Ever notice how interracial shitposting has shifted from BMWF to WMBF in the last year or two? Even WMBF porn is becoming more popular and in my city, I see more WMBF couples than vice versa. You realise that it's your duty to make white babies, not mutt mongrels? It's literally the same as BMWF. Even if the families are better off by comparison, mongrels always regress to the mean in a large populace. No, it isn't your duty to seed Africans, nor are African females 'home' to the white man. It's just another Mossad operation. America is well on its way there, but there is hope left for the rest of us. In b4 Estonian and Aussie wakanda posters.
The rise of WMBF popularity
Wmbf might actually get you killed. Afaik blacks in America from what I know have this hood loyalty thing so when a girl starts dating someone outside the hood, Tyrone and his mates end up killing the guy
Its basically like honour killing
1) black women subconsciously know white men are superior conquerors
2) wmbf has lowest divorce rate
3)black women need white man to guide them, intelligence gap is relationship on ez mode
4)black women feel ugly compared to white girls, no princess complex
5)black pussy is the tightest factually and scientifically
6)jungle fever is impossible to cure
No not really, but they hate it though and its shunned. And its almost never promoted in the media
I went out with a black girl once and her ass stunk so fucking bad I couldn't bring myself to do anything with her.
Probably for the best.
She was one of those "white-ish" looking black girls too.
This should at least be the emotional reaction for whites.
Cuck, enjoy your mutt children.
>its almost never promoted in the media
This is another observation of mine.
Where did you learn that, Sundar?
If anything it's the women that are concerned with who black men go after. Black men don't care.
t. living in Chicago
Because it is more likely to last, can't really promote BMWF as healthy if the father keeps leaving.
My dad divorced my mother and his current gf is black. My longterm gf is half black. I think some whites are just more attracted to the jungle, must be genetic.
>1 post by this ID
Ever notice how race threads are always started by foreign shills?