Communism is literally one of the few anti-jewish ideologies

Communism is literally one of the few anti-jewish ideologies.

pol has it wrong.

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>not realizing capitalism and communism are the same coin

You haven't taken the deep wignat pill yet. Which is that all of white history is basically a Jewish play Christianity was a kike plot and basically Jews really are the superior race.

Explain pic related then. Oh wait you can't.

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Jews support whatever ideology supports them best in a given context. Communism served to break the old-order in Russia and combat anti-antisemitism, so jews supported that system. They played a major role in the Soviet secret police and there was a semetic overrepresentation in the Soviet government from the twenties till the late thirties

The same holds true for most of the Eastern-bloc countries as well: Ernu Geru in Yugoslavia, Matyas Rakosi / Bela Kun in Hungary and so on.

When Stalin started purging the jews, then you'll find that lots of jews abandoned communism and they suddenly turned into fascists when they relocated to Israel. Because zionism/ultranationalism serves them better once they are in Israel. When they were in Russia communism suited them better.

>Communism is literally one of the few anti-jewish ideologies.
So Marx, Lenin and Trotsky weren't Jews?

>false dichotomy presented by jews
>be any sane person in the world
>call it out
>be marxist faggot
>durrr two conflicting sides, why would jews do that, so my side of the dichotomy is the right one lol Jow Forums sooo dumb xD
Do these marxist faggots all have some sort of tumor in their head?

hey OP, lets go on a ride in my helicopter

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fuck off juden

NatSoc is even more anti-jew :)

You mean the ideology created by Jews?
Damn you flaggots are something else.

Trotzky is a big maybe, the other two definitely weren't

>Damn you flaggots

Aww, don't be sad. Flags are meaningless on Jow Forums.

Piker power 2019

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Anti jewish my ass, commies are a jewish invention

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revolutionary elites who get powers in 1917 ,most of them were jewish.
While they were fighting against whites and forced russian goy to fight each other ,they banned antisemitism. In a lot of high-ranked places you could found jewish. They get financed by jewish bankers of wall-street.What did happen after collapsing : oligarch wich were most fortunate jewish during gorbatchev erea just bought everything and most of them were jewish.Soviet union is just another shit from jews.


i would also said : communism is a hypotetical state. No ones know what will be communism,even marx and engels didnt say a lot about how it could be. The only great book of Marx is his capital wich is a critique of capitalism and not a ideological program. Its teleological view that he get from his hegelian lessons : communism is after the collapsing of capitalism.

'When one of Baruch's letters to Marx was published, its contents caused a big scandal, which they wanted to silence at once. This letter explained, among other things, that it would be easy for Jewry to get into power with the help of the proletariat. Thus the new governments were to be led by Jews who would forbid all private property so that all these riches came into Jewish hands, or made the Jews administrators of the fortunes and estates. In this way an old dream which the Talmud speaks of, namely that all the riches of the world would come into the hands of the Jews, was to be fulfilled. In his letter, Baruch also made it clear that the goals of Judaism were power over the whole world, a mingling of the races, abolition of national frontiers, elimination of the royal families and finally the founding of the Zionist world state. (Salluste, "Les origines secretes du bolchevisme", Paris, 1930, pp. 33-34.)'

Nice conclusory statement, faggot.

Communism was literally created by a Jew, it’s biggest supporters have always been Jews, and the useful idiot commies defend jews like the loyal fucking dogs they are, because they know who rules over them.

Marx was a Jew, not religious, but he was a Jew nonetheless. Lenin was also a Jew

Communism is the most Jewish thing ever. It is the other limb of Jewish thought (the other being capitalism). These ideologies have the same end goal -- to turn goyim into cattle for Jews.


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>Bottom text
The left truly can't meme

Communism was invented by jews. Karl Marx made it up and Boshelviks helped it take over Russia. they only gave up on it because Stalin turned on them. The cold war happened because the Soviet Union was purged of Jewish influence by that time.