
Remember that time you all spend hours upon hours, days and days trying to figure out who this guy was? Then you did, and the courts still refused to dish out justice? I'm reminded of it all, in the wake of Jussie Smollett's victory.

How does that make you feel? Have you accepted the fact that the courts will not help you, or are you still a good American who believes in law and order?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Guess you forgot.

I remember that he looked almost fucking identical to the guy that he whacked

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If I ever find out he's in central Florida, I'm going full Florida Man and chaining that fuck to a tree in a local swamp and letting nature run its course in Minecraft.

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Honest question: Who actually thought california would do the slightest thing to inconvenience one of their pets and incarcerate a member of antifa?

I think cases like those are important for reminding Americans we have no legal system.

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Clearly there is no longer a proper working justice system in this country. I'm suprised nobody has found this guy and tortured him to death on camera.

Somewhere, someday, some user is going to slip a stiletto between his ribs while he is standing in an elevator.

Clanton got probation it's not like Jussie whose charges were dropped
Big difference

He got:

4 days time served
250$ fine
3 years probation

what happened?

Convicted of Simple Battery -> plead no contest
Specific allegation Grevious Bodily Harm -> Stricken
4 charges of Felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon -> Dismissed - Motion of the People
Wearing a mask to evade identification - Dismissed - Motion of the people

Motion of the people means they were dismissed by request of the prosecution - aka prosecution chose not to press charges

Believe all wahmen
Turns out she had never even met Kavanaugh

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>4 charges of Felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon -> Dismissed - Motion of the People
Why hasn't this guy been lynched? Why hasn't the prosecuter been dragged behind a truck? Why hasn't the Judge's house been set on fire? People should be pissed about this.

It was like 3 hours tops. Not a bad trade for comfy breads all things considered

Honestly. Trump was right. It’s the judges. They need to fucking go.

Didn't he only get released because he snitched on some bigger fish?

Of course littlefinger gets away with it

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Daily reminder that the last time a judge was removed from office for corruption was when the founding fathers were still alive.

PS: If you live in California, it is piss-easy to get this guy violated on his probation.
You see, all you have to do is plant a weapon on him/his vehicle/home. Any kind of weapon will do. Or, you can plant drugs. You can do all sorts of shit to him and report it. If his PO finds the offending contraband(all weapons are contraband while on probation) he'll get violated, and if Cali is anything like most states, there is NO bail on a violation of probation charge. Next step up will be house arrest, and that too is easily violated. Use some imagination. If he violates house arrest, next step is generally the clink for full-time.

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i remember poltrads arguing with me for half an hour saying he will get more then 10 years in prison. most people on this board should be the last talking about iq

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How does it feel to know you are on the same side as all the corporate capitalist powers in the world?

ooook braindead newfag. go back to ur tendies

It probably costed that guy a lot, he paid compensation out of court and had to pay all legal fees.

Having been in the justice system, it doesn't surprise me. First time offender with a paid attorney, "fighting words" defense, etc.
BUT, having been on probation and house arrest, I know all the little tricks that can get someone on paper violated and sent right back into the hoosegow. I know, I violated probation myself with a machete in the garage. No weapons MEANS no weapons, even if your weapons are lawncare tools.

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Remember the time that the left kept disenfranchising white men and then they started fighting back and killed everyone

>clunk a bitch ass nigga
>durrrr GBH muh Trump supporters
fucking pathetic y'all.

dude thats jidf memflag

>Have you accepted the fact that the courts will not help you

If there's no justice in the courts there will be justice in the streets. The violence will escalate.

Not unless you know something we don't.
He might have, but nobody knows, and nobody has pointed out any arrests that might have come from snitching.

the question is still valid

I am forgotten.

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Sure, that's how it's supposed to work, but if things worked like they were supposed to work, he would be behind bars right now.

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Not funny tldr

No. If things worked how they're supposed to work he'd be dead from a gunshot wound delivered in defense.

