School shootings

Is it even possible to prevent school shootings and if so, how?

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Stop bullying people. We are all microscopic nothings. The universe doesn't give a shit about you just because you have friends. It will annihilate you without even noticing.

destroy all the schools

Can't shoot up a school that doesn't exist

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fuck you
SPBP, nigger

They can't be stopped.

Every school shooting is causef by the same scenario if attempting to undermine indivudual expression tgrough the threatw if coporal punishment by member of the "police", shaming by both students and school faculty resulting inba total gang operation of suppression of individuality. THIS IS PURPORTRATED BY THE GOVERNMENT ON PURPOSE. the shooting is the end outcome of righteous resistance to bondage anyway you look at it.

Armed teachers when

Ban circumcision. Being subjected to literal torture as an infant fucks up your brain. There's a reason why kikes and mudslimes are so fucked up.

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The only rational solution here.

>muh bully caused me to kill

Fucking pussies



Type faster sausage fingers.

Why would you want to? Someone has to cull the Chad menace.

make it so every single child knows how to fire and handle a gun responsibly before they enter public schooling.

Imagine if teachers were known to be rational and right wing and it was assumed that half of them were carrying

make it mandatory for stacys to blow the ugly kids

Is it even possible to prevent false flag shootings, and if so, how?

Arming teachers won't work for several reasons.

1. A student could easily get it from their female teacher.
2. The teacher would probably put the gun to some chad's head and force him into sex

Automated turrets just sayin', low hanging fruit right here

Based and redpilled.

Arm all children with fully automatic rifles for self-defense situations.


battle royale

Make bullying illegal and punishable by up to 5 years in prison

Fuck off, yang fag.

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govt assigned girlfriends

>2 zionist jew fed familes kids with guns amazing all these "school shooting" jhave one element a fuck ton of jews hangng around play acting, crisis acting, and faking it

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Yes, ban all wh*te boys

Some are just born with a reward system wired for cruelty. You see that come out with serial killers. These school shooters, though... They’re generally outcasts and have shitty parents and/or come from broken families. Every now and then you’ll have a woman go apeshit and kill her husband after putting up with years of abuse, but you never hear the media asking “What do we do about toxic white women?”

A lot of these shooters have a lot in common - they have trouble getting girlfriends, they’re picked on/laughed at/bullied/ostracized by their peers, they have parents who don’t love them... I think it would help if schools would fix the TOXIC SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT. Stop playing favorites, and have zero tolerance bullying policies. Reinstate corporal punishment. Start expelling more kids instead of worrying first about maintaining numbers for government money. There’s a lot public schools could do, but they won’t.

Give everyone a $1000 dollar check. Assuming the poor guys were in need of pussy, they can easily pay prostitutes for their needs with that.

>muh jews
>muh false flags
>sloppy job mossad

>Deutschcuck on the internet
>Not dragging Youseff Muhammed Ben Abdelkader of his daughter and shooting him in the street
Never change mein kumpel.

Yeah. Shoot back

No. :)

A broken society makes broken men.
fix the broken society and you won't have so many men willing to give up their lives in retribution.

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Just take all the school shooters we have caught so far, tattoo “I’m a colossal faggot” onto their chests and display them naked save a lime green thong on YouTube and national TV for one hour a day for their entire sentencing.

You know you could just kill youself before your caught.

This is not a bad idea. Our media glorifies these violent little shits by incessantly talking about them.

Online education and simpler job qualifications

yes. quit making them famous. it's really that simple.

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It's beyond just fame. It's in general our society that can't turn away from such acts but would turn away such men when they are needed most.

You can never just ignore such a large act of violence. We need another great war/crisis which would give men purpose and suffering.

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>Tell people we should openly shame and embarrass little ass holes for seeking attention.
> Jow Forums user assumes it’s a pedo thing.

Never change Greg

You could just kill yourself to avoid having this happen. You wouldn't be in jail if you're dead.

Remove all non-whites, Jews included, from influence, then society will inevitably sort itself out and become naturally right wing again, then turn the school system into something like Finland has. Removing the Jew is always the first step that must be taken for everything to be fixed. Remove the Jew, then you can remove the non-White, non-Christians, then you can solve each problem with ease.

So hang the bodies the same way till they rot. It’s not about punishing the offender, it’s about showing the future fuck ups that even in death they will be mocked universally.

Get rid of schools. You can't shoot up a school if there is no school in the first place.

Making school attendance optional would substantially reduce the number of students who shoot up schools. Being forced to work for no pay surrounded by idiots tends to drive people a little crazy- if those crazies could just not show up, I'm sure most of them would do that instead of shooting people.

This solution would not change adults who shoot up schools though, or the occasional kid who is totally deranged.

If bullying by a few kids can make them want to do it, bullying from the whole world can make them rethink that.

