Have you taken the Transhumanist Honk Pill yet Jow Forums?

This world is fucked. I've given all hope that things will change for the better. The future that awaits us and our children is worse than what's happening in Venezuela. Way way worse. The horrors that awaits us if this country becomes a socialist country are unspeakable of. I'd rather personally not even think about it. Soon, the country that you love and that you grew in will be filled with hordes of brainlet brown people that want nothing more than to be ruled by ruthless corporate masters. An obedient, docile and stupid underclass, like pictured in the most dystopian movies that you grew up watching. This is the future that they want. And this is the future that they will get. We can't fight them. They are in control of this reality.

Corporations are taking this world over. Powerful companies such as Google, Apple and Microsoft, with the help of our own government, are becoming our new overlords and no one is stopping them. They control the flow of information, they control your data and your life. The Cyberpunk future that was envisioned by the luminaries of the 80's is slowly becoming a reality and you and I won't be able to escape it. We will never reach the stars. We will never colonize other worlds. Our only option is to colonize virtual worlds. Once the technology becomes widely available, will you transfer your consciousness in a robot or the matrix at the first chance that you have to do so, to escape this clown world? How are you preparing yourself for this inevitable future Jow Forums?

It's time to get out of here. Billions of virtual worlds are waiting for us. Take my hand and join me. Even Estee Lauder is onboard and leading the way with subtle predictive programming campaigns, preparing all white for this better future.

Take the Transhumanist Honk pill Jow Forums and say Goodbye to this cruel, ugly and imperfect world. It's time to fuse our future with the machines so that we can finally reach the stars.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Transhumanism: Liberalism is magic.

CyberWhite. I like it. It has as "Je Ne Sais Quoi" vibe. Very catchy.

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shut the fuck up you rambling inane fucking lunatic.

guillotine. bring back the guillotine. town square.


>Take my hand and join me.

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been taking the literal red transhumanist pills user.
8 years and counting

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Care to expand on that? Are you referring to the "de Grey" protocol?

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If any of you are serious about this, this is the way to go. Take care of yourself. Don't drink, don't smoke, do sport. Anyone that is about 40 years old now, will live long enough to benefit from this. Immortality is just within reach.

been experimenting with Nootropics for 10+ years, on a static stack () for 8 years now. I use it primarily to give me an edge in life. And the evidence is there right infront of me that it works. I do experiment with other noots and supplements here and there, but nowhere as far as a lab animal like Grey or Kurzweil who practically chonk on a fist full of pills every 3 hours. Also add proper a sleep routine, sleep hygiene, exercise (HiiT - Weights), meditation, socialization, healthy sex relations and balanced diet. Had some Microdosing experiments (LSD and Psilocybin) and soon looking to enter a trial for a tDCS study in my area. Like a sperg I track practically everything and try to tweak my health according to it.

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Consider adding anti-fungal supplements to your regiment. People tend to underestimate how damaging fungal species are to the human body. Science is slowly catching up (but not fast enough). This is my advice to you if you want to cover all bases. Research it and you will understand what I am talking about.

My body was ready for this since the moment I was born and before even that

The truth is

I don't care about any of you

or the white race

or this universe

or reality

you can all just piss off and eat shit and die

all I want is my own private reality where I can exist how I choose

OP have you read The Singularity is Near?

(inb4 "it's written by a goddamn jew!")

That thing is basically my holy bible.

>And despite all of this, I'm still a retard. What do?

Agree, with the recent Candida outbreaks I have been looking into that quite specifically.

I do take OTC Probiotics (VSL-3 / Casei) as part of my diet regiment. But research and trials into supplements with known anti-fungal properties (e.g methylene blue) is rather sparce. I'll wait a few more years unless I find some better researched chems.

Should have seen how much of a retard I was 8 years ago.

