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How come White Supremacists have the Lowest IQs

compared to their fellow men? Why are they notoriously the dumbest people in the country?

>be colonised by Britain
>white supremacists
>british incest
>in their genes potato beans

.be descendants of white supremacist spawn of fucking incest.


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There are very few legitimate white "supremacists" alive today...

non white detected

It's higher than black IQ or Aborginal Australian or Latino


german. achtung.

so? different breeds of dogs are bred for different things. some are good at this, others are good at that.

there's also black men in America who are fucking neurosurgeons, unlike this bunch of braindead meatheads.

seriously, did all the fucking incest completely jack these assholes permanently?

what do you mean?

as if how many there are matters, and that it's lower than before, when there are plenty of them on this board...

>white supremacist
>compared to their fellow countrymen
What metric are you using for this? College degrees? The majority of intellectual nationalists keep their head down so they don't ruin their lives. Only the ones with low cognitive abilities go out and march with a swastika flag. These are called "retard rallies".
>every nationalist is a meth addicted hillbilly
Sounds legit

>the ones with low cognitive abilities go out and march with a swastika flag. These are called "retard rallies"

but intellectual racists keep their head down.

sounds legit.

>come out as an ethnic nationalist European
>get your career destroyed and doxxed by the media
Yeah, it is legit.