Which European country is best to find a traditional wife?

I want responses from men who have actually met women while in Europe

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[Your own]


don't go searching for water into the woods when the well is near you

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We have some notions about the well.


unironically, Turkey

South Brazil, unironically

I would say it's best to find one in the USA since it's super easy to tell apart degenerate and traditional girls. Traditional girls go for men from their own country as well.

You are planning to move to Europe, OP? Based as fuck, every american should do it


fuck off musfag

This, everyone should have a hungarian girl at kitchen and bedroom



I guess

This meme seriously needs to die. I've studied at an international Uni with lots of slavs and every single one of them, no matter their gender, no matter how innocent they looked, had admittedly lost their virginity in their early teens

Anywhere that doesn't have internet.


Belarus, my wife is from there, met in Poland...always go Slav. German women are a lost cause, only Western country I would go with is Italy.

Don't know about Polish girls, but I've encountered lots of slavs from other countries and most of them are are cock craving sluts. Pollacks seem more traditional though.

not really.

How about in your own country mutt?

Don't do this, seriously. Especially if she is of german descent.

polish girls are whores

You should be happy if a white man wants to live in your country.

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Traditional girls don't go for foreigners. Look in your area in rural places.

Best place on earth is the Phillipines

Hungarian and Czech girls are the toilet sluts of Europe

None. I've traveled in Europe and they are all massive whores. Even outside of Europe they slut-it up everywhere as backpackers. Slavs are probably the biggest sluts, though. They'll fuck anyone who has a bit of money, even niggers and Asians. They have 0 standards.

The best women I've seen are in third world places that are very patriarchal and the men keep them oppressed. In those countries they are very quiet, demure and subservient. They instinctively want men to control them. White men are pussies, so their women are running wild.

Very true. They're mostly kurwa here in Canada too.

Dummy. 6months after you bring her back she’s going to cheat n leave. What, you want to live in polkchechgaria the rest of ur life? Delusional

Why not?

Russia. The rest of Europe is a bunch of cucks who need to be genocided

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user made it easy for you, follow the exact opposite of what he just said.


But you can never import women into the usa. They will turn into sluts as soon as you import them, and will divorce rape you, even "trad" russians.

Like my honorary babushka said: "stay away from german women"
She had some interesting things to say about what she observed on the women, during the time she was in Germany after WW1 and there was an influx of africans into the country.

Yep, it’s a virus

>international uni
There's your problem. Sluts try to emulate the western lifestyle, the tradgirls can be found in their respective countries.

Not France nor Spain do not know for other country

Unironically Slovenia, Croatia or Poland. Girls there are beyond based and cute as fuck

And to further answer your question. I dated a german girl from a very small town in the south. There was nothing trad about she and her sister.

Colombian girls seem to be pretty good, the ones I meet here, which are not many btw, seem to be the optimal 80s wife.

They are deceptive about it, though. Keep that in mind.

Greece? Maybe?

im going to china to bring back a beauty

According to this Poland has the highest age to lose your virginity among white countries

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I wouldnt trust this. People, especially women, tend to lie in these regards

true. But then are Scandinavian women more honest than other women?

Come to any high class city here in England and you'll find plenty of young, white, qt and non-retarded punani (Oxford, Cambridge, parts of London, etc). This really goes for any european country, don't let any fucking shitnigger shill tell you otherwise for fucks sake. (like this nigger )

I know as a German that this is against my interest but dont allow the kid BMWs or Sig Sauers

And if the well has dried and been filled with poison?

Dont know. I honestly would avoid them. I want to move to Switzerland soon and I dont think a Swedish women would be up for that. Also their feminism bugs me

My wife is from France

So, you come to this board, seeking advice ONLY from men who have:

1) Traveled to Europe.
2) Succeeded with women there.

Do you have any idea where you are?? If this board was full of people who had the means to travel to Europe, and the value to easily pick up women, they'd be striking huge blows in the culture war instead of endlessly blackpilling themselves and others.

You are making assumptions there. Stop branding us as losers. This is literally the only space to write honestly on the web. Embrace that instead of attacking its users

This is true. It's relatively easy to find the difference between trads and sluts. They love to brag about it, they'll literally tell you in the first 20 minutes of conversation whether or not they're worth it.

But realistically speaking I had to live in the US then, right? Nah thanks

The more positive a country is towards sex the more promiscuous its women will be. Your country allows prostitution. It is socially and legally acceptable for German women to be whores. That is not the case here, except for in the desert state of Nevada. It is also not legal in some non EU countries. It is a crime there too. Logically, it seems better to choose a woman from a country that isnt all about womens sexual empowerment

Yeah, but almost all hookers are Romanians and other EE.
I really dont want to live in an Anglo country. And I really doubt any US-raised women would want to live in Switzerland

Italy but we are full.

