their money" lazily. Have you ever written up a spreadsheet to track quarterly profits and losses, mockup various scenarios before making a move to expand or advertise a specific way, really broken down which specific products or services are your money makers/which are actually financial drags? That shit is vexing. It wears you right the fuck out and it's NONSTOP not something you do once a month or a couple times a week. A business, even a tiny one with relatively little complexity to it, is a complex thing. That's why the vast majority fail. Even getting up to tens of millions in profit a year you can't lay back and let it "run itself" ever, doesn't matter what your model is, you fry your brain and destroy your body slumped over a keyboard worrying over the tiniest details.
Unless you're the founder of some absurd money maker that's well beyond the 10mil mark. Which is my point.

Will income that's reinvested be taxable? If so, then you're pulling money straight out of the economy, not rich people's personal budgets. If not, then you'll receive less tax revenue then you are now.

>t. business student
Haven't even dug deep into that shit yet. It's mostly been office management software. Excel is a filthy fucking bitch but she makes the world go round.

>you'll receive less tax revenue then you are now
That's really the important takeaway. All this would do is encourage literally everybody above that 10mil mark to start playing loopholes/hiding their earnings so as to pay NOTHING.
Nobody is going to go "well hmm guess I'm making 13mil this year instead of 20" or "I'm gonna move SOME of my money around but not so much I don't pay in as much as I did before" or some shit. There'll be a fuckton of "yeah, this Greenblattenbergenstein fella only wants 10% and I won't give up a dime more. Easy decision."

It's just more of the same "people who don't understand basic economics/think everybody is selfless and altruistic at heart demand their fantasyland bullshit be legislated" that's chipping away at what little stability we have left. I could rant for a fucking hour on this, it's just at the root of so much fucked up shit and it gets worse every year because nobody is slapping these children and telling them to shut their cocksuckers and let the men talk politics.

>how to make everyone who makes >10million a year leave the country
Great plan!

Lmao, you invited me here in the election, I'm NEVER going back, we Jow Forums now

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who does make over 10m a year?

Yes and only people who have nothing, are unskilled, poor, fat and ugly want to tzke things from others

> 8-figure-seatfillers are the same thing as multibillionaires
I'd say half of them by the way. At least. Unless you're born into approval by the right people, there is no way to make it.

> he can't tell a corporate welfare system where all industry 'competitors' are set in stone and can never change apart from the meritocratic capitalist system he wishes it was
Everyone who makes that much money, even if they put actual effort in to get there, only gets there because he was allowed to by legal firms and industry watchdogs who act as gatekeepers for wealth towards people. Unless you were born with the right connections, you will never make it that far, no matter how much work you put in.
Funny enough I was where you were once. Which is why I can tell you right now you will not make it. Unless everyone in your family is rich as it is, I can already tell you that you will not be allowed to succeed. Something will always get in the way. Somehow there always be lawyers or gov officials confusingly eager to take you down. It will make no sense to you, why that fixation on you is there, why they're so angry. They won't be people you know or wronged. It won't make sense to you, even if you put yourself in their shoes. At first at least. But you won't be able to help but to notice. You won't be told why it's happening. If you try bringing it up, you will only be met with denial.
You have been warned here.

you just going to drive wealth out of your country

You just tax/tariff the shit out of foreign companies operating in your land. So it is either stay and pay, or gtfo. Btw, everyone is already operating from offshore, and does not pay taxes at all, like Amazon, so it is more like show off for voters.

Come on

An individual should not be punished for being successful. An individual does not have any sort of "right" to money unearned. Taxation of the elite is literally taking money from those who earned it and giving it to those who don't deserve it.

