BASEDhan Omar

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i dont get it

is this lady working for Trump

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even if you're a quarter jew, you're still a sneaky backstabbing jew

She really likes to fuck goats and other barnyard animals. She see`s it as a good birth control method. Can`t blame her for not fucking a sandnigger till after she has fucked a few mules.

Jews like to haggle

kek. based mudslime

trump wants to give the death penalty to anti-semites



Have to agree with her here. Just like the most butt hurt and Woke blacks are the mulatos and quadroons. Identity crisis is a hell of a thing.

>is this lady working for trump?
Sure, if you have schizophrenia

This is a slide thread.

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Why are the discord trannies now suddenly constantly making threads about Omar saying things like BASEDDD with fake tweets?

Then all their fellow discord trannies instantly reply to the thread saying LE BASED OMAR

Man, don't even worry. Just focus on posting for the lulz and it will all work out.

still better than Jews who rape kids and drink their blood

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Ok this made me chuckle haha

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because Jow Forums hates Judaism and Israel, lurk more fag.

I hate both jews and muslims, but this is a good one.

Because they don't understand this place, and refuse to take the time that is required to actually understand some of the arguments presented here.

>shills STILL trying to push Zion Don as an anti-semite
Loving every laugh.

Yet ilhan pushes Jewish policies like taking the guns and importing rapefugees and supports homosexual. A fake muslim cryptokike. Gas yourself for not knowing controlled opp when you see it.

How is the dilating going?

Lies can't find it post link

>it's only okay when neocons support homos, the importation of the third world & gun control
Agreed. MIGA.

BASEDhan is wholesome and redpilled on the JQ

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The don't dilate anymore, non-op is now the new hotness
yes both sides are exactly the same please become disinterested in politics goyi- errr guys.

also join the 40%

who is talking about neocons in this thread? why do you assume and imply i support trump when you dont even know? why are you trying to strawman kike shill?

lol, the kikes can't touch her. that's the point. they can try, but it just streisand effects them on israel,and why the american goyim are paying jizya to the jesus killers.
shes our queen

That's actually kind of clever, I smiled slightly

She is working with the kikes you idiot. She is doing nothing but creating sympathy to the masses who get the side of the story that the MSM portrays on TV where the Jews are the victims and evil (((Omar))) is the mean anti-semite. This is no different than the fake anti-semitic hate attacks.

sympathy for Jews


>user you shouldn't support a person that has the same exact policies as every other kike but openly hates kikes

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That looks interesting thread , what is it sliding?

haha she looks just like the picture related

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Is this the updated yang gang promotion?

You fuckwads are literally double digit IQ if you think the kikes didnt set this whole thing up. Talk to any cuckservative after this whole omar situation, and see how much their LOVE for jews has increased! This reinforces their belief that jews are to be protected and that they are being attacked and we need more wars to kill sandniggers. This does nothing for us at all. All the cuckservatives are crying out "seee the left is the reaaaal naziiiss" and they are now very thirsty for antisemite blood


You are in the slide thread, retard.


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>she's a kike, she's making goys sympathetic to kikes!
>anti semitism? Bring up yang gang

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I’m 25% jewish

>some discord server filled with crazy people manages to pul off a 24h/d raid on Jow Forums almost always shitting on jews, zionists and neocons
you fucking shitzo

Well duh, they're both inbred Somaliniggers

Ah. Good job.

Let me explain to you why this is insulting, Am assuming the 25% thing means the same for arabs as it does for chechen though. 25% of anything means that you claim that both someones mother and grand mothers whored around with people from other nations.

Its a shorter way of saying that all women in your family are whores and the men are ultra cucks.

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Any% Jewish is too much Jewish

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what the fuck does that even mean?

oh, is that why dems and repubs are working over time to shore up their israeli servitude? someone has to step up and call out these fuckin kikes on the nonsense,... the fact that its an untouchable is all the better

stop being an into chick and maybe we can talk?

>being this much of a newfag

Anybody that doesn't understand the plausibility of this obviously hasn't been here for long.

>le schizo post

It's so easy to see who a shill is now.

