Where is the real shooter?

Where is the real shooter?

Attached: tarrantd.png (835x465, 873K)

you can't discount an option that this brexit murder mystery was was produced by using CGI in front of green screen. In other words if you're looking for fox to fire at you have to look at firefox and mozilla.

There in the photo you face blind autist.

>schizo poster

That's a bot, mate

that's him you dense fuckwit

What happened to his lip? Already got a std from the kiwi jail?

Attached: tarrants.jpg (728x374, 64K)

I thought his face seemed more rounded than the livestream... Weird.

JIDF is pushing the retarded "its not the real shooter" conspiracy theory to discredit the theory that it was a Mossad hitjob.


Attached: you tried.jpg (600x570, 19K)

>face blind
the absolute cope of mossad inbreds

The older you get, the more your appearance can change rapidly when exposed to stress. A 16 year old exposed to high levels of stress may only look slightly older after a few weeks of high stress.

But a 30 year old, can have their appearance change far more rapidly from stress in a few weeks. Happens to me all the time the older I get the more shitty I will look after just a short stress exposure.

Once you get 60+ if you keep getting exposed to high stress you could literally just drop dead. It gets worse the older you get.

I will age/de-age +-5 years at a time over a couple week period depending on stress levels.

Attached: fma.gif (540x304, 2.83M)

This means when you are a teen your appearance is pretty stable, you aren't going to suddenly age/de-age +-5 years at a time just due to stress. The older you get the worse it becomes.

That's a bad shop.

Attached: 1554554495672.jpg (639x951, 168K)

That's been edited. Here's the actual one, retard.

Attached: enhance.gif (800x528, 284K)

So here is my unsolicited advice to anyone young enough: Get rid of your stress now, because you have the choice of by the time you are 30, to either look 24, or 36. You choose. You want to look 36 or 24? Better get rid of that stress now. Like Jared Leto.

Attached: jared leto.jpg (670x893, 88K)


Attached: brainlet_hole.png (1218x1015, 809K)

you guys must be at this full time to be posting this same bullshit in literally every fucking thread
We can clearly see the man in the shooting video is not the same person in all the other photos
The absolute state of disinfo faggot niggers

this is why people think right wingers are retards

you are a dumb cunt

He looks like he's in his 40s. Is he 60?

go back faggot

oh fuck off back to facebook and stick to posting shit recycled memes that we made 4 years ago