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He's on the left. Part and parcel.


its all going to add up. After one or two high profile murders we will have a real constitutional crisis on our hands. Things are only getting worse

And compare this with Kate Steinle and James Alex Fields, and it's pretty clear what kind of system we're living under.

What does probation mean in the US precisely? Can he continue to work as a teacher while on probation? Obviously I think he should have seen jail time for the violence quite often the impact of things like probation and even just a conviction can make life really hard for finding a job and continuing on a career, because no one wants to hire people who smash other people around the head with bike locks.

What are the other impacts of probation, presumably if there's any other incidents in that 3 year time that involve him then he'd be in deep shit?

california was literally mexico until just 150 years ago

The speculation is he flipped on some folks. Honestly, I don't see how he could get off with what he did even in a leftie state unless thats what happened

lesson learned doxxes are to be followed by lynching.


But it still is.

This this and then again this.
I had actually suggested it the second his verdicts were released.
This is quite literally all it would take.
I'm not suggesting anyone do this by any means. But hypothetically speaking one could just.......
>You see this dude out having drinks?
>Follow him out.
>Bump your car into his or brake check him.
>He blows over he's at fault.
>He catches DUI and violates.
Also planting of any sort of contraband will do the job. Prescription opiates +benzos are cheap as can be. 10 bucks could land a drug felony. Does your senile old grandma have any laying around she doesn't take?
I'm willing to bet Clanton is paranoid as fuck out in public nowadays though.

All I know is I saw some supposedly antifa-related twitter account that was calling him a rat and other mean names, while the whole thing was still going on, sometime in 2017. You can probably find more by googling and searching twitter, but nothing specific.

>the absolute state of jewSA

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Probation pretty much means you have to be a good boy and dindu nuffin + specifics set by a judge if they see fit.
Can he work as a teacher?
Probably. He plead his one charge down.
So on paper he didn't commit a felony.
Hell a former friend of mine plead down a strong armed robbery and aggravated kidnapping charge. Was looking at 18 years originally.
at the end of the day he got a 5'000 dollar fine + 5 years probation OR until he payed off his fine (which is usually the case in a lot of probation verdicts).
Then played good boy for a few years. Then got a pardon for basically telling the Governor exactly what he wanted to hear. Behind closed doors though he just smartened up and started hustling in other ways and not getting caught.
You pretty much just have to show up to your probation officer's office with a check/money order every week,month or whatever for a small bit of what's owed. They may or may not drug test you.
Truth is in the states anything short of murder you can easily get out of prison time. You have to remember that 90% of Jow Forums are sperges who never leave the house or they're the male equivalent of basic bitches.
They have no clue how the system actually works because "muh risk taking behavior" is something foreign to them. On top of being bootlickers.
I commented how clanton was going to walk and was fired at with kike kike kike. That was just from knowledge of how the system actually works.
Learning that the legal system is fucky is up there with first asking yourself the JQ. It's a lot to process.
On the upside it's opened more normies up to how shit's going down.

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>I'm willing to bet Clanton is paranoid as fuck out in public nowadays though.

DOUBT. he knows he has the whole state shilling for him. He sleeps easy

>Honest question
The worst type of faggots on Jow Forums are those who pretend to be honest.

If he rolled and is a CI now, thats funny. I know how cops treat their CIs- especially little faggots like clanton.

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Yeah the legal system is still really shit in a lot of places, I don't have much of a run in the with the law because Ima gub boi.

In my field of work which is IT I do a lot of studying hacking techniques, how to remain anonymous and how to cover the tracks of cyber crime, and it all comes down to money to prosecute. You simply cover your tracks to such a degree that the resources needed to catch you or find you guilty beyond reasonable doubt is simply too expensive. It's why there's so much white collar crime. Relatively speaking it's quite easy to catch and punish idiots like Clanton all it takes is a few pictures and visiting his home.