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>Agree, with the recent Candida outbreaks

You should. Invasive fungal species are at the root of most major illnesses that our species is plagued by. The science community has been fighting hard against some very controversial findings on the subject. But my intuition tells me that there's something going on there. I was really annoyed to read some recent articles about this new "strain" of bacteria. Fungus are not bacteria. They belong to the animal realm. So much disinformation going around, it's alarming.

What Is the Difference Between Fungus and Bacteria?


Deadly germs, Lost cures: A Mysterious Infection, Spanning the Globe in a Climate of Secrecy


C. auris is a fungal type organism. It's not a bacterial infection. I find it very alarming that such misinformation is in the mainstream news. Antibiotics don't kill fungus.

>But research and trials into supplements with known anti-fungal properties


Do some research, and you will understand. Don't dismiss anything and draw your own conclusions. You know the drill.

I wouldn't worry too much about fungals like Auris Candida. It is really only a danger to the very young/old and people with compromised immune systems.
You mention a plethora of supplements you are taking, but you don't mention your environmental conditions? If Candida evolves to be able to take down healthy individuals, all the pills in the world won't save you if you're constantly around other people. I live in the countryside, I have limited interactions with people. In the case of an outbreak of a contagion, it will be the herds in the cities who will bare the brunt of the disease. And good riddance.


Is the list long enough for you? Now you can add Cancer to it. But that's controversial. Science will catch on eventually. It's infuriating to see how hard they try to avoid the subject. If you ever wanted a controversy about Big Pharma, that would be a good one.

You will all end up like pic related.

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>trusting the modern world to unfuck the modern world

yeah no

They won't care. The ultimate containment board is a virtual reality world that runs in parallel to this world. If you live in this parallel world, you won't be a threat anymore to reality 1.0.

Welcome to the CyberWhite world user! Your own and very personal virtual ethnostate. Where all your fantasies will become true.

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"Uploading" is just copying. I will freeze myself, maybe plastinate myself when I die, but beyond that, we have very limited technology to stop the degradation of cells in our body. We would simply have to master nano scale technologies to be even able to begin to work on the problems that involve rebuilding the human body, and that's assuming that we will be able to prevent information-theoretical death from preserving the structure of the body at that level.

There is not much you can do at this point, except, diet, exercise, get plenty of sleep, make good friends - just everything you need to live as long as possible.

We should work on getting the country to recognize laws that favor transhumanism as an Option for people to choose, like for example, when you die, making sure that your handlers are aware that you want to be frozen and not buried. One girl died recently and because her handlers were ignorant of her deal with Alcor, she was cremated instead.

But yeah, at this point the best you can do is change the laws and raise awareness, like even if you had to make it a "religious preference". But beyond that, unless you are building nano-technologies full on Drexel style, your not going to be contributing much.

>One girl died recently and because her handlers were ignorant of her deal with Alcor, she was cremated instead.

This is horrible. Are you planning to use their services user?

Any sauce on that?

>dead person is now dead forever


The whole "uploading" yourself somewhere is a meme. You would just end up creating a copy of yourself.


Looks like it's the family's fault. What a bunch of retards.

"However, despite the efforts of Homeyer and the subsequent efforts of Dr. Jordan Sparks of Oregon Cryonics to advocate for the cryopreservation, Danielle Baker was cremated. Istvan, in his Quartz article of February 22, 2019, wrote that “despite the major parties knowing about the cryonics contract and Document of Gift, Baker’s family pushed for the cremation, which then was carried out by the coroner via a funeral home three days later.”

"We should work on getting the country to recognize laws that favor transhumanism as an Option for people to choose, like for example, when you die, making sure that your handlers are aware that you want to be frozen and not buried."

I don't see that happening anytime soon unfortunately. We're still debating about organ donation.

Interesting. You got any advice on how to learn more efficiently?

To answer your question, yes, Alcor has been in the business since 1969 and I don't see anyone offering a better service, but I'll have to think about that as time goes on because they've lost patients in the past due to oversight. They have been making slight improvements over the years and it is encouraging.

