So.. Ive met 2 people off Jow Forums.. They both had one or more of the following traits: Communist, Socalist...

I was speaking of the two major "nets" that seem to catch all the fish that come here.
I've met dozens of people through Jow Forums and they were absolute degenerates.
I didn't like them and they didn't like me.
I get accused of being a fed or a jew more often than not.

I accused one of them of being a Jew

>They both had one or more of the following traits: Communist, Socalist, Transgender previously, smokes weed, lives with parents, bi-sexual (Read: Gay), and plays fortnight

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Im considering going back out and beating the shit out of the communist one just for shits and giggles... should I do it Jow Forums? I can post proof, but ill probs be arrested lol

why didn't you screen them then you brainlet ?, looks like you wanted to have buttsex with them.

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Whiter than you, Ghandi.

Nigger I had no idea. Also, your memes are weak

this board rots people's brains (the NZ shooter was an example) especially if you're a vulnerable young struggling male

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You don't need to be a sociologist to know this place is a loosely-tied association of alienated and jaded young guys who are disposable to society, of course they will fit into some of those boxes... we are neurotic outcasts the lot of us

If you actually care to understand it from a sociological level and not more shitposting:

More like weak fags such as yourself can't take a joke. Neck yourself