Australians to learn when to head to polls

Author and commentator Yassmin Abdel-Magied shares her thoughts on Senator Fraser Anning

China pressured Sydney council into banning media company critical of Communist Party

This solar plant was meant to supply energy to the SA Government for 20 years — it's been scrapped

Abbott attended re-election fundraiser at fugitive Chinese tycoon's golf club

Fraser Annings website:

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Other urls found in this thread:!RSgBCahQ!7_z0633bT8vOe71ZOUTMe0vMZSZ2VtCXkbj-UbZG6MY

thanks diggah

onya m8

Who /compfy/ here?
Love not going to work monday

Hey guys checkout my sweet ride

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nah got to fucking work tomorrow. I got told to take holidays but not until June. mother fuckers

Guess so

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>from the 70s (possibly early 80s)
Yeah OK.

not bad at all m8

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Preference Labor or Liberal on the House ballot, lads?
>after all the memeparties, of course

Nice, I've been wanting to import a DNEPR URAL

But I don't have a bike loicence and apparently it is a pain in the ass now

Liberal - 3rd last preference
Labor - 2nd last preference
Greens - last preference

In that order

Ayy, you read my mind
>tfw safe Labor seat

Might be a bit extreme for me, but I'll give them a spot on my Senate ballot near the top

Live the dream you lucky bastard.

Attached: 1528625934784.png (1000x1000, 133K)!RSgBCahQ!7_z0633bT8vOe71ZOUTMe0vMZSZ2VtCXkbj-UbZG6MY

Wow. I never realized how genuinely based this guy is.

Nothing like a man who knows his politics.

You can donate up to $100 to him if you don't live in Australia :)

What parts do you find extreme? Not trying to be a cunt, genuinely curious

Don't get me wrong, I like basically everything in his tweets, but I'm getting ethno-nationalist WN undertones from his party's message, and that sits kinda unwell with me.


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Why would that sit unwell with you. You do realise you're on Jow Forums right...

I'll be voting for him. Getting me mum to vote for him there too.

Fun games to play on polling day.....
1. Get you name marked off, get your ballot papers and walk out and throw them in the air. Watch them run those papers down like jews on a sheckel. It's fucking hilarious.
2. Get to the polling station at one minute to closing. Take your ballot paper. Take it back, you made a mistake. Take the next one back, you made a mistake. How long have you got. I've got all fucking night.
3. Go to the local polling station. Have you voted today?
Yes I have, but I've changed my mind and I want to vote again..... Refuse to leave. Demand they indicate on the roll you came to vote and they wouldn't mark your name off. Jokes on them.
4. Go and vote at every polling station you can find. Make a day of it. Get a "democracy sausage" at every fucking one of them.

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election pick for this year
1. KAP
2. LNP
3. LAB
4. GRN

no One Nation candidate this year ._.

Cutting funding to the ABC is ridiculous. They are the most unbiased of all of our news broadcasters.

Instead he should be secretly aiming to stack it with right-wing pundits to spew propaganda for "us".
>everyone on Jow Forums is a Nazi

Yeah, I do. Obviously I'm in the minority in my stance here. Truth is I don't have any problem with race. If anything, my main problem is the clash of culture and beliefs.

Australia was founded as a predominately white European, Christian nation. I am an Atheist, but even I can understand the values this society was founded under and what allowed it to flourish. He simply wants us to return to a time when Australia was for Australians and wasn't the hand-out capital of Oceania. Don't let "ethno-nationalist" make you feel uncomfortable, there's nothing wrong with it. Japan for Japanese, China for Chinese, and Australia for Australians.

he can cut funding to Triple J, would love to see that happen

Is there a Fraser Anning Conservative National candidate in your electorate?

nah, at least not yet. I'm in QLD so he's on my senate choice

>election day
>already dark but still a really long line
>old drunk homeless man sitting with his friend on a bench close by
>he yells that he voted for the communists
>everyone laughs

>hand out capital
You better not be talking about foreign aid. Australia is the one nation in the Pacific that is stopping Chinese influence, had it not been for the fucking Liberal government absolutely gutting our foreign aid budget the Chinese wouldn't have been able to exert such influence over our territory.
Again, nah. Just sack them and get some right-wing hosts.

Can you imagine triple J being hosted by people who mock the Greens

You don't have to be a nazi to not like nigs my dude

Neither do I. White nationalism is pro white, not anti-other races

Please read leon degrelle.

>You better not be talking about foreign aid
"""Refugees""" who come here and live off the tax payer dollar and never go home

I am an ardent supporter of traditional Christian values, don't get me wrong. We've got to hold onto that which our society was built. Forgive the metaphor, but with our societal glue, we fall apart.
Anyway, if Anning wants to promote that sort of thing, then I'm all for it.

+1 atheist here, I think of myself as culturally Christian though.

>Cutting funding to the ABC is ridiculous. They are the most unbiased of all of our news broadcasters.
Best bantz so far.

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Go on then, who is more unbiased than the ABC?

>who is more unbiased than the ABC
Good Morning Al Jazeera.

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You have implied that there is a more unbiased news source than the ABC, so back up your claim.

>who is more unbiased than the ABC?
Good Morning Brunei

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If you want to know a good reason to cut ABC funding just look at the monstrosity that is the BBC.

You could stack the ABC with far-right panels.

Why the fuck would anyone think that isn't loaded?
All questions pre-selected.
Audience pre-selected.
Panel weighted to ABC popular opinion.
Are you a race horse?
Take of your fucking blinkers cunt.

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>take off tony jones as moderator
>Andrew Bolt is the new moderator
>we deem this "fair"
>All questions are pre-selected by Andrew/other people in the new stacked ABC

>go to
>search opinion articles
>realise there are only left-leaning articles
it may be an "opinion article" but these are the people writing the "news articles"

ABC mostly uses BBC shows anyway

Abc is biased towards labour
Channel 10 is biased towards greenies
Channel 9 is in favour of kmart and Woolworths

>take over the ABC
>remove left-leaning reporters
>now have a literal propaganda mouthpiece
Imagine being so dense

>Channel 9 is in favour of kmart and Woolworths
Just admit it cunt, Channel 9 is biased towards the Greens.

And 7?

Calm down user I was making a joke

I haven't watched 7 in years, no reason

Fair enough, lol

why would you honestly care? ABC isn't taken seriously because it's a leftist propaganda mouthpiece and is openly ridiculed.

Anyone who watches TV should be ridiculed. Go outside, hunt, fish, and live.

yeah I know

unique ID
There you go. Much better now.

Oh fuck, I forgot all about this.....

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>why would you honestly care? ABC isn't taken seriously because it's a leftist propaganda mouthpiece and is openly ridiculed.
Not an argument.

The ABC is by far, the least biased news source that Australia has. You are yet to provide one that is less biased.

If any right-wing politician was to gain power and stack the ABC with right-wing pundits, it would be the Australian version of Russia Today (but respectable), or Pravda without the Communism.

Or, basically, Der Stormer, but hopefully, without the anti-semitism and racism.

>You can donate up to $100 to him if you don't live in Australia :)
Talk about a fucking moron
Then posts this shit:
>Cutting funding to the ABC is ridiculous. They are the most unbiased of all of our news broadcasters.
They attacked Anning worse than any other medai outlet FFS.
Go away quickly shill.

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>They attacked Anning worse than any other media outlet FFS.


>They attacked Anning worse than any other medai outlet FFS.
All publicity is good publicity

To some extent this, desu. If Anning didn't get all that media hate, he probably wouldn't have as much support as he does now.

g'nite lads

See you tomorrow

australia isn't real