I would love to start my own cryonics company, and I had an idea of preserving patients in the polar regions of the earth where it is cold, and keeping them deep underground in the ice, but that is really the stuff of billion/millionaires.

But anyways we are talking about the future, and freezing ourselves is a technology that we will always have I feel but now we need to ask, what are we going to do and/or believe in the meantime? For me, being pro-White is about two things 1) Contrarianism - White people are the oppressed group of our time 2) Stability - White people are the masters of civilization and without them, our chance of reaching trans-humanistic goals decreases. I amboth selfish, but also selfless in my ideals, based on these two reasons.

I'm in.

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What about the Moravec Transfer? Neurogenesis is a real thing that happens in the adult brain even in advanced stage, and as such you could replace gradually your brain neuron cells with artificial ones. The transformation into a digital being is definitly more tricky, even for neural replacement we need to fully understand how neurogenesis operates and occurs.

I agree that creating a copy of your mind isn't "uploading" yourself into a posthuman status but its not the only possible way for digital transformation.
One could use external hardware and software connected directly and indirectly to one's brain to allow a slow transfer of brain functions to external databases
This means one "outsources" much of one's mentality and memory storage to external substrates which were separate from the sophont's own brain, until finally most of the sophont's thoughts, perceptions, memories, identity, etc. take place outside and away from the mass of grey matter the sophont initially came equipped with. The external hardware which gradually comes to hold more and more of the individual's personality is known as the exocortex, while the software which runs on this equipment is known as the Exoself. It could be possible to transfer bi-directionally most of a biont's extended consciousness by this method, since many of the most competent processes of intellect now occur outside the skull in the exocortex.
This method would be very complicated to realize because you would have to revist every singular part of your mind in a total manner, such a task can only be accomplished if you have total self-awareness (autosentience) which requires a neural gradual replacement prior. It's also similiar to the neuron replacment, the difference is that the neuron would be virtual.

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Get out of here you kike

Start slow with a combination of L-Theanine and Caffeine. Cheapest combo, well researched helps with learning, cognition and anxiety. If you feel that works for you then move on to Racetams (Piracetam being the most researched one), you will need to take Choline/Fish-oil to aid absorption. Piracetam boosts long term cognition, but you will have to take it long term. Aniracetam is good too. The comparison I like to make is: Piracetam aids logic and reasoning, while Aniracetam aids creativity and learning (brain plasticity). You can take both at once or an entire stack of 10 racetams (many people do), but start out slow, don't immediately build a stack and take 10+ supplements out of the door.

You can find most of the info you'll ever need on:

> longecity.org/forum/
> examine.com/
> old.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/

Don't take any of the newer stuff that has come out in the past 5-10 years, unless you want to be a part of the random online n=500 trial who develop all kinds of symptoms from taking badly understood chemicals. Methylene blue is sold as fucking fish food and people were taking it daily. There was one guy on longecity who basically fried part of his brain when the early tDCS kits came out. A few weeks later he stopped posting after being one of the most active members....kek. If you also take any other drugs, google for interactions as well. The only reason I take a benzo (Valium/Diazepam) is because it metabolizes into Nordiazepam through Modafinils inhibitors (CYP2C19). For me, that is a good outcome, but there are many bad cross interactions and enzymes which block metabolization. Its pretty easy to google and find out though.

Also, proper diet, sleep and exercise beats any Nootropic stack.
Get that in order first if you have not yet, then Noots are a fucking super charge for your life, believe me.

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Thanks for the info dutch bro

>Once the technology becomes widely available, will you transfer your consciousness in a robot or the matrix at the first chance that you have to do so, to escape this clown world?
and what makes you think YOU get to do this?
you (or perhaps your offspring, assuming you will even have any) will be culled like the rest of the unnecessary society as technology makes most of human labor obsolete.

Colgate forgot to add that it is imperative that you take all supplements rectally. This is really important. DO NOT SKIP THIS PART OF THE PROGRAM.

