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Would you be willing to die for your country?

Would you be willing to die for your country?

Attached: DieForMeGoy.jpg (670x489, 76K)

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What is the backstory to this photo? I always see it but never any context.

Anyone who would die for any currently existing nation aside for Japan should be thrown into the ovens with all the other juden

MY country, yes. The idea of my country yes. In an army of snakes that is the Clinton foundation? No. For the Jews, in behest of Israel? No. For the sake of a free sovereign nation, for the people of the people, yes. Not for all the sudden influx of fucking migrants that just popped up, no, they're not the people, they're political tools, and they will die.

I have no country.

My country's already dead.

I would never die for this jewish controlled corrupt monster of a nation

I have no nation.

I'd be willing to fight and win for my country. When it comes to matters of the homeland, failure is not an option. Death is failure.

Attached: torni.jpg (220x322, 16K)

Imagine spending $770 billion a year on a military but not be able to stop millions of people from walking into your country.