Did you go to Church this morning?

Why didn't you go to Church this morning? It's only an hour a week. I have depression and anxiety, but going to church every week helps it and gets me out of the house for an hour. Plus they give you free grape juice and crackers.

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Most churches have been infiltrated by the enemies of God: LEFTISTS. I discussed God this morning with my wife. As the bible says, any time who of God's people talk about Him, that is His Church.


Because it's not dark and cold out all the time anymore.

>Why didn't you go to Church this morning?
Because I'm not a race-traitor.

Yea I went there

I'm going to mass tonight


Jesus said the church is within, that you should pray in your bedroom where God can hear you, not in a church.

went there during the weekend. Might do it during the holy week

>church helps muh depression

Wouldn't you be more depressed to know that God wants you to go to hell unless you devoutly worship him and the only way to do so is a one in 50,000+ chance for you to get the correct religion? Also why would God punish people who don't even know about his book? What do you think the North Sentilese think about the bible? Probably nothing, so are they going to hell?

Let's be real here and admit churches are ponzi schemes.

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How would we know that Jesus even said that? Let's assume he did, why do churches exist then and people ask for donations and tax cuts on them?

You’re lowkey a Christian with anti-Establishment views.
A true Christian!

Ephesians 6:12

>“I acknowledge my struggle is not against flesh and blood. This battle isn’t about the physical issue I’m facing. It is against rulers, against powers, against the world forces of darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. This is where I will do battle Lord, and I will do it in prayer.”

you cannot pray to the sun god from inside a church, silly!

Satanists in disguise. look at the vatican.
True Christians have war rooms. They pray in solitude.

Dat strowman argument

God wasn’t a universalist. He didn’t die to redeem the Senegalese, he died to redeem the lost sheep of Israel which is the white race (and which has NEVER been the Jewish race)

Yup. As every week.

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I'm not a christian, but I do appreciate the commandments as a decent baseline for a working society. I don't have faith in anything, because to have faith is to say you know something without needing to explain it or have an explanation. If the concept of God cannot be proven and the Bible's entire foundation is revolved around the idea that God exists, then what reason do I have to believe it is true?

>why would God punish people who don't even know about his book
literally doesnt happen, only a brainlet media consumer would think this shit up.

So you gotta admit that the concept of Hell and judgement described in the Bible is false, right? Because allegedly everyone will "face the lord to be judged" when they die.

So what's the explanation for people who don't know about it? Purgatory? Seems equally as cruel to keep people in a limbo for near eternity than to torture them for near eternity.

checked and I like your spunk (not in the cum sense) btw. I wouldn't have come back to it if I hadn't tried as hard as I could to question an deny it.

Went to based conservative church because Jesus is Christ, Lord and Savior. Ignore the haters. The kingdom of heaven is near.

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How do you figure the lost tribe of Israel were whites and not you know, kikes

No. I am not a christian. Also depression is fake.

It's a strawman to answer the question? It's a ponzi scheme and since they get tax breaks for lying to people, I resent these people. I don't want my money going to utter bullshit

I know of no good churches in my area. They're all nigger churches with nigger interpretations of scripture

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Hail Satan

Yeah Hell isnt actually found anywhere in the original scriptures. I’ll let you do your own word study on it, the information is definitely out there
All Israel will be saved. The gospels say that. They also say some will be resurrected into glory, and some into shame. Meaning faithful Israelites (not jews not jews not jews not jews) will be blessed, and those who were rebellious will be chastised.
The scriptures do NOT say anything about anyone who ISN’T Israel being saved. In fact, Jesus says ALL the plants His Father didn’t plant will be thrown into the furnace.
So indeed the modern “judeo” christian view of heaven and hell is incorrect. “Good people go to heaven, bad people go to hell”. No. GOD’s people go on to resurrection and immortality, “heaven”, and everyone else is bound for the pit with Satan and his angels.
Your dead grandma isn’t smiling down on you from heaven. She’s resting in the grave, awaiting the day of judgement, like all of our other dead ancestors.

Because God doesn't exist christcucks

I'm currently agnostic but I've been looking into faiths, to join a community and hopefully meet a conservative woman , I was approached by a Mormon missionary and their interpretation of the after life is interesting to say the least. They believe that everyone basically goes to a sorta purgatory and then Jesus comes and judges them at the very end, basically everyone goes to heaven except for the ultimately contemptible people who choose to follow Satan despite knowing that its wrong to do so. Its interesting but I'm still looking at other faiths as well.

Press down on a mattress, observe, checkmate.

Because the swedish church is one of the most Marxist institutions there is in Sweden.

Even though i'm an atheist I'd be ok with going to church with friends and family if it were some actual morals being preached.

You can look into it on your own. Mainly the prophecies that we’re fulfilled ONLY by whites, and the fact that the apostles ONLY wrote epistles to white counties (Jesus said go to the lost sheep!), and the fact that the Judeans (NOT JEWS) were ethnically related to the Greeks and Romans, who called the Germans Germans because of their word for “brother”. (So the Middle East, Rome, and Germania was all white or mostly white 2000+ years ago. These were also the only regions where Christianity spread).
Also Assyrian deportations if Israel, the appears of the Scythians who called themselves Saccae (in Isaac shall thy seed be called), and later Anglo Saxon’s.

I mean honestly, did anyone every genuinely believe God would ever love these Edomite bastards who are pretending to be Jews today? What kind of God would look at the descendants of Larry David or Harvey Weinstein and think “THERE! Those are my people!”. Nah. God looked at the descendants of golden haired, brilliant Achillies, of Alexander the Great, of redheaded David the giant slayer. THAT’s who God’s people are. THAT’s who they’ve always been! You didn’t think David was a KIKE, did you??? He fought Goliath with a sling, not a pen and paper and a legal battle!

Because all churches support Israel.

I know about Christiany and God but I reject it because it's fake with no evidence. Most Christian's would suggest that I would go to hell. Therefore I would be getting punished for rejecting God, but God didn't give me enough evidence of his existence and using the brain that he gave me with reason, I reject him. Talk about bullshit.

>unironically worshipping saturn in 2019
my sides

No, I don't worship kikes.

Jewsus also said that race doesn't matter. And that washing is bad.

Because I live in a truck and I'm in a different state each day.

Adversaries to jews? Implying the world is this good.

The churches in my area are really liberal. The one closest to my house has a female pastor who has an atheist husband. The next church near me has a liberal soiboi who plays a guitar during sermons. I'm pretty sure I'd have to drive 50 miles to find a decent church.

Do you know what a ponzi scheme is? Because nothing you said has anything to do with that, retard