@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
WH Public Pool/Schedule: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump @RJC 2019 Annual Leadership Meeting 4/6/19
>Pres Trump on F&F 4/6/19
>VP Pence @RJC 2019 Annual Leadership Meeting 4/6/19
>WHVideo: Pres Trump Visits Border Wall in Calexico CA 4/6/19
>First Step Act Celebration 4/6/19
>GOPAd: Thank You Pres Trump for Making America Great Again! 4/5/19
>Pres Trump arrives in Los Angeles CA 4/5/19
>Pres Trump tours New Border Wall 4/5/19
>Pres Trump presented w/piece of New Border Wall 4/5/19
>Pres Trump @Calexico Border Patrol Station 4/5/19
>Pres Trump arrives in El Centro CA 4/5/19
>Pres Trump departs DC 4/5/19
>Pres Trump comments before departing WH 4/5/19
>VP Pence @Rice Univ Baker Inst of Public Pol 4/5/19
>VP Pence @HSI Houston 4/5/19
>SoS Pompeo on F&F 4/5/19
>SoS Pompeo on FBN 4/5/19
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 4/5/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Trump already legalized hemp fren

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T-thank you for bringing this to our attention

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what im lookiing at here

cars don't run on getting fucking high butch. kek.

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paper and ropes will be the big bucks of hemp

Reminder that the Jews are our allies against the mudslimes

plenty of based engaging topics back on teh donald bro why not create a new account and then just suck jew dick so the jew mods dont ban you again?

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No they're not you dumb motherfucker the Muslims weren't even relevant to us until kikes dragged us into that shit. Kill yourself.

an unfortunate id get

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Fuck this General. He's proven he's pure garbage. Democracy is a meme, it doesn't work. Yang 2020! Bring it down, collapse it quicker.

Its easy
>the blue pill
"Oy Vey! The jews deserve their own homeland!"
>the fake red pill, aka the purple pill
"Fuck off schlomo!"
>the true red pill
"The muslim terrorists must be contained in their countries and then bombed THERE"

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Get the fuck off my board, subhuman, you are all invasive animals who should be executed for setting foot here.

we already got rope and paper, but whatever fren.

Um, excuse me. This is my board, not yours.

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Fuck you stupid shills.

i dont know about you guys but i cant wait for fox news sunday. with a host who is a cut above the rest. has all the experience and is not afraid to ask the tough questions. never lets guest weasel there way out of questions that we all want answered. just 100% objective journalism the way news is supposed to be.

If Donald doesn't begin a program of deportation of every single motherfucking Hispanic within the United States, citizen or otherwise, he will lose in 2020. This is what it takes to save America and make it great again. We elected him to eradicate the Hispanic menace within America and what the fuck does he do? He lets more of them in than ever and appoints a member of the National La Raza council to his cabinet.

Fuck Donald. If that motherfucker doesn't atone, he will not only lose but be held accountable to his political rivals and have his commercial empire destroyed for his treason on two fronts: the fictitious treason in COLLUSION with Russia and the REAL TREASON against THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA by aiding and abetting the invasion of our nation by Hispanic invaders on the ORDERS OF CORPORATE AMERICA.

Fuck Donald. I can't believe I gave that fucking faggot piece of trash my fucking vote. You people will call me a shill and a Mossad agent and a discord tranny but I am nothing more than a BETRAYED AMERICAN CITIZEN who put it all on the line so Trump could destroy Hispanics invading our nation, which he has utterly failed to do. His threats tp Mexico are nothing more than distractions to placate us. He MUST RID THIS COUNTRY OF THE HISPANIC MENACE OR LOSE THE COUNTRY.

I am absolutely livid. How dare this fat fucking faggot abandon his base. Does he have no idea what we sacrificed for him?

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Israel will help us purge the shitskins

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Trust me plan, goy.

see who is the owners of the biggest paper and rope manufacturers

Shut the fuck up, nigger. journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgen.1001373

Cure incoming.

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This. I fucking hate spics. They're more dangerous than niggers because they're slightly smarter. And no that's not a compliment spics. Fuck.

Ponder another destroyed life at 55 years old. All for this stinking 2000 year backwards deth cult practitioner- how did she get past security with that sharia baggage?

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This should work...

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At least there is one true American who recognizes the threat to our nation. For every one of us that exists 1,000 Hispanics fear for their lives. They must ALL GO.

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>there's security
You're adorable

>vaxxers itt
that's how you get autism...

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>the Muslims weren't even relevant to us until kikes dragged us into that shit.


You are aware that 80% of Hispanics aren't illegals, right?

That was 200 fucking years ago, after which Muslims were a goddamned irrelevancy to the United States and would have remained essentially neutral until Zionist Trotskyites entered the picture.

Thanks for admitting you were wrong and have no idea what you are talking about.
It takes a lot of courage to do that.

is that a negative?
or just an observation?

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Fuck you, nigger. After 1815 Muslims were absolutely irrelevant to the United States, until the kikes dragged us into the middle east. Fuck you, nigger.

In other MIGA news: Trump ally (((David Malpass))) was just elected President of the World Bank.

what is drumpf going to do about the joker problem?

