What’s their endgame?

What’s their endgame?

If you’re white and post positive about this guy you’re literally a cuck

He was a piece of shit black gangbanger who rapped and got killed by another piece of shit black gangbanger

Why is everyone playing pretend that he was a good guy?

He didn’t give a fuck about white people why should white people give a fuck about him?


Attached: 4AC97AD7-C229-48DB-A253-00DE8B2C2D17.jpg (718x592, 101K)

no-one cares, move on

Thought the name in the OP was an attempt at memeing. It's actually real lol. Fuck this gay earth.


rap is kike subversion

It's "no one". And fuck that worthless nigger.

Niggers rapping about killing people: hero.
Old classical music which actually needed talent and is timeless: boring crap

>Modern generation

It's just another dead nigger.

OTToman empire 2.0

Attached: 1F69686B-0C0D-42EC-9511-C91734B82B9A.jpg (1936x1936, 666K)

Also notice that the killer is literally Eric Holder.