Stop manspreading

Stop manspreading.

Attached: Screenshot_20190407-152657_Twitter.jpg (1080x2220, 572K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop having a dick and balls!
Be more feminine!

command and control of doubleplus good. Yet there are money involved as well. You know some madmen were "commisioned" and designed, produced and executed this ad campaign. Think about south park episode about ads that don't add up. State farming...

Lel. Even communism didn't have such bad laws. Also, you can't spell cuck without the UK

Stop jewstalking:

"cuck" word is not so much about UK - it's about cuckoos nests...

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take the flag off bitch boi

This can't be real.

It's London; it probably is.

fine, but only if we can tell women to stop blocking seats with all their shopping and shit, and call them shebaggers when they refuse.

she thinks she knows better than i do, but she's
wrong. mi6 + muzzies = decapitation.

You mean like this dozy cow?

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But my balls!

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>That's not how you sit
Correct. That's not how anyone sits.
Someone vandalize or remove this fucking thing.

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this is just dumb, theres no way to tell if every other seat is empty
also 99% of people will just move their shit if you ask them

no, this ends now, This is fucking racist, fuck this shit, youre trying to take away my sense of space, you'll be sorry for this you racist piece of shit , DIE MOTHER FUCKER

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10/10 would rape

Draw a huge cock and balls dangling from between his legs

this needs to be done

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This needs to be done OP.

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I dislike crushing my balls between my legs, so no.

Look at that goofy ass grin. How could you take this man's happiness away from him?

Spread the word to all brit bongs