>We will never reach the stars. We will never colonize other worlds.
With this I disagree, H-3, Platinum and Space Factories will be built if it Fusion Reactors work out.

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Maybe actually go to the moon first. See if that works. Baby steps.

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>brainwashed npcs: we will live forever!
>reality: this pic

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Seriously, learn to code and become one of the rising oligarchy while automation takes everyone else's jobs. Then you're free to take whatever wenches reside in your vassal.

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>Have you taken the Transhumanist Honk Pill yet Jow Forums?
Yes, I had.

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The thing is, if you don't #LearnToCode, you won't be able to afford as gynoid sex slave on your Universal Basic Income.

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dramatic horseshit, you forgot a square for dramatic horseshit. Wait, they are all drama queen faggotry, grow up.

The Global Corporate Congress will accidentally send one of their agents in the past and she'll end up working toward their destruction.
She should get here any day now.

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>become one of the rising oligarchy
Uh-huh. Cuz coders aren't replaceable and have done so well the past 20 years. Most coders don't even have kids.

listen closet homo, you don't even know what consciousness IS. Talking about transplanting brain signals and, jesus fuck. Idiots.

YOU'RE FUCKED, okay. JUST DO THE BRAIN CELL REPLACEMENT. Fuck of. It will work, it's not a copy. Just do it slow, slow enough for the observer to adjust to it. If it gains the delusion of absolute identity, the human spirit will shift into the machine bits. But they must be representative of real human neurons.

Expect disaster later on. The body dies for a damn good reason. The human spirit does not want to remain here, and you have not seen the beginnings of pain, warped torture and horror until you're in a world filled with spirits screaming for death but finding none.

it's called Hell, actually. where the worm dieth not. And you're building it.

I'm talking REALITY WARPING shit gentlemen. You ever see those really fucked up imaginative horror flicks? The good ones with the great makup and gore'o'plenty. Demons from hell, but for real.

Yep. You're signing up for levels of pain and fear I literally cannot communicate. I can't even imagine it completely, only enough to know I'm wasting my time typing about it. Beyond description

Just learn Haskell and all will be fine. Within the next decade 90% of Haskell devs will die off or reach retirement age.

>Transhumanist Honk Pill
>Honk Pill
>Transhumanist Honk Pill yet Jow Forums?

fuck you kike

lol, those do not work. Some may even make you age faster.

still happy with my placebo then memeflag fag.

pity for you that the anarchist capitalism leads to a society governed by so many fiefdoms and since it is based on the barter the search will be less efficient

at least if we were only in anarchy (not capitalist or communist) there could be some free science people working for the work itself in a few words of science enthusiasts people

love faggots who think anything not heartily recommended by their national college of surgeons and physicians is placebo. these faggots will have 10 years of university and be afraid to do any reckoning themselves. Pump them full of statins while they avoid egg yolks.

currently we are run by governments, most of those things are due to the government - privates

for this reason there are the great companies of the world to cooperate, if there will be anarcho capitalism you have to produce to have and this you have to do following the tastes of most people, therefore there cannot be cures for rare diseases and the first interventions of body exchange, the solution therefore is anarchy for free men

There is still a case for entity type sovereigns. People or smaller groups which can achieve the digital status equivalent of a nation state. Crypto-anarchism is a one path which leads there. Just like you can get a think-thank together to start a revolution, you can get a group of amped up robot transhumanist coders and followers with passion and dedication together, and start one; over and over again, in all possible directions at once. Anarchism definitely is freedom, but Transhumanism is slowly arriving, and it also needs its Freedom.

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Can you be more precise on the real effects you have experienced from your stack ? Any visible improvement in memory /learning / motivation than previously ?
What do you feel has the most effect amongts these ?

the most notable effect has been with Aniracetam + Alpha GPC. I tried many other Racetams before too. With Aniracetam I am a lot more fluent, words just come out of my mouth like a natural stream of water. I recall antonyms or synonyms of words before I even think about them. And I use a lot of broader vocabulary (even in my second language). My conversational skills have really improved. Probably still sound like a faggot.