Look at me.
I am the slide thread now.

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a 100% jew can´t do the "fellow white people" bit the same way a 25% jew can
I guess this is what she means

>he's exactly as bad as all the other ones but NEETbux!
>she's exactly as bad as all the other ones but timid anti-AIPAC sentiment!

Americans shouldn't have to be forced to choose between muslims and jews when they can just disregard both.







This makes sense actually

Quarter=money, also Jews are always about fractions and margins and nitpicking

While Trump sucks massive Israel cock, Omar rips them to shreds.
How did we get the 2016 election so wrong, bros?

>yang gang 5% polling oh noes!
>you need to accept purebred jews instead of bulbheads!
Why so frightened shlomo? We're already set to become Mexico within the next decade, you're in your victory lap right now, soak it in!

Okay don't know who this literal who is but that's a good fucking joke.

Boomer alert

>yang gang 5% polling oh noes!
lmao please post the disreputable source you have for that, Yang has slid in support since you helpful characters came along.

Go away, Semite.

>acts like I'm shilling for yang with 5%
No. I'm voting for Trump whether you like it or not, go back to discord.

How dumb can you get?
Trump couldn't be a bigger jewish fucktoy even if he tried.

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remember to SAGE

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Essentially, tons of Jews in the US are arguably only fractions of Jewish.

If you're reform like tons of Jews are in the states? Doesn't actually matter. Conversions are easy, mixed families are accepted. Patrilineal is as valid as matrilineal. If you're conservative? Still tons of opt outs, easier conversions if there is doubt, mixed families are somewhat accepted, etc.

If you're Orthodox where only matrilineal descent is considered legitimate, conversions are extremely difficult, and a rabbi won't marry you to a non-Jew the dilemma that this brings up is that Jews that return to the faith are often these quarter Jews.

If your mother's mother's mother was Jewish, you're still considered Jewish under Orthodoxy - you can't Un-Jew. So, if you were raised reform because your mother was Jewish because her mother is Jewish, because her mother was Jewish. Congrats, you're as Jewish as Chaim McSchlomo with 100% Ashkenazi 23&Me because of how Jewish law works.

Of course, the bigger funny dilemma is that these less religious, less Jewish Jews are often the loudest in the room. Think of it like Sean King, 100% niggers don't really have to do much to convince people they're niggers, or convince themselves of their niggerness. 25% Jews can easily fall into the background if they didn't actually claim their Judaism.

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is she calling out the shapeshifters?

14 year old girls are banging 20 year olds as is. At least this way you stop them from becoming whores in their teens

>Hello fellow white people

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lmaoing @ your life nigger.

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revel in your idiocy and the hatred to your causes you foment. In 2012 I used to hang out in a gay bar ( in reality it was an everyone nightclub that had a large gay clientèle) with a couple of lesbians I was friend with. Then we would go to afterparties at the front door bouncers apartment, but after a bunch of punk assed adolescents decided to start calling me a nazi and a racist because I was white and hetero, well now I have grown to hate homos and blacks equally. I would not piss one either to put them out if they were on fire. So keep fucking being a large festering asshole it's doing wonders for you politically.

>In 2012 I used to hang out in a gay bar
lmao faggot

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Reminder that women's sexual liberty is destroying the West.

kek, based.

Literally the only person that gets it. We are a very mixed people.

*mixed up

the crypto jew is the most effective jew bcs he hides the best.

Muzzle the Muzzie
>Nomar Omar

tfw you're going to get that things Twitter account banned

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it implies that jews are fake and disingenuous, that they're identity and their word is worthless

>what the fuck does that even mean?
A very accurate observation. The most disgusting and destructive activists are mixedbloods, in fact, you'd barely find full on Jews that care about some global refucking of the world.

Is she referring to 1/4 Jews who cry victim status louder than real Jews? I don't get it.

>even if you're a quarter jew, you're still a sneaky backstabbing jew
Is that what she means?

fake and gay

Check'em. You forgot that he also had a meme flag.

we should use the muzzies to get rid of the jews and then turn on the muzzies and nuke mecca.

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