The Green New Deal is absolutely retarded, however...

The Green New Deal is absolutely retarded, however, addressing "climate change" or more importantly pollution in general is smart. Everyone is looking at it very poorly though, we won't address it through domestic emission controls (which are a good thing to a point).

The only possible way to deal with it is confront places like China and India. You must crush their ocean killing production methods via economic warfare, tariff them into competitive pricing with domestic production that is emission controlled and you will not only slow down global level emissions you will bolster the domestic workforce.

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Yeah I'm a scientist but not a climatologist, I don't know enough about "climate change" to comment on it but people screaming climate change because it's hot outside or even relating their arguments to 10 years or even 50 years of data is ludicrous,

Nobody really cares about climate change or pollution, they just want cheap shit. They are completely indifferent to the fact their bolts, shoes, or purses or whatever is literally made with slave labor while they kill the earth.

>confront places like China and India

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Have you ever visited the third world? How much of that industry do you think is on the official books and has data properly recorded? Have you seen how much smog blankets those countries? Use your brain user

If we are talking about local pollution and the effects on people living here, pm2.5 is important, if we talk of climate change what matters is CO2 per capita production.

What is this graph showing

CO2 is a poor indicator of the cleanliness of a country and its simplistic, I'm more worried about pollution in general. Look at the countries who introduce the most plastic to the ocean for instance.

Search for pollution, you fag.
CO2 is the scam

PM2.5, fine particulate in the air, it is a carcinogen, linked to hearth disease etc.
You can check your air here:

4th gen. nukular power rite nao!

> inb4 astroturfing shitkenazis

All the red in the sahara and arab region can be because of the sand, (nobody live in the desert), but China is really a shithole of a country.

>per capita
>not absolute numbers
Yeah, the 5000 Chinese responsible for putting 10 billion tons of CO2 in the air are doing less harm than the 2 billion tons of CO2 we put in the atmosphere, as long as they're surrounded by an additional 990,000,000 Chinese who aren't emitting any CO2. That makes sense. That's good math.

Damn it, Paddy, I'd ask if your dumb ass was drunk, but I know mass ended hours ago so I can guess the answer.

The green new deal is a retarded bill but more than likely we do need to do something about our reliance on fossil fuels and reduce carbon pollution.

I wish we would go further with nuclear power but people are too scared of it because of shit like Chernobyl and Fukushima

Most pollution comes from 3rd world countries. Where do you think the ocean trash comes from? Why do these faggot politicians think America is to blame.

You can't do shit,just keep being a cuck and get islamize,nigger.

Yeah, the biggest issue with nuclear power is where the hell do you put the spent fuel. Ive heard of some deep storage vault but how do you keep people away for the centuries itll take for them to deplete.

Energy is about minimizing collateral damage, I'm not sure what the best answer is but there will always be a cost to keeping the lights on

No doubt about that, I was just saying the main and probably only issue with nuclear power is where do you put the spent fuel.

We should just ship it to India, that place is already a dump beyond redemption

On average Indians and Chinese own less cars, drive less miles, eat less meat, travel less by airplane than Americans or Europeans. Also they produce goods like steel for America and Europe. And you would blame them for climate change?

The USA needs to rise up and take its rightful place as a global empire. These nations must be civilized for the greater good.
We must take up the white man's burden, bring our leadership to these nations. At first there will be resistance to our rule but in time they will come to love us.

I don't blame them, they are sovereign nations that have a right to decide how they do business. It is our fault as westerners for subsidizing shit that is produced in a way that is antithetical to our values.

The usa is a net carbon sink.
We have so many trees and plants we reduce more carbon in atmosphere than we prorduce.
Unlike Europe which doesn't have trees anymore.

A deep cave sealed with concrete. If they have the technology to reach it they also have the knowledge that it is a nuclear waste repository.


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>on average
Mick, how many times do I have to make this clear, I don't get a damn about per capita rates, I care about absolute numbers. Maybe the average chink insect only produces half as much CO2 by burning mummies and dried rhino to heat the gutter oil they stir-fry their food in as Americans do driving cars. There's still 3x as many of them, so in absolute numbers they still do more pollution. I am not adjusting for population.

This nigger is a complete retard.

The climate changes regardless of human factors. There's also no ideal temperature, colder means less crop yields. The Little Ice Age in the Medieval Ages literally causes a famine and disease. Fuck off.

10 BILL / 1 BILL vs. 2 BILL / 300 MILL. Idiot.

>I don't get a damn about per capita rates, I care about absolute numbers

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