L-Theanine cuts off the edges from my caffeine use. I am no longer jittery and I can focus a lot better. When I go boxing and smoke CBD it feels like I am executing moves as in a video game, but it feels like reality. I am sparring with a partner who is on my own level, but there is such a huge difference in me on noots and off noots when sparring. That advantage is felt with CBD capsules too, but not too that degree, mostly spread out over the day though. And well Modafinil, its like a turbocharger, when I suddenly need more attention span, reaction time or strength. Until then, its just sitting there, making me feel nothing except keep me from getting tired before 9pm.

Always on and off noots, normally I cycle on 3-6 months then spend a the rest of the year in strict keto or paleo diet.
I do always take vitamins, omega and probiotics. And I definitely notice the differences between being on and off noots.
Also know how to tweak my stack when things feel a little off. (More D3 in the winter to help with seasonal depression..etc).

> Anecdotes

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and the only reason I cycle (other than being dutch). Is because my entire stack along with healthy food, boxing classes and a gym membership is pretty expensive. VSL-3 dosed properly, alone sits at 6 EUR per day. Takes some money to be a transhumanist. Hoping for that promotion from Mr.Shekelberg soon. Gotta peace out now.

while in a hypothetical future you will work for an unpleasant person to allow you to have a thing, me I get it by working for the same thing

I therefore choose the blue and black ball without the other three

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Only the ignorant put a limit on knowledge. Technology is of man and man is holy. All that we create brings us closer to Point Omega. Knowledge stretches us beyond the Demiurge’s prison of air and stone.
The universe is fated to ascend towards a final point of divine unification.
God put us on Earth in His own all-powerful image. This means that not only should we transform Earth as we see fit, but that we should do our best to emulate God as well. This was shown to us by the existence of Jesus who was both Man and God. He manipulated his environment to serve humanity (water into wine, loaves and fishes, healing the sick). Eventually, he left humanity behind and ascended beyond physical existence. We should do our best to live up to his example. God gave us intelligent minds for a reason, and that was so we could create technology which we shall use to become as Him. He waits for us to join Him in an existence beyond this one. To do this, we will need to shed our basic forms while maintaining our elemental soul. That is, we must maintain our intelligence and our love for God and each other. This is the only way we can prove our faith.
The real transhumanism is taking on the full image of the resurrected Jesus Christ. One of the biggest lies that people believe is that heaven is for when you die. It couldn’t be further from the truth. The kingdom of heaven is ‘at hand’ - meaning it is a realm that you can access while living. When you access that realm, you can manifest it here in the earth realm. That is what Jesus did his whole life. He lived out of the kingdom and only did what he saw the father do. If Jesus is the perfect example for mankind and he transcended his physical body, then so should you and I. We should be able to do everything that Jesus did. Everything. And greater. True transhumanism is transcending the limitations of sin nature by taking on the full image of Jesus Christ, becoming a god-like one.

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Gene augmentation is still transhumanism.

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FOOLS! IGNORANT FOOLS! genetic engineering is around the corner. Artificial wombs are around the corner. Its never been cheaper to own the prototypes either. You want to continue your race? You can. Amass wealth and bide your time. That's what I'm doing. I will build my Homo Superiors and they will be free of us inferiors for they will be better than us in every way and will see us as animals. That is transhumanism friends. Not this drivel.

FURTHERMORE! THE MACHINE GOD SAVES ALL WHO ASK OF IT! you do not need to keep your bodies from breaking down to save yourselves. Periodically flooding the brain with stem cells, cleaning the blood, and replacing organs and tissues with cloned or mechanical varients are enough to keep you shambling along.

Praise the Omnissiah! To fail is to be flesh only metal endures.

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This one was better without the bottom text

It’s probably Ivanka

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The only widespread use of transhumanism so far is gangstalking:


Transhumanism sounds fun desu.

It is.