French mayor.
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What's going on there OP?
I'm pretty sure he lives in a van down by the river.
which one is the mayor?
what am I looking at here
The fat guy.
and the cringe reward for 2019 goes to....
I know enough.
imagine the shit capitalists will do ones communism wins to avoid the blade
Imagine having to do this to gain votes because your city has been niggerized to the core. I'm sure he also liked it though. Faggot.
Underrated comment
hes got decent move desu
The boomer CEOs dancing to placate SJW policy
I don't even know what to reply
Not even surprise. A politican's gotta do what a politican's gotta to get the votes in his town.
I mean, well done him. Carried it well. Should audition for Family Guy movie if it happens.
With all the yellow vest shit I cant find this other than offensive.
People rioting on the streets and a morbidly obese man does a little dance in front of a nigger.
All I can hear is Its the End of the World (As We Know It) by REM
The sad thing is, normies love this shit and lap it up.
>Our French Republic is no more than a great gullet swallowing the negroizing of the French at the command of the Jews. Our governors are a clique of sadistic yids and yellow-bellied masons sworn to swallow us up, to bastardize us further, to boil us down by all the grotesque, primitive means of inter-mixture, part negro, part yellow, part white, part red, part monkey, part Jewish, part everything.
Louis-Ferdinand Céline L'Ecole des cadavres (1938)
Gewoon Boef man
It's like they're both demon-possessed NPCs. An affront to God.
Your ancestors wouldn't tolerate this, Baptiste. Fucking fix it.
Communist stronghold as well
communism will never, ever win, and if it does, it will be over by lunchtime and replaced with corporate oligarhy
Boomers in a nutshell
How did you guys get an American mayor?
lol wasn't this faggot hanged for collaborating with the nazis?
Whenever I see European niggers they are emulated American niggers. It's like Europeans said "lets import Africans we can have niggers just like America"
Europeans are even saying "diversity is our strength"
>Let them eat EUrinary cakes
Rrrrrr, hah, is gewoon Boef man
Ha, je bent vies maar ik doe gemener
In de club, kom je moeder tegen
En ik wil snel weg want we moeten wegen
En je klant is geholpen je moet vroeger wezen
Ik was alles kwijt maar met floes herenigd
Voor me zondes, af en toe gebeden
Ik ga uit eten voor een goede prijs
Ik ben een uitgever, ze boeken mij
Van alarm voorzien aan de achterkant
Dus ze komen via voor, maar wat dacht je dan?
Voor die goldies zet ik brakkas man
Ik was op streets en dat nachtenlang
Hier zijn die nachten lang, en de dagen kort
Ik heb slaaptekort want ik slaap te kort
Ik maak het af of ik maak het op
Hoe ze likt aan mijn banaan, maakt me apetrots
Word ik vandaag gezocht, dan ben ik morgen weg
Ik haal je kluis, niet je zorgen weg
Weet... nog die dagen ik was onbekend
Nu aan de top terwijl je onder bent
Ik moest zo vaak racen van de police man
Maar nu ben ik verzekerd, ik heb poli's man
Ja, grip op de scene, ik ben dominant
Soufiane maar die tatta's zeggen Soo fie an
Habiba, Habiba
Waarom stress je mij a zina, a zina?
Ik ben op straat, ik ben met dieven, met dieven
Ik denk niet eens aan liefde, ben gefocust op verdienen
Dus word niet te verliefd, nee
Habiba, Habiba
Waarom stress je mij a zina, a zina?
Ik ben op straat, ik ben met dieven, met dieven
Ik denk niet eens aan liefde, ben gefocust op verdienen
Dus word niet te verliefd, nee
Gefocust, ik ben dedicated
Altijd al op buit, niet met sletten bezig
Jij slaapt op mij, nooit in bed gebleven
Alles of niets, ja zo denken velen
In mijn buurt is er cash, maar wie trekt het meeste?
Beter in de grond of in flatten steken
Rip deal, ja ze kunnen je in je flatten steken
Ik had troep maar nooit met de bende bezig
Ik was op de streets, ik leek eng bezeten
Voor die shit, die ik nu bezit
En ik vroeg een mil, maar ik heb fans gekregen
Dus je snapt toch dat ik dit voor jullie spit
Koud broer, zelfs als ik in juli spit
Voor vakantie ben ik weer in juli spits
En ik draag die 9, wie is jullie spits?
En ze praten wel, maa
Heeeeeeeh nailed it
He got some nice moves!
No, he died of natural causes in 1961
ignore this
I didn't know the situation
what the fuck fatties....explain yourselves
>all these mutts mad that our mayors are cool and hip
>Literally S E E T H I N G
Toppest of all kekies to you my Jow Forumsacks
I see what you did there
should have been hanged
> Whenever Durruti’s column freed a village, they would assemble the peasants, ask which were the Fascists and shoot them on the spot. The next revolution will do the same. With perfect composure. We know there’ll be no-one to judge us, nor will there ever be judges again, because we will have gobbled them up.
>white people can't da-
Oh, no, he's dancing with a nigger. This is surely the end of Western Civilization.
>that dance
>cool and hip
ok bernard
just why the hell we let these people rule over us
it seems to me that europe would benefit from military dictatorship
people tell us they're "french"
>a fucking leaf
Your flag sure screams of "cool" and "hip" B U D D Y
Now fuck off back to trudeau's asshole
Top fucking kek
All true Frenchmen will see you dead and decayed.
