Ok so genuine question, why are people freaking out about unvaccinated kids going to school with their vaccinated kids if vaccines work?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because there is a portion of society that is immuno-compromised and cant receive the vaccine. So when an asymptomatic carrier (healthy non-vaxxed kids) comes into contact with them they're pretty much dead.
Because the Jews thought it would be rational to let women have opinions.
hmm seems like natural selection, no?
>bahh bahhh muh herd immunity bah baahh
More likely the medical industry damaged those children.
Two reasons:
The defensible reason is this - The indefensible answer is because it has become extremely popular all over normie media and websites to hate them. They need their two minutes of hate every day, and this month it is anti-vaxxers.
>Because there is a portion of society that is immuno-compromised and cant receive the vaccine.
That doesn't answer why the parents of vaccinated kids are concerned.
Because babies and very young children cannot be vaccinated yet and are therefore not protected. They necessarily rely on everyone else being vaccinated.
It does because your argument allows me to kill your children if it makes me happy
Babies don't need vaccination dumb dumb. They get their mother's antibodies from sucking mommies milkers.
I see you're a doctor. So you can kill anybody and you won't get charged.
Humans don’t consider natural selection anymore
You're children aren't doctors so why do they partake in bio-warfare?
Because they're biological organisms and all life is always at war with all other life. Are you a communist?
What's the deal with Americans hating Americans?
American isn't a race.
American isn't an ethnicity.
Vaccines weaken the immune system by being a cuck and adapting for bacteria just purge it my dude
and Jow Forums wonders why it has a reputation of being ignorant morons.
No? Did you forget I'm allowed to kill your children, or do you presume all life is equal? (As do communists)
If you're not from Jow Forums then get out. You don't understand what's in the vaccines. You don't how they work. You just take it on blind faith because you're a shabbos goy.
I presume you're an irresponsible parent and your children need to be given to Muslims as sex slaves. Just how you like it.
Because when you allow a virus for example a place to live and mutate as well as exposure to vaccinated hosts you are setting it up to be selected for adaptation to counter the vaccine.
>straw man
Yeah your antifa shit doesn't work here pal, now go watch Alex 'the holocaust happenend' Jones tomb uptodate
Just go be jehova's witness and you're exempt from vaccination mandates.
You can even sue for discrimination if they remove your kids from school because of it.
because advocacy groups are whipping them up into a frenzy making them think polio is coming back.
Wow, way to invent things out of nowhere about me. No wonder you take vaccines on blind faith without knowing anything about them.
Didnt know that.
Maybe we should just let nature sort herself out. No more vaccines and put peanuts in everything.
Herd immunity you stupid Yank
Now this sounds like a productive solution. And if the sick kids don't like it they can go quarantine themselves in a commie block for sick kids.
Damn 2000 iq post here go back to the hole
Completely meaningless term that was made up ex post facto when the world came to understand the vaccines don't work.
Seriously, go kill yourself today. You're a danger to children.
>why are people freaking out about unvaccinated kids going to school with their vaccinated kids if vaccines work?
because your kid might a disease from the savage
whats the deal with weaker people overusing the word "hate" ?
this. We need to weed out those with less-desirable traits, lest they breed and ruin the future generations.
Good thing I didn't claim that.
What else would drive you to kill a bunch of kids? May as well sprinkle anthrax on puppies and dump them at a kindergarten, same effect.
How do we vaccinate against the importation of the muslim invasion? Get your head on straight. That's like saying circumcision is valid because you can find some marginal statistical difference if you completely disregard any legitimate science.
You fucking retarded dickshit. Because many of those diseases are highly contagious and can be carried back home to your kids that are too young to have had their shots yet you pork snorkeling bassoonist.
And do you have a reason why i should hinder the development of my child to protect defective persons?
First year of life is the most important developmental period. Infants change and learn new things on a daily basis; it is frankly insane to be giving them half a dozen rounds of vaccines during this period (each one stunts development for a week or two, and that's the least that can happen).
I'd rather not look up inside a bull's ass. All you do is repeat communist slogans because you don't know what you're talking about.