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The legal ones are the fucking problem, Hanz. They should go first. Illegals without rights are hard workers. Legal anchor babies and *subsequent generations are the ones transforming America into a shithole. The United States is a European ethnostate and Hispanics (who aren't Spaniards) do not qualify.

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I don't consider the invalid "interpretation" of the 14th amendment making anyone who comes out of a womb here even to an illegal to be law.



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why dont republicans do as they did with Cubans, try to play the good guy towards latino to earn their vote??

>dont be a dick to latinos for 1 term
>get re-elected
>propose a way to green card
>put on several limitations (no welfare, no citizenship)
>use all the processing fees to strength border
>Paint democrats are those that dont want to allow people to fix status

do this and you will strength the border, fix the status of people (more taxes in), and the new resident will have good faith (or not even able to vote on the worst case)

He should appoint Kushner to the Fed

This guy gets it. Hopefully it's Don Jr or sonofolofv (Barron) and he gets the message through to Donald.

Blood is thicker than water, Trumps. Kushner isn't your blood and will destroy America if you keep listening to his corporatist horseshit.,

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>>dont be a dick to latinos for 1 term
>>get re-elected
Didn't happen, you should be shot to death as a spy.

I worked along side many different people, I think you should be able do do your own religion, but you can't be harming people, thats a death cult and pretty much we already got laws against it. Then tho they introduce things like communism, marxism, socialsm and sharia law, it all conflicts with a Constitutional Republic (if we can keep it) These groups and their proxies have turned government agencies into a 31 ring circus.

fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent fiddy cent

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Trump is shitty policies and white genocide.
Yang is shitty policies, white genocide, and $1,000.

They have always been a threat to anyone who doesn't submit to them and they always will be.
With or without jewish shenanigans.

Kill yourself immediately traitor.

>Didn't happen
ask that to Florida and the Cubans

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Good morning everyone. I didn't sleep too well last night but you know.

We are at the end of Western culture. We are in a toilet bowl doing down a drain. There are no words to describe how fucking retarded the reaction to The Joker movie has been.

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Shut the fuck up. Without kikes opening our borders and sending our soldiers to die in sand traps we would have absolutely no Muslim problem whatsoever.

>Thinking you can ever compete with gibs and death of white civilization

Are you new here?

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calm vagina, Phasma

89% haircut fiddy cent 89% haircut fiddy cent 89% haircut fiddy cent 89% haircut fiddy cent

my favorite thing about this is that it flat out forgets about Meth Joker

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Get a job you dumb nigger.

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Florida that elected ¡Jeb! and Narco Marco? No thanks, nigger.


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Florida that is a swing state most thank that almost all legal latino vote being cubans which almost all are Republicans

That is objectively false and historically inaccurate.

This is your job, shill faggot.
Nobody is fooled anymore.

Fuck off, Jew.

Absolutely based.

Do you think I don't know the odds are against the insectoid? I want the worst candidate for this country to be President. His policies sound disastrous. Trump is just slowing down the decline and making white think they can still change the tide. He's making them complacent, and by the time they wake up, it will be too late. I'd rather have a retard who gives every 18+ retard money. Sounds like a disastrous policy that will bring this country down quicker. I have lots of acreage in my family where I've trained for the inevitable, I'm ready. It just has to happen quicker. Accelerationism, bring it down.

The shill said the line woooooo

1000 bucks a month is literal crumbs unless you're a nigger. lol

Go get a job you dumb fucking animal.

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A job to keep paying for parasites gibs? Spic and Nigger parasites nonetheless. While Kike corporations and Kikes with capital gains pay nothing? Fuck you Leaf. Fuck you indeed.

How upset are you that this general is never going away and you're never going to convince people to vote for a socialist SJW with your shitty psyop?

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"When you get a job to pay for a car" now will translate to .. oh hell the government is gonna give little jonny a car, gas money and 4 cases of beer.

>1000 bucks a month is literal crumbs
if you are the CEO of Amazon

I’m going to buy a bootleg dvd
DC sucks

why stop at $1,000? i'd prefer around $5,000.

>no u da joo

My work here is done.

you havn`t stated anything bad yet.

you have to admit the doggie is cute!
89% haircut fiddy cent

I will smite thee one day. And as for you, stop posting Joe. Trump isn't wrong here. Heebs cannot be American.

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Your work of muddying the fucking waters on who let Muslims into what was an almost uniformly Protestant country? Yes. Kikes.




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Anybody here ever been to Pigeon Forge in Tennessee? How is it? I might have to fly there for work (and a short vocation hopefully).

Exactly, lazier gibmedats people. Eventually, a significant portion of productive people will be hooked on Columbia's teet and they'll stop working that the system will collapse because no one will contribute. Eventually, you run out of other peoples money.

12,000 - .666% tax =
1 ea. Ford Pinto
1 ea. Registration
50 ea. Gallons of Regular Gasoline
4 Cases of Beer. ICe...
If you like your free Insurance you can keep your "free insurance" it's worth as much as you pay trust me.

>Jews are not Israeli by default

Holy shit I pitty you.

I'm not upset at all.
I haven't looked at ptg threads since before the election.
It just recently realized that these threads are paid propaganda, constantly generated by shills and bots.
Trump is fucking up on all fronts, yet you fags act like everything is great.