Jow Forums humor thread:
listening to tds about the ncap pedo thing was interesting.
God I love japan
>be mutts
>Day of the Brussels sprout
me too
this is how imagine my father would look like if he was to enter my flat
to be fair, that lady has a mental illness where she has only eaten cheesy potatoes for like 10 years now. Also boiled Brussels sprouts smell almost as bad as you Pajheets so cut her some slack.
no, you dont get to get any (you)s except this one. The other faggot got them last thread for asking that.
Just fucking fast. Fatties cant follow CR especially if you substitute their trash with "healthy" foods.
I agree with you, but hers shit is a flat out mental illness. Its from some weird show that used to be on about people with fucked up eating habits, like all they only eat is 1 food and it eventually kills them. Plenty of people on the show were skinny as fuck because they ate shit like cornmeal.
A Classic
Mutt here. My wife makes Brussels sprouts every Wednesday. She puts them in a casserole dish with butter and cracked pepper. Delish.
>The sheer size of that fork
You can't make this shit up
India, me and you both know that you have no rights to talk about smell. Its literal fact that you guys have the smelliest country and people on the fucking planet.
A single image wont do it justice.
>push for race war when you are outnumbered and outgunned
Accelerationists are retards. Tarrent (sp?) is a kike with blood on his hands.
Acceleration is going to happen regardless due to technology forcing the hand.
There's no need to spur it along.
But then we'll lose.
lose what? tarrant is jewish accelearacionism
>ran over by bus
>gets up and walks away
What a legend
You can't lose if your goal isn't to win.
Then we've already lost. Victory is a long shot now, and it will only get more hopeless as time goes by. There are simply too many coming in for anything else to matter.
Can't lose. It's not possible. The intelligence and creativity of people with European DNA is so high that it simply cannot happen. Not unless someone equally as intelligent and creative comes along who is also more violent. And if you think nonwhites are more violent than whites, I've got some bad(or good) news for you. Think "napalm n 'Nam"... That capacity for death has not been bred out. At least not in American whites. Hell crackers still go gator hunting in Florida with kidnapped niggers and illegals. Niggers and illegals don't file missing persons reports after all.
>things are going down the shitter in hyperdrive
>faster plx! XD
Their only saving grace is that they're mostly CIA niggers.
Things have to fuck up fully in order to recover.
Basically, the economy needs to tank over this shit and make people feel bad. That's what drove Germany from Wiemar to Wehrmacht. Except this time there will be no place for the diaspora to flee to.
Why didn't anyone mercy kill that thing
Things are going to crash and burn in any case. More time is more time to prepare. You are preparing right?
I'm glad those sick fucks are finally registered and mapped SOMEWHERE. Some guy takes a piss in an alley while blind drunk and I have him on a map, but these degenerates are somehow a special exception?
In honor of orcposting
>401 hours
>it's not just a shitpost, this guy actually loves the game
I was raised prepared. Most rural kids are. And you see, here in the US we hold all of the power.
>like all they only eat is 1 food and it eventually kills them
How is that different from being a fat sack of shit?
Why is China like this? Can chinese not drive?
attack on titan
The pigeon should have an annoyed look on its face, not a scared one.
I kek
Woefully underrated
are these threads intentionally as shit as possible?
it has rights n sheet.
>snack wrappers
P-people aren't eating in the shitfields right? The wind carried that stuff, right? Even poos don't bring food anywhere near human shit and proceed to actually eat it, surely.
I know. I mentioned that in the thread I saved that image from.
Watch the episode of Grand Tour this year where they go to China.
More room out than there is in!
Slow down retard and go back and read the post. Most people on the show werent even fat like that, since the 1 food they ate wasnt on par with that fat bitches Cheesy Potatoes.
>this kills the burger
It's not uncommon for immigrants to not wash their hands while working with food here
Never eat at a takeout unless it's got an open kitchen in the front and you know the staff. I work in a takeout and I don't eat there unless I prepare the food myself.
you're not fucking funny cunt
this is the most boring mindless shit
we have to start the war while demographics are still in our favor
Oh for fuck's sake.
That took me a second, get it the fuck together.
no way...
Kill yourself racemixing degenerate