Is there a single fate worse than being born Indian?

Is there a single fate worse than being born Indian?

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Yes. Being (((American)))

Here, have a (Poo)


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Ya an indian river

You aren't white, Juan.

I'm not indian.

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Neither are you Charles Abdul shakir

Born as a woman.
Born as a Tranny.

Being born a mutt

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>Born as a Tranny.

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>t. john hernano giminez zanches

I didn't say you were retard

Trannies aren't born memeth.

Being a Jew because my Jewish holy book says all Jews will burn forever because they aren't Christians

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>t. Ibrahim Omar Yousef

No Indian links at all. Pretty high chance that you're a literal mutt though.

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Nope but if it helps you cope living in that cloudy hell hole I’ll be your martyr

If you google street view ANY place in India, there is always trash laying around everywhere without exception. Why can't they manage their waste?

Because we aren’t beta like Asians and Westerners trying to “keep muh spaces” clean. Seriously nobody tells me where to shit, what to speak, or which dick to suck.

This is a free country.

Those people are going to learn to code and not be offended that somebody suggested it.



I just took a shit in front of my house in the name of freedom.

I take a shit every day on 15th August when we celebrate our independence day in front of the Secretariat Building, a symbol of British Empire in my city.

On every 16th December, I take a shit in front of the Qutub Minar Al-Hind, a symbol of the Delhi Sultanate, because we humiliated the Pakis on that day in 1971.

You got a fucking problem you burger? Got a fucking problem? I’ll come over and shit all over your streets on 4th July in the name of freedom to congratulate you on your independence from tyrants. I’ll have two German blonde scat fetishists with me too.

Shitting in the open is the most rebellious thing you can do. Its basically giving a fuck you to society and Jews who came up with what is “socially acceptable”. Fuck society. You do your thing. Or shit, in this case.

There is. To be born in Fatland.


let me come to bradwillamsfordham and shit on your streets, and show who the real boss in 2019 is

That does seems rather low on the reincarnation totem pole.

You can tell a mans intelligence based on his perception of America to be honest, totally irrelevant I just want the Norwegian guy if he's still here to know he's a raging faggot. Also FUCK INDIA FUCK MAHATMA DINDOBIBLYBULLSHIT I DONT GIVE A RATS ASS JUST USE A FUCKING TOILET WE ARE WAITING ON U

Freedom never smelled so great


>This is a free country.
freedom to be a stinky degenerate isn't freedom at all. are you fucking dumber than the dumbest american? holy shit dude

(((Americans))) are all rich as shit, There is literally nothing better.

You might have heard about the
>American Education

But you’ve yet to see >Indian education.
Give it a few more years once Indians actually become a normal majority on the internet you can see how fucking dumb most pajeets are. They literally know nothing outside of their country.

My sister unironically once asked me watching some Hollyjew TV show about Roman Empire, “why do English [Indians don’t understand the difference between Europeans and English] people use horses? I thought we used horses in India because we didn’t make cars?”

>tfw a poo with UK flag outs himself in the first post

dude you have no idea how stupid the normie americans are here. its why your country tries to scam them with phone calls all the time. i dont even blame them at all. tell americans jump and they will ask how high because they are cucks

>You might have heard about the
>>American Education
the best is when canada thinks they have better education than america. they are more liberal and jewish than we even are

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bruh i know memes and shit are funny but there are millions of people desperately trying to come to this country every year selling off everything they own and risking their own lives to get here.
they can all die for all i care but just some food for though.

based poo bro

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thats because south of us is a cesspool

>be born mexican
>be prideful
>having nothing to be proud about

And ruling the world.

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hey look. the retard OP is still checking this thread. nice!

HAHAH jealous ? we still your females always

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A-are they holding him in the air?

>tfw no software engineer poo gf


HRT in the womb is a thing.

Imagine being proud of being with those slags lmao

They're shitskins and they know that they're genetically inferior so any contact with a White person elates them

imagine the smell

>be indian
>wake up to screams of women being gang raped
>pray to blue two-headed rhino god
>no shower so bathe in the Ganges
>almost choke on child’s spinal column
>ride on roof of victorian train to the call centre
>”hello this is hank from computer company we need to ask you a few-“ *click*
>creepily hit on western women on facebook during breaktime
>walking home
>need to take a shit for the 35th time that day
>squat over a dying orphan who happened to be in the way
>wipe anus with hand
>eat rice from a giant communal bowl
>use hands like a chimp
>time for bed
>crawl up in a pile of straw with, pray to 5 armed lobster-woman god for allowing me to live in the greatest country on earth

being an indian in india

ca ni get more based india pics

just burn the fucking house

Based and brownpilled.

>lobster-woman god
Seems legit. The Hindu religion is indistinguishable from some D&D bullshit.

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