I dunno overall what impact this had on them, I think it being such a light punishment might embolden some antifa to do this more. But also look at this from his perspective. He likely cannot as part of his probation conditions contact other antifa groups and I'd be surprised if he can do any real serious forms of activism like host rallies or even go. He's basically been neutered from his activism for 3 years which for everyone else is a big win. Putting him in jail is punishing him which is what everyone emotionally wants, but the practical upshot of probation is not much different from jail time, fundamentally he's "off the streets" so to speak.

And it kinda proves the power of everyone having a camera + places like Jow Forums sifting through thousands of photos means they can't get away with this shit consequence free. The only reason these cowards do this stuff is because with a mask they think they'll get away with it. None of them are actually prepared to face the consequences of being violent, so I'm betting this had a chilling effect among those pussies. When was the last time we saw serious violence from Antifa, it seems to have died down.

That's water

It would be a shame if /polacks made his life a living hell.

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>I'm betting this had a chilling effect among those pussies
Yeah that's all well and good but this fucker beat someone over the head with a blunt object for political reasons. He's a domestic terrorist. There is zero fucking reason whatsoever he shouldn't be in prison. This is just another miscarriage of justice, it is blatantly obvious that activist courts are destroying justice in this country when you can get away with these sorts of things just because you're a leftist. The lack of pressure to tackle naked corruption in the judicial system is one of the reasons I've cooled on Trump lately. I think this is one of the most critical issues the country faces going forward, and nobody seems concerned about it. This judge should be disgraced and complete barred from ever being involved in law again, honestly the judge should be in prison too for corruption. I guess the silver lining is that this shit all adds up and just makes more and more people go hardcore to the right.

Of course in my Utopia, the judge and the antifa faggot would both be allowed to be beaten to death by the victim and/or his family with whatever objects or instruments they want - and if they declined to do so, the both of the would just be tossed into a car compactor.

I agree with a lot of you said in the first paragraph. What he did was very serious and wasn't treated that way in his punishment. I think death as punishment is obviously over the top however what really should occur in these circumstances is that people use self defense laws to deal out back at him what he dished out. And we see that more and more in these rallies, Antifa attack but then get pummeled.

Either way Antifa are largely ineffective and they're gonna be less effective after this because they know that their enemy is watching every move they make and we're recording and documenting everything. You only need to de-mask one of them and they go running. As stupid as the alt right are, at least they're willing to show up without their faces covered and stand their ground.

FBI fuck off and stop trying to incite violence.

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Whatever you say shia ledouche

based chad did nothing wrong

There are a million Anons globally who will never forget this cunt, one day he will reap what he has sown and I will raise a toast to the user that does for him
>never forget, never forgive

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Yep... Totally accepted it all. I feel like I'm in the eye of a hurricane lately... fucking shit swirling around me. Yet a stillness is over me.
I'm not going to just watch it all burn, but I have accepted that God, our grand programmer, has decided we deserve a clown world at this point.

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These guys got off to.

We are on the wrong side of the Establishment.
Leftists and Antifa are the pets of the Corporations and Globalists

We're just a bunch of masturbating autists with morals.

We lose, they win.

If you want revenge, there is a way out but involves violence to make them pay for their fucking bullshit

>Reminder that terrorist Bill Ayers did no real jail time and was hired into a sincecure to frame the education of hundreds of millions of American children

Game's rigged bros. One way out, one way to fight it.

That's why Brenton Tarrant and Anders Breivik are heroes.

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We spent like one night figuring out who he was.
Now he has to spend the rest of his life being known by us.
Regular society may not recognize him, but we will.
Wherever he goes, we will be lurking.
I wouldn't eat out if I were him.

This is white privilege at its finest. I wonder why the guy Clanton attacked hasn't bashed him over the head with a bike lock. He would legally be able to get the same white privilege treatment as Clanton got.

he unironically did nothing wrong. would you put someone in prison that killed hitler or stalin? I didn't think so.

our justice system is entirely built on the ability to threaten or buy off judges, prosecutors, or even attorneys general. it's absolutely fucked.

reported to the FBI for incitement. enjoy prison, faggot.
have a nice day!

This guy actually got shitcanned though

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