Except he's right. If the mother and baby are both exposed to an illness, the mother will immediately produce antibodies that protect her offspring from it. Forcing a powerful immune response in the infant, when the mother is providing protection, and the child's body is prioritising neural development, is idiotic. It makes no sense unless you are willing to sacrifice early life development in millions to protect a tiny number of people from dying.
That’s literally factual idiot, the first 24 hours or so mother mammals produce colostrum which is to set up their babies with the moms resistance to diseases
No! Keep the baby in the hospital for a week so they can mutilate the genitalia, dislocate the link with the mother, and then buy baby formula and dump in lots of fluoride water!
The programming says it's bad so it's bad.
Also, it should be noted that anti-vaccination material, is the only movement that is being suppressed in a manner similar to that of white/european advocacy. And the same kind of shaming propaganda is what is used to manipulate people into not looking into it.
Vaccinations do have valuable uses, but vaccinating a baby is not sensible, an inflicting of trauma for no justifiable reason, to preempt very rare diseases which carry no real risk to a healthy child anyway. The only one for which this isn't the case is meningitis.
How do you vaccinate against a swelling reaction other than by disabling the immune system?
Nothing wrong with having the baby in hospital for a week. Particularly first time mothers can need the help and the time to recover. But all they should be doing is bonding, and being catered to. I saw that in America they try to vaccinate children on the day of birth, which is so insane--as if a newborn doesn't have enough to be dealing with--it's really sick.
False and baseless claim. Good goy. Pay the hospital, too.
400 peer revieded studies on vaccines:
starts at about 10:22
But what about polio?:
Vaccines are not tested against placebos:
"US Law regards vaccines as unavoidably unsafe.", -US Congress
Because vaccines do not work (for example flu shots). It is just about making perfectly healthy children ill with a cocktail of harmful substances.
Daily reminder that the Jew Mortimer Sackler single-handedly caused the opioid crisis in the US, mostly affecting White middle class, through aggressive marketing and putting doctors under pressure to tell their patients that Oxycontin was perfectly safe. The same doctors say that vaccines are perfectly safe.
We don't pay the hospital here, you retard. You stay at the hospital, have your food prepared, questions answered, and wait long enough to ensure the baby is taking on milk, and for the mother to recover. Going straight home is quite frankly idiotic to the extreme.
Oh really? They all work for free?
more study summaries here (spread em):
my intention is to inform, not scare.
Ok, now to the biggest red flags:
-lack of real inert placebo double blind studies
-many historic and current cases of outbreaks where 90% to 99% were vaccinated
-the gigantic problem of contamination (esp with animal reto viruses, e.g. SV40)
-the lack of vaccinated vs 100% unvaxed children studies
-the increased death rates in vaxxed children (up to 10x)
-no longterm studies of vaccines (could they be carcinogenic, no body knows)
-infertility in woman(HPV)
-mercury compounds
-vaccine derived virus infections (e.g. polio)
-claimed immunity period not very long
-vaccines ONLY tested in healthy children
-vaccines not tested in weak/unhealthy children
-lack of proof of protection against the virus/disesase according to own studies
-super short vaccine side effect monitoring periods (3-30/180 days only)
-questionable methods(aborted human fetal cells)
-much more
i can provide sources for every claim, just ask.
Beyond just herd immunity only works to protect the ones who can't be vaccinated when those who can have high rates.
The ultimate goal is to eliminate these diseases.
The ones we have taken out or are close to tend to be rare to mutate and early to show symptoms. However, with every jump a disease makes gives it another roll of the dice to develop an adaptation that overcomes all of our vaccines and we're back to poliowards filled with iron lungs.
>The ultimate goal is to eliminate these diseases.
literary braintard or blue pilled af.
please read pic attached.
>herd immunity
here, pic realted. history of herd immunity.
Let me know how good those vaccines work for you. The only safe course of action is to stay locked up in your room and not have contact with anyone else.
Fortunately, Jow Forums is safe
vaccines activate cancer and allergie related genes.
