What the hell is this guy thinking?

What the hell is this guy thinking?

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it's a perfectly viable strategy (for him)

Prisoners and criminals vote blue for gibs, are you really surprised?

they can vote from prison in his state and another one I don't remember which


He wants future commies to be able to pack the gulags yet still win elections by offering prisoners slightly better tasting FREE slop.

he's thinking he needs a larger voter base because of all the deportations.

Bernie wants to incentivize politicians to let all the prisoners out of jail.

Very very progressive

fuck yourself

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Not blowback, obviously.
If nigger and shitskin mud rapists, jew pedophiles and insane communists have more rights than me, even when i’m Law abiding, what incentive do I have to continue following the law?
It has been shown very clearly that if you are not a freak then you will be victimized by the jewish system. I have no intention of being murdered in a concentration camp like the jews did to the Germans and the Russians.

He's looking for more democrat votes, duh.

mfw prisoners vote for their right to bear arms

Felons should be allowed to vote. Seems like straightforward thinking.

Yeah, nothing could possibly go wrong

>they are gonna vote themselves out of prison!

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>Listens to what Jews tell him
opinion discarded

>Got to jail for voter fraud
>Get the the right to vote

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I listened to a whole big long segment from NPR about how great and wonderful it was that person of color in Florida (key swing state) finally got it so the felons could vote because he didn't have a daddy (big surprise) and this was the first time he was going to finally be able to vote instead of being a nigger slave.

That's how I know it's a good thing. I always trust NPR when it comes to critical thinking.

And why wouldn't they?

Plenty could go wrong, as long as you perform lots of mental gymnastics to reach for those conclusions

Lib tard cope!

Lower the voting age to 16
Let felons vote
No one is illegal
Open borders
Electoral College is outdated
Popular Vote

Are Dems overreaching?

This. Time is soon

Yeah just like AMLO

When you are young, you are an idealistic shitlib. Very gullible too.
Pelosi: Let's have 16 year old children vote........... Let's open our borders to illegals so they can vote Satanic corpse Blue... Bernie: We musth wet fewens voth!!!!........

These freaks are trying to get us tl accept Pedophilia.... Tranny child molesters interacting with our children..... PizzaGate is fucking real. That fag Alefantis and the Podestas DO fuck and mutilate infants..... Why in Gods GREAT name do we just stand by doing nothing?????? REALLY?

I'm gonna break a bottle in your eyes socket

I think they will try to round us up quietly first. Be on your guard, user.

calm down a little scott


>he unironically would rather have the state prevent citizens from voting using underhanded legal tactics

My EEE friend who makes notable contributions to society doesn't get to vote because he owned weed 5 years ago. That shit ain't right.

I don't see what's wrong with this. You don't lose the right to free speech after a felony conviction, why should your 2nd amendment or suffrage rights be infringed? Change my mind, Jow Forums.

It is right.

Criminals shouldn't be allowed to vote. They will vote to legalize crime as you clearly want to recommend.

It's just a bad incentive for politicians to have to pander to a voting block that consists of literal criminals.

The things that people in jail want are not things that are good for society.

lmao Is that how he justifies owning summer houses and sports cars?

Spoken like a kid who doesn't get invited to parties. You'd rather actively support cartels and suck private prison dick than admit some laws are shit.

Why bother letting them vote when Trump let's them out of prison for free?

he's looking to get assassinated, help him out bro

Communists get the rope.

It's nice to know you think someone who raped and beheaded or woman, or murdered a child, or sold kilos of fentanyl, should be allowed to vote or else their feefees will be hurt.

The SHITLIBS are fucking retarded.
Fucking kill all pedophiles.
Dont worry kids.....

We will line the streets with libtard child molester corpses.

Death to Satan. 1000 years in the pit assholes.

>You'd rather actively support cartels

No, see... your friend who bought the weed is the one who supported the cartel.

Whenever you pay money for drugs, you are supporting the cartel. Whenever you say that drug buyers should not be punished, you are supporting the cartel.

>all felonies are the same
>laws can't reflect allowing certain felons to vote and not others
How's eighth grade, kid? Haven't taken civics yet?

Like all Democrats they want to stack the deck rather than playing fair. Amnesty because illegals will vote for the amnesty party, felons because they'll vote for the lax on crime party, increase the number of Supreme Court justices because they lost the majority, etc. etc.

forget about politics for a moment and address the dilemma of revoking a civil right.

They should be summarily executed. Imprisoning people is dehumanizing and corrupts society.

This country puts you in jail if you step out of line in the least. There's a reason we have the largest prison population on earth (both in raw number and in proportion to the overall population).

