Daily Reminder

We're all gonna make it bros

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We will have to suffer much until that moment but of course we will

Struggle we will, but that is the nature of this world
We must fight
We must win

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That bird is Amon Ra and that black sun symbol is the symbol for inner earth - Vril. Look up Donald Marshall

Vril are lizards that drone people through the eye. Which is why they do that illuminati hand symbol over the eye warning people. You would know if you actually read Donald Marshall's proboards.

40 ebony angels await us all, till Vällhöll mein Brüder

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I'm only half-huwyte tho.

Tomorrow belongs to us, fren!

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Wtf is it with Eestifags and their nigger fetish?

Shit boys, he's got us. Time to pack up and go home.

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Associating natsoc symbolism with pleasant imagery like op is good optics

Vril is a form of electromagnetic radiation, not "inner earth" or "lizards".

Hey bros...True talk, will the suffering end soon? It's...Getting quite heavy to continue you know

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It's barely started.

It IS Amon Ra , Inner Earth, Vril Lizards.

No you wont. You all getting blacked. We gonna put the last whites on farms to breed white sex slaves for rich niggers

What will prevent the mongrel races from turning on you, since you are white indistinguishable from whites, in their mongrel eyes.

Are you faggots suicidal or something?

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it's one guy with a negress fetish

kek jew thinking hell be spared wait until we goyim are gone then the muslims are gonna have fun with you

It's going to get way worse before it gets better. We need it to get so bad, so fast, that normies feel the heat and jump out of the pot (using the frogs in a pot metaphor). There, we will be waiting to catch them and return them to traditional values.

THIS! It's the only reason I did not kill myself yet - hope

It is literally just one brainwashed eestifaggot who keeps starting and posting in nigger threads

I hope God gets here soon
It's only going to get worse before it gets better

>An actual kike
>coping this hard
Imagine a nigger being in charge an NOT destroying the whole thing in a year.
There are more antizionists than zionists desu.
Normies are just susceptible to jew propaganda, for now. Wait until the kike pedo rings come to public attention. You live a day away from destruction.

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Kikes will have their fun for a time until the pedos come out. Then it will revert back to ultra conservative and traditional.
Just like pre-WWII western Europe, the Roman empire, sodom, gammorrah, etc.
We must start with children and women. Be approachable, modest, and be concerned for the welfare of roasties and brainwashed kiked children.
We must establish that we are superior and that our values will protect them from evil