Trump has a plan to resettle one million Palestinians in Jordan.
Trump has a plan to resettle one million Palestinians in Jordan
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Bad optics.
Will destabilize Jordan.
Be expensive.
And yet the situation is just as bad now.
Nobody cares enough about the Palestinians really help them. The Jordan relocation camps will be open air slums within weeks.
Should just let everybody vote on it.
Based, democracy will solve our problems this time for sure.
Cthulhu is shitposting again
and I hope one American has a plan to assassinate Trump
Like this is any surprise. Only way to have lasting peace is for one side or the other to win and control all the territory.
Now for us to implement this same strategy in all White countries.
MBS and Kushner solving the world problems. Very nice
Not unless we can re-settle Africans.
Maybe that's why he wants this? Or maybe he's just a faggot kike-worshiping boomer.
I'm glad Trump is spending sooo much time trying to fix Israel's problems. I mean we are doing fine over here. Take your time, Trump... No really, It's fine.