Trump is a fucking GENIUS

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Outjewing the jews

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She's a real hero, I'm glad most of the actual left hasn't followed the lib party line on this shit

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Let the kveching war commence!

>yfw after the Russian collusion lie not a single person believes a single thing the shit lying fake news says about Trump.


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>3 females, all brown, talking something something
Into the trash it goes

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The kevetching is real.

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All I see is Trump being a Mr. Magoo-tier retard, as usual.

What's the secret social media site all the jews kvetch to each other on? How can i salt mine this.

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>global problem

It's not us, you're all just jealous! !

Love when these yids out themselves.

>muh rising fascism
They keep saying this, but I'm not seeing it. It's also funny how they see fascism as Jewish kryptonite instead of just another political system.

AOC is looking tired.

So basically everything Israel does backfires at this point. The synagogue shooting was supposed to bring israel and us jews closre but it only drove them apart

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If it keeps dividing the Jews im all for it.

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>yfw Trump is about to call out dual citizens

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WTH is that Fagalong Cassidy?
Also that bitch Omar should be stripped from her position in committees that have anything to do with foreign policy, or defense.
About all I agree with her on is that this Dual Citizenship BS should be a disqualifier for serving in the Congress, and they should be made to pick one. Foreigners should not be able to vote either, and that is what Dual Citizenship is. Apparently those in Congress think that the DC in Washingyon DC means Dual Citizen.

>an antisemite who supports israel


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>he's not the best goy it's all 88D chess
if you believe this you are retarded

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Shitty forced meme

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Trump isn't about to do jack shit. He has given israel and the jews everything on their wish list and broken every promise made to his voters.

Trump is about to take down the ZOG

I just had a dream that I was dating AOC. She was pretty chill.


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>tfw no qt gf dismantling the Democratic party.

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LOYALTY so you forget we mean DUAL-

oy vey

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Fascism is always rising, user. It's always right around the corner. Government is always full of fascists and there's millions of fascists walking the streets and all of those policies you support are fascist and if we don't stop that guy from doing that thing we'll descend into fascism.
Fascism is the boogieman hiding under your bed. Fascism is what communism was in the 20th century.

Fascism is rising because it's an artificial movement.

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hang,fuck &marry,bullet what say you?

ropey, fucky sucky, hollow tippy! What say u?


>right wing antisemites in nyc
>killing kikes
>omar not a dumb somali cunt
Nope sorry sweeite that’s you pet niggers chimping out on you not nazis

Ok after reading this thread in want to make sure I’m getting this right. Omar who attacked Israel publicly in front of the entire congress, is now being defended by Jews who are attacking trump who is the biggest Jewish loyalist in the government. What the fuck kind of 4millionD chess are the kikes playing here. Or are they just getting caught in their own lies and collapsing?

Bullet for all 3

How is it anti-semitic to refer to the leader of the Jewish ethno-state as the leader of the Jews? Any Jew can literally go to Israel for free and live on a kibbutz on the Israeli government’s fine regardless of their citizenship.

It’s like the left Jews are Jewing themselves at this point.

How is it that Trump can be the most pro-Jew, pro-Israel politician in history and yet he's still being called an anti-semite?
You're right, I can't tell who's Jewing who anymore.

Whats harder than making the kike kvetching about a king of the jews confess his sins at the cross?
> getting his plantation owner ancestors to pay for their sin.

Just my two cents

You are talking about a dude who cheats at golf and surrounds himself with people who hate his proposed agenda.

What fantasy world is this (((person))) living in where kikes are being openly killed in Jew York? I'd actually like to live in it.

>>an antisemite who supports israel
Those two positions are not exclusive. If every single Jew moved to Israel, the entire JQ would be solved. Jews would become a normal nation with their own state to worry about, instead of being a diaspora subverting foreign nations from within. Zionism and antisemitism are perfectly compatible because they both demand separation and an end to the diaspora.

Pretty thin stuff

They can't handle the cognitive dissonance from finding out the Dems are actually the bad guys who want to put them in ovens, not Republicans.

It seems that the international jew is of different breed than the Israelite. Might be some kind of a trick though.

>trump is a kike shill who loves Israel more than the USA
>trump is an antisemite who is literally hitler
Pick one and only one

Almost there gentlemen, the center & right is almost radicalized enough for violence. Boomers are making violent threats now it's only a matter of time before the violence starts out in the streets. Get ready

Why not both?

Because they’re fundamentally contradictory


Wrong fagboy

Then tell me, how can someone love a group of people, and at the same time advocate for their destruction? Seriously, you dumb fucks need to pick one angle and stick with it. You’re not making any sense

No, he’s the most dangerous president in modern American history.

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>pick a side
This seems...unwise.

I have a feeling that AOC is a fucking plant. If not, she recently met Donald Trump and was awe struck by actually meeting the man. It's one thing to talk shit about him and to have never met him, but when you are in Donald Trump's presence, you really feel like you're in the presence of a king. I met Barack Obama, George Bush and Bill Clinton as well as a few other leaders, tycoons and celebrities. I have never been so struck by someone as I have Donald Trump. It's literally like being in a room with a fucking lion. you're afraid to actually talk to him yet at the same time, you're hanging on his every word and hopes he acknowledges you. Even the way his secret service and staff approach him, I get the feeling that they feel this fear as well. I'm telling you all, that nigga has found the spear of destiny or some shit. I actually got to be in the same room as Donald Trump back stage when he was on the campaign trail and came to my town. I didn't expect what I got.

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i cant even keep up with this shit anymore

The apocalypse is nigh.

he is helping you to secure that part time burger king fry cook job you have had your eyes on for years but were unable to get under another president

lol so much winning

Wait, wait, so the Drumpf's a kike shills were just trying to exploit a fracture point here?

Wow nobody ever suspected this development.

kek you zionists are seething

No. The people spamming Drumpf is a kike shill were actually angry Israeli shills that didn't want Trump to exploit a fracture point.

It's simply not effective and Trump will easily win 2020.

When you wear out a technique years before it counts (a few weeks before the 2020 general election is the time to deploy) nobody will pay attention to your shitposts. Very sad, but I understand. There's a lot of nepotism and affirmative action shitting up your organization of schizos.

>thinking about 2020
Hahahahahah dude Israel gets BTFO this year.

Not just Israelis, lots of shills do that. It dore out though, nobody listens to them any more except to mock them.

>thinking I care about Israel
Iran and Israel will destroy each other and I'll be comfy the whole time, Izzoh.


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All the shills on this board are ultimately benefiting Israel and therefore Israeli shills.
Ilhan and Trump will unite Islam and the west.
>I'll be comfy the whole time, Izzoh.
What did you mean by this?

But Jews are loyal to Jews above any other allegiance.

Black people are more likely to side with a white person against a fellow nig, than a Jew would be to ever do more than kvetch about a fellow Jew's behavior.

>All the shills on this board are ultimately benefiting Israel and therefore Israeli shills.
Not all of them, Izzoh.

Hang: myself
Fuck: none
Bullet: line up Omar and Cortez for the All Pro emblem

Ah yes, the magical Yiddish yeast. Antisemitism is always on the rise! Always!

>didn't it kinda peak during the hallofcost
No stupid, it's been rising higher ever since!

>antisemite who support Israel
I'm not 100% sure what's going on anymore.

Holy shit Omar looks like she's 50 in this picture

You sound like a huge faggot

>it's a global problem
They recognize they're hated around the world. .