We need to talk about Prince Edward Island

We should really think about turning this place into a white fortress island. We can blow up the Confederation Bridge to prevent shitskins from easily accessing it. Any whites wanting to flee clownworld can come and be given a plot of land. Burgers especially welcome as we will need military expertise. We will need to put defenses around the whole island, Normandy style. Blow up any shitskin/kike boats on sight.

I went here on vacation last summer. It was awesome. Only saw 1 nigger and a few chinks who were mostly tourists. There's hope there. Think I'm gonna buy some land once I have enough money, it's fairly cheap.

Attached: princeedwardisland.jpg (960x636, 127K)

You don't understand. Our best chance for survival as a species is to be spread out. There's no winning this on their terms, the only way we can win is to outlast. As long as there is a handful of whites somewhere we will rise again, even if it takes another thousand years.

Sounds good but when Trudeau is reelected he will probably ship a couple thousand rapefugees to PEI just cuz

Pls no

The land is being washed away. It'll be gone in 400 years

How about giving an ultimatum to niggers, chinks and poos that they must go to that island instead?

Is this the Oyster Island?

It'll be littered with somalis in no time

>Prince Edward Island

I can't think of a less wise and less European plan of action than to relegate ourselves to a tiny island to inevitably be thrown around and controlled by larger entities.

This is a blackpill situation where Canada and US are completely overrun by marxism and shitskins

(((they))) will target it and import shitskins as soon as they realize they missed it

do it user

Germans already did what most of Jow Forums wants in South America.
However they won't let anyone in.

I expect more from canadians...

learn property law

all land is free unless someone is in full direct possession

I would love to go to save the white race!


Wont work because of canadian government. It would have to suceed amd become its own country. You have to take control of a small country with sovereign borders, so you can write and enforce the laws. If you make a properous area in canada all of the liberal cucks and shitskin hordes will simple smell new shit to lay maggots on and fly over.

Take the Amish pill. We dont have to join them per se. But we could lean a lot from them about building resilliant agrarian communities with high rates of birth and retention.

Attached: Amish family.jpg (900x600, 142K)

They look healthy and happy. I would join them.


>tfw you have lived in 90%+ white cape breton your whole life
>TFW you are a leaf who can go to sleep every night with your house and cars unlocked
>TFW I can go for a walk anytime of night / early morning and have no fears of robbery or crime
>TFW earlier this week a guy openly told a nigger joke to me at A&W
>TFW americans and other leafs do not know about the hidden gem that is cape breton island
Feels good.

Attached: capebreton.jpg (409x255, 129K)

You don't get it, do you? The whole world is ours to enjoy and exploit, not just sum freakin island.

Fuck I love the east coast. I had never been there before last summer. It was an amazing vacation. Loved getting out of shitskin infested Ottawa. It was nice to be surrounded by lovely white people.

Attached: 1512913255391.jpg (399x386, 23K)

that attitude is what got us into this mess. If we stayed only in europe from day one and didn't connect our nations to shitskins ones that in turn let them migrate to ours we would have a super continent. And if you want the truth the rest of the world would probably have wiped themselves out anyways so in the long run, we would be the only ones left anyways. Then there is the whole space thing which we would be the first on so we would have a terraformed mars to ourselves. But instead we went to north america, made empires on shitskin land, then gave them up and took in the shitskins instead. We let jews into out system and now were here.

the whole maritimes are blacked grow up

any whites are welcome. The only shitskins in cape breton is mainly the universities, thankfully like poland we have not a lot of jobs (a blessing most islanders will never understand) so they get trained here and go out west. Stay out of our micro cities and its literally 99% white, not kidding. My small town has 1 black guy and the rest is about 700-900 whites

Rural America is full of good spots for an ethnostate, try for a mountainous region, far from any major cities and you should do pretty well.

Where is the food going to come from?

you don't know about PEI potatoes?

Stupid fucking idea. You do realize how we became so powerful and mechanized right? We plundered the new world to good effect and became the dominant civilization in the world because of it. The problem wasn't raping the shitskins it was not killing them afterwards. We did here in the US and it worked pretty well for about 200 years. Isolation is not going to work especially in a globalized world. WE need to carve out an ethnostate and protect those that already exist (East Europe, Russia) and go from there knowing what we know now. PEI is beautiful I love Anne of Green Gables but that shit is not gonna hold the Aryan potential.

Attached: wtf-youve-been-living-here-for-1000s-of-years-and-9904959.png (500x610, 161K)