>you will never make it that far, no matter how much work you put in
You're ignoring the point multiple people have made and keep making: even from a purely socialist viewpoint, this is retarded. Even if you BELIEVE shaniqua and her six gran'churns, that she be raisin' cause dey daddy in lockup and dey momma went with jesus after smoking a bad batch of rock, are entitled to the majority of large business earnings, assuming you don't care that it's out-and-out marxist bullshit; you don't want this tax. Because it means less money being paid in as there's literally no reason anybody making that much would rather be robbed blind than just have a company move his assets/make donations here and there/etc so he avoids it.
The only people that get any kind of benefit from this shit are the jews who are in the business of legal corporate tax evasion as a service. Everybody else, across the board, loses. As is the case with all socialist policies: the only ones benefiting are the tiny handful of already loaded af people who astroturfed the bullshit in question to begin with.

More taxes for the wealthy will make the wealthy leave.

Youre talking about the innovators, infrastructure upholders & job creators

I would be screeching too if my 50k job was being relocated to Asia because the owners of the company deemed it more viable

They would have fired them anyway if they could. Lower volume of supply without increasing cost = open up space for new business.

IMF a shit

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>is this permanent?
It's cuckchan nu/pol/ user. Just a place to train people who are going to move onto normie sites and astroturf shit.
The one upside is you can often say "somebody tried to kike me with this before it was trendy" when some fresh hell hits the mainstream.

I think it's a plumbing reference.

The super rich elite will never suffer personally from taxation and none of them would pay taxes at all if it didn't get them political leverage and bragging rights from having some transparent businesses. The reason middle income earners get mad is because they will suffer. The mega rich (the people who employ middle income earners), when faced with ridiculous levels of taxation will just move assets and accounts offshore (remember the pancake papers) and scale back domestic projects to make it seem legit.

So the rich don't suffer because they've already got a workaround and the poor don't suffer because the government has already promised gibs, it's everyone in the middle that gets squeezed.

I dispute that. I don't think they would abandon America, in large numbers. Maybe a dozen, but I find it hard to believe so many would leave. There isn't a better market to sell garbage to than the U.S. They could go somewhere else, but where? A Euro country? They also have high taxes do they not? Dubai? Would many of them want to live in such a hostile, unstable, unfamiliar region? I'm not sure they have anywhere better to go, even with a 70% tax rate. Even billionaires have other billionaire friends, would they be willing to leave them and everything they know and be okay with it? I'm not sure. I do know we'll never find out unless we actually do it though (we won't, don't kid yourself commies).

Thats what management does - planning, strategies, risk management. Owners just enjoy life and meet at expensive resorts with other owners.

Take notes everyone. Good place to /thread

Them leaving isn't the issue, no. It's just that they won't pay the new extortionist rate and, while they're already exploiting loopholes/moving their money, why pay anything at all? This is being sold as "a marginal tax on the rich" but it's actually a government incentive to tax evasion.

It's on income over 10 million. And that's kind of the point. People wouldn't want to keep working after they hit that 10 million mark so companies would have to spread the money around.

why doesnt the government address the causes of massive income disparities instead of leaving the lopsided rules in place and then trying to profit off of it after the fact? it creates massive barriers to entry that results in significant market consolidation, then tries to sell us a (((fix))) for the bloated incomes this consolidation creates by reaping big profits off of the incomes

hobo room-temperature IQ planning there. scummy shit that everyone sees right thru

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But they tax evade already.

I agree, class cucks are just as pathetic as racial cuckolds like yourself.

>he doesn’t understand a post making fun of the tax

Jow Forums loves getting cucked by the rich (at least 70% of which are not Jews BTW).

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Only when it's cheaper to do so than to just pay. "tax evasion" isn't something the CEO of Mattel does in his study while smoking a giant cigar. It's a service you pay for. If it's cheaper to pay for that service than to pay your taxes, the choice is easy. Currently it's typically cheaper to just file and pay in like everybody else, even if you make 30mil a year or some shit. This marginal tax would change that for a lot of people.

what are you defining the rich as?

Worth noting that "tax evasion" is only a crime when you don't pay the right (((people))) to do it for you. It may surprise you to learn that modern tax law is largely a product of very targeted, very expensive lobbying in favor of a tiny handful of people.

