I am the least attractive man on earth

I am the least attractive man on earth
>4.5"x4.5" (erect) penis
>ugly face
why even live if I've failed the most essential goal of living.
I've seen people who don't deserve to breed do just because they look good

Attached: (0).jpg (1019x1028, 159K)

Penis size won't make a difference in getting girls.

I have an 8", am not bad looking, but I like the social skills/confidence to get girls.

Focus on confidence and social skills. These seem to be more important than looks and dick size

*Lack the social skills

>basing your existence on having sex
do something else, killing yourself because you can't have sex is peak npc

it's quite literally the only reason we are here. everything else is secondary or window dressing

ah yes, the only reason you're here is to get another ugly kid into this world raised by a dad that browses Jow Forums.
Stop being such a reddit atheist. Start painting or make music or something, if not just kill yourself. If you believe having another ugly kid together with an ugly women is your only reason for existence you should just go for it.

I've tried to do all that, hell I still am, and yet I still am reminded that I'll never be good enough for love. I don't know if you know how crushing that feeling is, but even I create the modern Mona Lisa I'll still have that feeling that I'm not good enough. not to sound like a Freudian pseud, but I just thought this could be some sort of left overs from an incomplete relationship with my mother

Do you not remember the Holocaust?

This. The argument "my only purpose is to breed" is peak npc

Even in the world where every person was distributed another person the opposite gender, some amount wouldn’t get a partner.

Because this doesn’t happen, the proportion is much higher, and higher still for people that don’t find them until later in life.

All of that to say, you are in good company, some with a better hand than you, even.

a dog will love you, a good friend will love you, and maybe (but not likely) a woman will love you.
Most importantly you need to love yourself and accept your physical faults but honestly you sound like such a reddit fag that I won't bother with this thread anymore.

how the hell do I sound reddit?

Have you tried beer? Some Miller Lite should do the trick.

Miller lite is okay, but I prefer whiskey of just spirits in generally over beer

you just do
>why even live
>breeding is the most important so I can make another person suffer
>not worthy of love
just fucking live your life, jesus christ.

that's the thing, for the most part I am. I try to keep busy

>Good enough for love.

Your parents were. What makes you so different? I doubt they are good looking unless you have downs or something.

Everybody has that feeling. It's how we have evolved to feel. It's what keeps us chasing tail. Read more science and less pseudian bullshit and understand the foundations of why we do things and then add on the pseud and philosophical bullshit and start making your own path in the world.

Trust me. If you had a girlfriend you would get bored eventually. Like all men do and all that time spent on them would have been better spent on finding other things to do. Like painting, reading, writing, business, etc.

Then understand that feeling of longing is what WE ALL FEEL and learn to navigate around it or start looking for somebody who is like you.

>I've seen people who don't deserve to breed do just because they look good
So you're saying YOU don't get to decide who deserves to breed and who doesn't?
And you're saying women want handsome, rich, tall men?
What a revelation!
Seriously though, stop wasting your testosterone and start consciously controlling how you use it.

>Seriously though, stop wasting your testosterone and start consciously controlling how you use it.
how do I do that?

That's kinda personal user

so I should just try and find it out for myself?

Yes. Everyone does. It's literally 'just bee urself ZzZ'.
Women want men that control their testosterone efficiently, or men whose testosterone they can efficiently control.

Unless you go to fucking Indonesia or some little man country, there is virtually no hope for you. Emigrate or off yourself