>a portion
got a percentage? is it like .001%?
Because vaccines aren't cures. And the populace that has bought into it will have to rely on every strain being vaccinated against.
Congratulations on not understanding evolution
No one uses the small group of people with severe hemp allergies as logic to ban all pot smoking. This argument will not fly until we also ban all pot.
>However, with every jump a disease makes gives it another roll of the dice to develop an adaptation that overcomes all of our vaccines and we're back to poliowards filled with iron lungs.
Yay, it's about fucking time. we have way too many people on this planet. we need a good war or plague to cleanse this earth of the virus that is the human race.
more study summaries here (spread em):
Shut the fuck up retard. They try to give the hep b shot the day of birth. I had to tell drs to fuck off when my son was born, they hate it when people dont obey them.
please read those 2 threads:
They kept bugging us to circumcise our son. They asked 3 times, and showed up ready to do it and pretended no one told them we objected. Thankfully my wife is on the same page and told them to gtfo.
I went to get a typhus shot once because I was going to travel to a shithole country and the doc was pushing hep b like nobody's business. I interrogated him about it for a while and politely declined. As an adult, hep b doesn't seem like all that bad an idea, but a baby doesn't even have a functional immune system, so obviously the concept of inoculation can't apply if this vaccine is supposed to be effective.
babies can't get immunized until certain ages you stupid virgin fuckfaces
so when you and your nigger family run around spreading your nigger diseases, it puts actual humans at risk
you need to watch this also, dumbass
As usual, it's a values problem disguised as a practical policy problem.
Jill Stein had to be very clear on this issue after being slandered as "anti-vax," because she dared to point out that maybe people would trust vaccines more if they weren't mandated by a FDA that's in bed with corporations and that reacts with hysteria whenever questioned. She herself believes they work after viewing whatever data she viewed, but she also saw that for the people on the other end who aren't doctors all they have is trust...and lots of people don't trust the government on this stuff. Which ultimately is not a problem with the vaccines whether they cause autism or not, it's a breakdown in the relationship between governing and governed.
Anti-vax is one branch on the growing tree of distrust.
suiting that an NPC uses the clown meme
sacrifice the many for the few
If unvaccinated people are gonna cause a "plague" and wipe out half of humanity, shouldn't this liberals be onboard with people not being vaccinated then? They do like to say humanity needs to be culled, too much of us, destroying the planet, etc.
>put peanuts in everything
peanut allergies would disappear within a generation.
All you ever need to know about vaccines. Enjoy the redpill
When I was in high school, I was literally taught that there was a "J curve" in the world's population, and that the black plague was almost the only good thing to keep it in check aside from the two world wars.
Amazing. Can you imagine? They also made sure I remembered the holocaust all the time and I never knew anything about communism until I read up about it on my own.
wtf , it 404s if I remove the m for high rez. can't read it.
Vaccines are not applied all at the same time, meaning cross contamination between unvaccinated children and unvaccinated adults is a possibility. If you understood that people can carry a disease and not be symptomatic and still spread it to other people this wouldn't be such a mystery to you.
What people are afraid of is unvaccinated adults infecting their kids.
Lets not pretend like people are actually concerned about other people. This is a nigger tier argument.
Why don't we just make everyone to be an asymptomatic carrier then smart guy? If you can vaccinate them for that you can do it for this.
They are all applied at the same time. Did you not watch the republican primaries from 2016? When the two doctors were asked if they agreed with Donald Trump's CRAZY TALK about vaccines, they both indicated that it should be up to the parent and that probably they should be spaced out.
That's why you get peanut allergies. Why would you need all those different pathogens at the same time in addition to the adjuvents? It's total fucking bullshit from any sane line of reasoning.
Here’s the deal, Nature has made it so that mom has baby and moms immune system protects baby during critical development. Nature would have provided Vaccines if they were nessasary . They’re not, MAN added them into the natural cycle. It’s ABnormal. The Human body doesn’t need it.
Im not pro vax, but thats a retarded arguement. Penicillin isnt "natural" but theres a good chance it saved your life at some point.