Why are women so god damned awful?

And no I'm not a dude.

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Giant children.

As a guy, both sexes are just as bad as each other - some people are just shit tier human beings

why are men so goddamn awful?
and no I'm not a girl.


All women are evil.

lesbian incel

u1st labia-incel

For most of history, it didn't matter how women behaved in regards to finding mates or having kids.

Okay FtM

women are awful? this is news. I rather love them. more for me, I guess.

Because they've never been kicked in the balls by a woman and have to let it slide or backhand her and get jumped by 9 dudes on the sideline waiting to White Knight.


Men learn quick that if they act childish in a relationship their woman will leave them.

"I'm a woman, every woman is bad except for me, I'm a woman so of course I know, did I mention that I'm a woman?"
it's always the same thing with you fucking thots

>I'm not like other girls

its not even there fault really i just think men spoil them.

can relate but i dont hate women anymore, in fact i like them more than men now

A lot of them are pretty entitled, petty, rude, selfish. Arguably due in large part the fact that society especially men put them on a pedestal. If we all quit worshiping their vaginas and acting like they are wonderful for merely existing regardless of how they behave the world would be so much more balanced. Quit rationalizing away shitty behavior as "female nature", it's pretty much just as bad as saying it's a man's nature to rape, kill, beat people etc.

Girls , not women ; girls , have torn my heart out more times than i can count. That being said , girls are what you're having issues with. Maturity is hell of a drug for women, at least i hope so.

I cant deal with the heart break anymore

>put them on a pedestal

Hate to say it, but you're right.

We need feminism and the LGBTQ community in the world for this very reason.

Well do you think we put women on pedestals because of our desire to not be alone ? Like society states that we need to be with someone to be happy, in fact its part of our human instincts to seek companionship.

Because i'm currently dealing with this right now , i have all the routes open to focus on my job , family, and so much more. IT just feels incomplete without someone to love. :(

I just got out of a relationship not to long ago s this is probably where the feelings are stemming from:(

All women aren't awful and all guys aren't awful , are overgeneralized statements about groups of people always fail and are awful.

I just want a woman kind enough to give me a chance despite me not knowing anything about me. but I can't find any like that.