Felony disenfranchisement is one of the ways our government silences any dissident voices. The government can pin a felony on anyone they want and they go after people they feel most threatened by.

This is not "the left" rigging the electoral system it decent folks trying to unrig it.

I told you to shut up dumbfuck

>don't want criminals to vote
>that's supporting cartels & prisons
Found the lolbertarian.

Friend locally grew it for him, moron. Believe it or not some people have friends.

3 felonies a day.

Nice meme, dude.

Your time is up.

kys commie

Unless you're a gay nigger kike. Then all felonies are dropped.

>liberals have to rely on the illegal vote, the criminal vote, AND the underage minor vote just to beat Trump

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Until Felons start voting Republican, right retard?
Holy shit you morons are so easy to see right through lmao

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>I can't deny that what I said is lolbertarian

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unironically this

This will backfire and convert people and open their eyes to what morons they are. Nobody likes felons and inmates, thats pretty standard, hes been drinking the koolaid from blacks etc and must think its a net gain. Its fuel to fuck him with

Damn, another epic meme. You should screencap it and show your friends over on r/Jow Forums.

What happened with Jussie is what happens with privileged white people in the criminal justice system every day. This case finally gives you a glimpse of the problem but I don't think you even know what you are looking at because your mind is so utterly controlled by white identity politics.

No it's not at all. And frankly you're being very racist and I find that kind of hate speech offensive.

>I'm really upset that I got called a lolbertarian
t. seething lolbertarian

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He's thinking "We need more votes"

No u
That seems like the more likely scenario, given felons tend to be less intelligent. I just think citizens should have representation. I guess that's not a "gotcha" for you, though.


I think Clown Sanders is trying to appeal to niggers with this one.

You could at least try to prove the stereotype of the retarded mutt American wrong.

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Where did his friend get it from? Moron.

*more votes for the left

He grew it? Are you actually this fucking stupid? You do understand it's a plant, right?

Yeah but he can't single handedly make the change, especially when he is NOT ELECTED. If he really said this, he's an idiot, cause nobody wants this.

are these idiots losing black voters to the republicans?

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Tfw you are so edgy you are a straightedge.

>old guy with dementia says wacky thing

surprised me as well haha

Free votes?

You can't vote democrat if you're in jail.

They're better off calling Trump a racist than promoting all that bullshit.

The right's electoral strategy for quite a while has been to systemically disenfranchise targeted groups of people who are more likely to vote for the left.

The left does nothing to try to disenfranchise anyone and just tries to undo the injustice perpetuated by the right.

It's pretty obvious who the good actors are here.

a vote should be limited to a single family unit that is not dependent on the state for income

Everyone deserves representation. Stop lacking foresight. Imagine if you became a felon, would you not like the right to vote for someone that would decriminalize your crime retroactively? Think smart.


That would encourage the state to make dissident voices dependent on the state. They would literally bribe people to not vote. This is a really dumb idea.

Democrats: rape is bad #meToo
Also democrats: let's allow rapists to vote

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California. Who imported their seeds from a growery in Canada. Wait please don't tell me your underage ass thinks all the US dispensaries get their stuff from Mexico... hahahaha

So has the left's. Stop being such a cotton-picker.

I loled

it's genius, right?

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Bullshit. You have no idea where it came from you stupid faggot.
You're a liar.

What groups has the left attempted to disenfranchise and how did they go about it?

>gets btfo because his 8th grade ass doesn't know how people get cannabis
Hahahaha that's actually adorable. You thought it all came from Mexico. Awww

>The left does nothing to try to disenfranchise anyone
>"russian bots"
>calling everyone from left wing libertarians to cuckstervatives "alt-right"
>constant lies, fake news and slander
>systematic attack on white straight men from neomarxist institutions

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Retard. Have you ever traveled outside the U.S. mutt? You haven't have you?

They know they're losing so they want to completely change the rules midgame to win.

Why do weedheads feel the need to make shit up?

White males. If you're a white male, then you're supposed to sign up to the red party. If you're anything else, you're supposed to sign up to the blue party. Both of them are communists who suck banker cock. It's a simple and obvious divide and conquer operation.


oh you're one of those braindead retards. don't use RLM iconography please

>Democrats take a principled stance on voting
>this is a bad thing
>being called insults is voter disenfranchisement
You poor baby, how will you ever recover?

You don't need to be embarrassed. Nobody knows who you are on here, kid. Just take the L and next time you talk about weed just know it isn't all Mexican import you dumb fuck. Hahahaha