Everywhere I go south of Seattle. Seatac, Des Moines, Burien, Kent, Auburn, I see nothing but spics, niggers, and pajeets. The fuck is going on? Whites are a minority. We must do something!!
Also Washington thread i guess.
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I'm visiting my uncle in Redmond and have the same thoughts daily. Every time we go to Costco I feel like I'm in an airport or something.
I saw a White guy working in the tire shop of Costco doing an oil change or something on a Pajeet's Mercedes and that just burned me up.
It's such the inverse of how things should be in a formerly White society. I don't know how to fix it but I feel your pain user.
You can do something about it.
unironically, learn to code
U mad wytboi?
i'm glad I don't live there, I don't want to be around people like you.
Whites becoming a minority is a myth user.
Here is what is going on and literally how it has been for a century.
All the shitskins flock to the cities because they're subhuman retards with low IQs that need the jews to take care of them.
White people flock to the countryside and small towns/cities where they can be amongst their kin and have a say in their local government.
Metropolises and big cities exist to consolidate human resources, shitskins are NPCs so they're perfect for wage slavery and being used as pawns by the "cabal".
Take this to mind when you think about a civil war/race war.
They have:
More numbers, the military, huge cities, jews and soon to be robots.
However ...
We have:
Weaponized autism, Japan, our anime waifus, true human ingenuity and intelligence, God, nature and all that is holy and light.
Arent you guys just hiding away?
A mechanics job is a manly job and nothing to be looked down upon. That pajeet probably works in IT sitting in front of a computer all day long and has no real life skills. In case of a global fuck up like ww3 or something he will be completely useless whereas the mechanic would be fixing humvees and tanks and shit
What do you mean by hiding away? Members keep their association with the NA private for obvious reasons. Right now we are focusing on migrating people and building an infrastructure for whites. None of that really requires public demonstrations, you'd expect from other groups.
I live in Renton with a bunch of proud white men. Come hangout with us.
My job and all my belongings are in the city. Wouldn't I taking a risk by being out in the country? However will a white woman be provided?
Sounds kinda gay user.
VANCOUVER is still mostly white. And quite based.
You're not invited to the orgy.
>Wouldn't I taking a risk by being out in the country?
We aren't interested in building some compound in the middle of nowhere. You can be a member and live anywhere in the PNW. I live in an urban liberal shithole as well. I stay because it is most practical. Whatever helps you gather resources and network works with us.
>However will a white woman be provided?
You're going to have to get one yourself. Part of being a man. There are female members though...
But will we take back the city at some point? I am getting to the point where i will take matters into my own hands
Absolutely, but the first priority right now is raising white families. You can't do that in places like Seattle. It's in our best interest to use urban areas to get established and then move to less compromised areas. The cities will continue to deteriorate and we will move in and pick up the pieces when we have the numbers.
Work as a contractor handyman under the table for all the pajeet and paki coderfags, they pay me 50 dollars an hour to screw in their lightbulbs and flip their tripped breakers in their fuse box, for how smart they want to seem to be, most of them are still fucking retarded.
What do? Who cares. seattle decided it wants to be like san francisco weak men allowed this.
>Living in Seattle
>Going south of Seattle
How many overdosed homeless people do you pass on your way out of Seattle on average??
I want to believe
Oh and just a shot in the dark.... you’re a white guy with the stinky unwashed dread things for hair right...
>Jow Forums still hasn't discovered that Indian get no interest loans from the government that they recycle with family members every 7 years
you mad you don't got a scam whiteboi?
I am a bit more intrigued now.
Too many to count. I work at the airport and homeless people numbers are growing quick in this area.
You are right about the white guy
There are millions of people who want an ethnostate. It's going to happen. The only choice you really have is whether or not you'll lead today or follow tomorrow.
If you have any questions for us, consider joining our riot gateway: riot.im
Make sure the account you make is anonymous and take any measures necessary to protect your identity.
Is this a honeypot?
You're not familiar with Riot? Look it up pleb.
hey faggot. shut up. your in a liberal faggot shit hole tranny Heroin addicted HOMELESS filled place. Where the cops dont arrest people who shoot heroin at bus stops in the middle of the fucking day.
Hey faggot cock sucker, why are you complainiong? you voted for al this faggot shit. Now lay down in your future and shut the fuck up faggot. And dont move anywhere else because your faggot ass will just ruin wherver you go to.
based tenino here. ama
Is it fun living down there? Because the drive from Olympia to Portland sucks.
It’s an Asian colony.
>take measure to protect your identity
weird flex
Hey listen here you fucking idiot. I did not vote for these faggots. Of course alot of the whites that live here are guilty white privilage assholes that clearly do not mind getting replaced
I like it a lot. Small town, completely red, and lots of beautiful greenery in the area. Only problem is the meth heads, but I've honestly never had a run-in with them. (but bear in mind, I've only lived in WA for 8 years, and tenino for 3. the first 18 years of my life being in the hell that is california, so anything is better than that)
He might be referring to Vancouver WA.
still the same answer. It's portland lite
You'd be surprised how many retards share names and pictures of themselves. It's the main reason why so many people have been doxxed.
move to Snohomish county op...only some burritos here...they just do landscaping & condo construction, so you might be outta luck if those are your trades...bretty white still....no niggers.lots of aerospace opportunity . fresh air & no tent camps or open faggoty
Seems like the state had ambitions for the region with the nuclear plant and roads. Then logging went under.
I'm considering buying land down there in the future. South of Olympia North of Vancouver is one of the last affordable places in Western Washington and I love the climate. See you soon neighbor.
Fuck towards Grays Harbor its a mix between Rednecks and Mexicans. We created a crossbreed for redneck Mexicans
calm the fuk down faggot...where are you livin that's so comfy?
You just don't understand what it's like living in a big city. There is no personal responsibility. Only the mob.
Yeah been up that way quite a few times. It is much nicer even if it is heavy liberal. I am afraid though the area will eventually give in to diversity.
How the fuck did that even happen user?
>this place that is crawling with Filipinos is your home, white man!
You’re pathetic and delusional.
Come to longview.
White as fuck if you got the coin
Is that who you're scared of now? Filipinos? What a great aryan warrior you are.
There are good farm folk here….met a lot of 2nd amendment types, and bsides a growing mexi fry colony, I really enjoy the culture. Been here for 3 years…spent the last 15 yrz in seattle, so I feel your frustrations user. Bless you where ever you may go. Don’t get too dismayed…if you HAVE to work in Seattle move up to north of Lake Wash & commute…get some little plot of land and only hang out for some Pahliaccu pizzah…god speed
I’m not the one hiding in his secret fag club
I went to mark morris...lol
*pagliachi? kek
Born and raised in federal way. Fw used to be almost all white. When I graduated Decatur I the early 90s we had like 3 black students and a couple asians. Never seen a mexican ever. Now that area is flooded with minorities and the east side of tacoma is 100 percent mexico. How the fuck? FW used to be upper middle class where even most white people couldn't afford it....now it's trash. I moved away 15 years ago and get sick every time I go back and see the area. Washington is fucking dead.