The Jews are invading my battalion.
I’ve been in for the better part of a decade and I’ve never seen MARPAT yarmulkes.
When I saw them I literally thought they were there to investigate me for my open and blatant anti semitism.

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Quick! Break your leg so you don't have to participate.

why have you been fighting for israel for a decade

What the fuck? They can just walk around with that meme shit instead of a cover?

You have a gun.
Kill them.


But sad

Sikhs do the same.

Not that you are scum, the yarmulke people are

Delete this

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kikes might supersede trannies and women as the most useless freeloaders in the US military

can't you complain about their head gear based on health and safety issues? couldnt their beanies get sucked into an intake or unfairly prejudice sand niggers to attack the base or something?

Is if still friendly fire if you're shooting at jews?

>help my boss is here!
you just work for them
dumb ass

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so looks like the kikes are being moved into all senior positions in the american military?

jewish leadership and mutts in the ranks

lol enjoy your coup if you ever vote AIPAC out, america

Isn’t there a difference? Like, don’t they HAVE to? Like Muslims and facial hair? I’ve seen plenty of Jews without cuck caps. Are they some crazy orthodox sect or are they just being fags and abusing the (((diversity))) rules? Why am I asking when I know the answer? Anyway, they can fit their cuck caps under a cover so go unfuck them and spare me the trouble.

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I’ve known more Jewish Marines than any other religion and I live near Camp Pendleton.

The USMC is nothing but Jews and beaners at this point.

based North American

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Never forget Bruce

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They've come to check if all of you are ready to die for israel

Why any of this is allowed in a military is beyond me.
>God creates you in his image
>makes you cover your bald spot

You know what to do but you won't do it

This isn’t a larp. Do it or give me the unit name. Don’t care if this goes up higher. I’ve been chewed out before. It’s fine. It’d be better than fine if they skip up it looking for a buddy. Then we get to have another talk. I’d still prefer that you handle it. Any rank can perform an on the spot correction as long as it’s done with respect.

Go eat some crayons faggot. When I was in the army, I met 1 Jew, and he was our commander. Join a better branch than your department of the Navy.

Lmao, mr.shekelstein came to see what his loyal dogs are doing. Did he call you a good boy and toss you a cookie?

During my service I saw the first and the last jew I have seen irl.
Fucking hated that yid. Coming up with whatever bullshit 'religious' reasons for not to participate.
Always trying to jew everyone around him but I got to chew him.
I'm just glad he wasn't in my squad. My buddy wasn't that lucky and every night before going to sleep he bitched about that heeb and came up with new things how to make that kike's day worse.
Everyday that jew was kvetching when he didn't get some jew way out.
Motherfucker took it to platoon leader then company leader. After we were heard and some of the privates, company leader said fuck it I ain't taking this shit either.

haha, Beaners? True. Kikes? GTFO, haha.

>kikes allowed the Sikhs to do it first to set the precedent to use as the example to point to and put the heat on instead
Now I get it.

>that camoflag jewish hat