Repeal 2nd amendment

Eat shit homo.


It's not bullying that drove them to do it. It's something far greater than even that. Even if you stop these men from shooting others, they're still broken men who are probably going to do it anyway or kill themselves.

That's like fixing the White Nationalism problem by banning Jow Forums and putting every "racist" naked on national Television and egging them every few days. Ya like that isn't just going to help.

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Proof of proclivity.

This too. School as it is now is basically a decade long internship where you only work to make your teachers money (gotta get that cash from higher test scores, nigga), and being forced to do all this, especially during physically and mentally formative years will naturally makes kids grow up fucked in the head, especially in big city schools where diversity is our strength.

Kill everyone under the age of 21. Would also immensely increase the quality of this site

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There is no white nationalist problem, only a reaction. Shame the ones causing that reaction.

I agree with you. However, single mothers and their lazy parenting methods (drugging the kid with SSRI's) are also to blame. I would suggest passing state laws that give the parent with primary custody ten years in prison if their kid does something like this.

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Yes and isn't violence like this a reaction to a broken society?

I agree to that.

Of course. And what is causing the breaking of society is people being too soft.

Prevent????? I want more

It's gonna be crazy to watch the first live streamed go-pro school shooting.

Um, just kill all the white people? ez problem solver!

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you spelled jews wrong

preemptively cut the arms off all children

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>Is it even possible to prevent school shootings and if so, how?

Reduce single motherhood.
Young men go totally off the rails as they hit puberty, and become bigger and stronger than their single mother.
Women can't raise young men.

It will happen eventually. Question is will we react like New Zealand?

Shoot the shooter obviously.

More gun free zone posters. That'll stop'em!

If you were to arm the teachers it would be a voluntary thing. You can't force someone to carry a gun if they don't want to, and women would probably choose not to. The male teachers on the other hand (which extends to athletic coaches) will probably choose to carry if they are comfortable around guns.

Sure just figure out what we did in the 50's when we didn't have school shootings and do that.

>spent weeks planning the shooting, and the parents never noticed?
>not one of the bombs they made went off?
>gee, sure was nice of them to use a Hi Point carbine with a 9 round magazine, if they'd gotten their hands on an AR Clinton's assault weapons ban would have been proven useless. How considerate that they weren't willing to break the law and acquire an illegal gun, for their mass murder.
>targeted Christian students, but they never named the JEW!?
Sloppy job, Mossad.

Blame Mossad for everything. How do I know your not shilling for Israel?



Don't put young white males in a social bubble made exclusively out of other underage people, where a large portion (80%) of males would get beaten into submission by a minority of cooperating "alpha" males aka Chads (20% of males), with those underage Chads becoming dominant in that social bubble of minors, to the point that only underage Chads would have access to underage females and they would deflower 80% of said females, leaving practically no virgin gfs for "betas" (80% of males).

tl;dr if these guys had young qt virgin gfs, or at least weren't denied acess to those young qt virgin gfs at 18 because of a high age of consent (past which there are no virgins, 'cause they were all fucked by underage Chads previous to reaching the aoc of 16), they wouldn't commit school shootings.

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Realistically, armed teachers and fully armed resource officers.
Once you harden up the targets at any potential mass shooting location, it reduces most of the would be shooters inclination towards taking those targets on.
>if you know that the first thing you are going to do is be in a gunfight (where you could potentially die) before you get the chance to just shoot unarmed people like fish in a barrel - you just think twice about doing it


I truly believe this.
I urge everybody to watch the documentary "American circumcision"

Getting your dick mutilated at birth puts a trauma in your subconscious. You'll never want to admit it openly, but deep down you know what happened. When you were at your most vulnerable someone bigger than you held you down and violated your body. And it was done with the consent of your parents who were supposed to protect you. If this doesn't fuck up a person mentally, nothing will. It puts in your subconscious the idea that violence is ok.

In Europe we don't do school shooting and in all European countries minus the cucked UK people do have access to guns.

>prevent school shootings
get rid of chabad

What I have learned from Jow Forums is that every mass shooting is a Mossad psyop. Only Mossad agents and their puppets have ever killed. Every bad thing to ever happen is because of the Jews. The only way to stop shootings is to eradicate the jew, or at least quarantine them to Israel and never let them interact with the outside world.

Nothing more we can do. We should just give up trying to prevent them. See how it sits. Might work out.

Noticed there are less now than when Obama was singing Amazing Grace.

Expect False Flags, needed to raise donations and push children on camera crying.

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Stop making socety feminize and demonize men. Stop single mother bullshit and unstable familes.

these little operations can be run at a state level.

This i did not need no school anyway and i aint not no dummy neither

dismantle the deep state who carries out these false flags mass shootings.

the last authentic mass school shooting is your pic related, 20 years ago