Totally fine.

liberals that wants to heavily tax the rich are the girls, who demands that their siblings toys should also be broken if the break their new doll

It means most people, even the poorer, are good and rational. Everyone would like more money, but there is not justification for taking the majority of someones income just because they are more successful.

>fk it i fire 90% my employees down size and make 9.5 mi

It's funny because even after all the tax cuts all the big companies and corporations got, they still laid off most of their employees anyways and used the tax cuts to give their top brackets in the businesses big bonus payouts.

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Not even lolbert shit. It really shows the colors of a large chunk of the population when you see the "well it's not MY money being taken. Sheeeeit imma probs get me some of that money an buy some fresh jays nigga" comments all over the topic. Ask a pack of wolves if they think it's okay to maul a sheep, you won't find a single wolf who'd argue against it. The sheep would vote no, but democracy n sheeit, so...

"The 550 US billionaires together are worth $2.5 trillion. If we confiscated 100% of their wealth, we'd raise enough to run the federal government for less than 8 months.

Perhaps our problem isn't how much billionaires have but how much politicians spend." - Economist Antony Davis

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>they WILL go after not only lower income levels, but existing wealth.
The existing wealth is the thing. You have shitheads like Warren Buffet lamenting that he doesn't pay enough taxes, but. . . that motherfucker doesn't get a salary or an hourly paycheck, so he wouldn't be affected one bit by any change in payroll taxes. He is solely affected by corporate gains taxes, as are all the fucking elites crying for higher taxes.

God damnit we need a lot more rope!

It's almost as if people ruthless enough to get that wealthy care about profits more than people they've never met. But surely they'll happily pay a much higher rate if asked to, they wouldn't opt to pay basically nothing and play the system at all no sir.

No, no user. What we need, obviously, is millions more under the table workers and more social programs being paid for almost entirely by the middle class. Stop being a bad goy and embrace progress.

That's why you punish the corporations who cheat the system, user.

Who's cheating the system? If you make enough that this proposed marginal tax hike would be aimed at you, you're wealthy enough to legally avoid paying it. It's just feel-good legislation at best and the result of some hefty bribery if it should pass. Why don't we punish those who employ illegals to cut costs at the expense of citizens? Because they tend to be the people with money, and politicians always look out for number one. Number one is never me or you.

Cut back on the rubbing alcohol.

or maybe we could stop spending 100 billion a year on 3rd world shit holes, humvee parts that are thrown straight into the trash because the pentagon is too lazy to update the auto-order program, and welfare for illegal aliens.
maybe then we wouldnt need so many fucking taxes

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Well, maybe because they want to keep their jobs not have them outsourced to China?

What we need is a minimum tax rate of say 20% for individuals and corporations, exclusive of all rebates. And rigorous oversight of rorts of the system, including false bankruptcies.'Global' companies need to pay tax in the jurisdiction they made the money in.

Then youll be poor.

Then confiscate their wealth. Easy.

Taxation is immoral theft


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"What's wrong with compound interest? I ain't got no outstanding loans?"

If they stop earning a billion, even at 90 percent they are losing 100 million. Who in their right mind would do this? Not your average 'globalist'

Why not do both?

No it isn't. The government/central bank issue the notes, they own them in fact. Note currency is a sort of promissory note issued by the institution that issued them.

They even print who really owns them at the top of each bill.

>We cant tax the saint billionaires otherwise theyll get offended and stop making money! That will totaly happen guys, we must cherish the sacred super rich paragons and pretend the problem are the other poor people
Classic capitalist d&c the poor while the rich have more money than small states.

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I wonder who could be behind such 'arguments'

"He is not a saint so we should steal from him."

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not a capitalist greedy kike like yourself

If you dont make 1 000 000 a year and you shill for the rich you are nothing than a mental nigger serf, sebek