Go fuck your mother retard
Well, even ethnic ''French'' people are mixed with several European ethnicities
Germans and Normans in the North, British in the Bretagne, Iberian and Italic/Greek in the South and especially around the Provence
You are the mutts of the continent
France is a mutt country at its core. Up until a century and a half ago the majority of the population did not speak French as their native language. They're a mix of various Celtic, Iberian and Germanic people.
I thought Chris Farley died.
incredibly based t b h
Nice LARPing fag. The entire period of 1914-1945 which some call the second European thirty years war, was full of such violence with people getting mass murdered for being left/right wingers, ethnicity, religion or lack of it. You must be an American if you thing this "column" moves anyone here. It was like a raindrop in a huge storm of political violence in these years, and both left and right wingers generated piles of each other's corpses so that now liberals who believe only in profit margins could rule all.
I'm honestly sad I never got to see France free from multiculturalism. I can't help imagine the French as atlas holding up an African world that continues to grow
No noNo NO NO NO
you should kill yourselves while you still can
it will only get worse from here
I was listening to this when I watched this .webm
you must be fun at parties
petite pute
Pretty much every nation is a mix of the nations around them, just France is more so because it was the most relevant nation in Europe for the last 1000 years so everyone wanted to be there.
chekt, but not the only one rekt.
You south africans might think it's normal to interact with niggers, but it's not.
>During the Occupation of France, he wrote letters to several collaborationist journals, denouncing the Jews.[16] Even some Nazis thought Céline's antisemitic pronouncements were so extreme as to be counter-productive. Bernhard Payr [2], the German superintendent of propaganda in France, considered that Céline "started from correct racial notions" but his "savage, filthy slang" and "brutal obscenities" spoiled his "good intentions" with "hysterical wailing".[17][18]
>In February 1944, while Céline was having dinner in the German embassy in Paris with his friends Jacques Benoist-Méchin, Pierre Drieu La Rochelle and Gen Paul, he asserted to German ambassador Otto Abetz that Hitler was dead and had been replaced by a Jewish double.[22]
He'd 100% be a Jow Forumstard, posting here non-stop, had he been alive today.
fat people should be imprisoned
fascist is nothing but militant capitalism, i spike of what they told you fascism is far from being anti capitalism. the exact opposite it true - when capitalism gets into serious crises it pull fascism out of its hat. fascism is liberalism in crisis, its the defense mechanism of profit margins
Nice bullshit post.
big lad can dance
Having lived there for a while, I can tell you there's a lot of those types of garbs up there.
What the fuck is Bobandy up to now?
Add in to the fact that they were Catholic and embraced anyone from their colonies who spoke French and embraced their religion. You have an even further mutted "nation".
Paris is fucked up anyway.
Sure thing budy, Ive spent years reading left and right wing theory and wont be easily swayed by one liners and youtube movies. Believe whatever you want I came here to shitpost not to convince people.
Personally I classify this argument as a classical "when you have a hammer everything looks like a nail" mindset. When you are a militiant anti capitalist leftist everyone who is against you for whatever reason "has been put there by capitalists"
fascism is people defending against commies who openly want their nation erradicated
"the nation" is a Bourgeoisie lie meant to create unity between the proletariat and itself.
to unite with ones enemy is madness. enemies should be destroyed. the proletarian and the bourgeoisie can never unite.
nationalism is a lie
I always got the impression that part of the drive for diversity (in the UK at least) was because the US was diverse and becoming 'diverse' for us was like 'keeping up with the Joneses'. It's as if the thinking was:
>The US is powerful, wealthy and influential and diverse.
>we become diverse = we look cool too
how much of an urbanite rich kid must you be to think etnic bonds are made up
>white people have no cu-
Fascism is actually corporatism but illiberal, metaphysical (as opposed to marxist and liberal materialism) and nationalistic (instead of class orientation) Communism incoming is not a somehow neccessary condition. Both fascism and communism (in all currents) were a European response to the breakdown of monarchy/christian traditionalism, and a failiure of capitalism and liberal democracy after WW1.
Mussolini started as a socialist after all and moved around the political spectrum while trying to figure out something that worked for Italians in the interrwar period
What the fuck else is new? France falls every hundred years or so. FUCK you France. #NeverAgain
if you're into "etnic bonds" as much as you claim i suggest that you should have sex with you mother, which could actually explain some things
>S E E T H I N G
Doux jesus user, calm down.
Maybe if your whole country had some kind of real history and wasn't just another british colony, you'd feel better?
>communism were a european response while its fight being led by jewish communes and a +80% jewish led bolshevik establishment
and than you get the guys like claiming ethnic groups don't really have connections and cultures, like 1000s of years of traditions were invented by capitalists to prevent antifas from not being ugly and nerds
someone needs a shower
Capitalism and communism are the two faces of the same shekel
Wich is the reason why Wall Street and Kremlin agreed to fight against fascism during ww2 ans never stopped from then
its actually kinda sad that you never had a community you are a part of
let me guess, middle class urbanite? parents not spending time with you when you were a kid? no contact with family/neighbours? little to no friends?
both try to make people atomized isolated individual cogs in the machine