You know guys you can always just travel abroad and bring a white latina gf to have babies with. They’re not that hard to get, they prefer white americans.
You know guys you can always just travel abroad and bring a white latina gf to have babies with...
>white Latina gf
That's how I snagged my black wife. We have a gaggle of pure white black Aryans. Fucking based as fuck
Or you can date your hand or a philipino tranny your choice man
Latinas are turbo whores.
Exactly what color this pure white black is? I hope she isn't a filthy yellownigger.
just cause she is pale doesnt mean shes "white" shes a beaner mutt goblin piece of shit and your kids will be brown cause she still carries BROWN GENES. Just because she doesnt express the dark color doesnt mean your kids wont be sorry retard
yeah but they are money hungry
>they prefer white
Latinos prefer anything they can get.
whoever laid that bead of caulking on that sink needs to be deported.