With Niggers and debt lol
Just kidding

Oh no no no no skrrrrr HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH

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Romania is EU... the only EE country that is not in the European Union with women who have a horrible reputation is Ukraine, but then again their GDP per capita is like $2k so they must be profoundly destitute.

Tell me about any country where the women have a good reputation. And only Whites please, the rest are pleb tier.

Ukraine is poor as fuck. I dont think that that is a good baseline for a relationship

Denmark but they are full. Go find yourself a nice fellow traditional burgerette.

The well is poisoned.

Honestly: Sweden or Norway. Denmark and Finland are okay too. Swedes and Norwegians are based.

Good point. I'm not sure where else somebody could even ask OP's question. So, I stand corrected. Let me offer some advice:

There isn't a single corner of this earth untainted by Western/US/Jewish filth. The good news is that 99% of the people are wide open books who can't help but show you (in 1000 ways) exactly who they are and exactly what they're about...

So go to places where you're most likely to find traditional women, get to know them, pay close attention to who they are, how they act, the decisions they make... and dont let your emotions or wishful thinking prevent you from dropping anybody who displays selfish, whorish, feminist traits. Also, drop your own instagram/pornographic standards, and look for a woman with a great character instead.

25 years ago, I used to go to a Church that had a pastor whose wife was literally one of the ugliest people I've ever seen... They had 13 kids together. And they used to eat rice and mackerel to afford food for everyone. I was curious (a few months ago) to find out where they all were, and what they were doing... Literally all 13 kids are now doctors. And all but the youngest of them are married with children.

Its not just that Jewish subversion prevents a lot of women from being traditional... it's also that Jewish subversion prevents most men from accepting awesome women who could give them a house full of children.

Italian women are cunts but great wives. But if your willing to go slightly Slav Bulgarian women are very loyal

Spain, but you must be careful, it's 50/50 and the other 50 are complete feminazi sluts
based gypsy wisdom

the more backwards the country the better, id try kazakhstan

There are a couple of Euro countries where the women have a good reputation, and there are quite a few where women have no reputation. No one ever shits on chicks Moldova, Montenegro, Cyprus and other little known places.

Show flag you fucking shekelstein. You literally have it completely the other way around.

OK, I admit Also this is the online site where anybody ever admitted to did wrong lol
I have done so too

Could also be because nobody has them on the screen. Moldavia is the place where many burglars come from

fuck off nigger, we are full

Are you retarded?

True, Swedes are so unbased its not even funny anymore.

Look at your own ancestors to better understand where to look, then search in your own country and pay most attention to the girl's FAMILY, rather than country of origin. You are looking for FAMILY with right values and traditions.

Austria, Hungary, Estonia, Germany with a stretch. Serbia as well.

Countries with age of consent at 14 (the lowest aoc that is left, thanks to feminism). The lower the aoc, the less sluts there are, and the younger the girl - the less she is likely to be a whore. You obviously want nothing less than a pure young virgin, so aim only for girls that are 14 (most of them ARE whores at that age already, but its just the best you can get at this point, there are still probably 25% of virgins that are single, aim for them).
Check her social network profiles, and find out whether she dates or hangs out with guys, whether she drinks/smokes, check if she is into retarded pop culture, if she is doing all that - don't even bother starting a conversation, thats a slut and she most likely was deflowered at 12-13 on some drunk party with school Chads. Search for autistic ones that are into anime, literature, that study diligently and don't hang out with opposite sex. Try to earn her trust, find out if she is a virgin, date her in case if she is and take it slow (but not too slow, or she will leave you, deflower within half a year, a year at max, be pushy about it if you have to, or she will grow cold and will treat you like shit, because she would think you are weak and lack assertiveness as a man).
Date her, try to move in, propose when she feels comfortable with living under one roof with you. Then cross your fingers and pray, I guess.

But even if you manage to find a good looking young virgin and date one, even if you manage to fuck her and build strong relationships, she will grow cold to you in 3-4 years or so anyway, and she will leave you. Thats what happens in most cases. After that you will never be the same again, life would always feel like shit, and you might as well commit suicide.
If you are too old, like over 27, then its most likely game over for you, noone will date you and you might as well commit suicide.
Or change society, idk.

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Lmao get some fucking fresh air or something. Holy shit this is just psycho and depressing, and false.

Lol what in the fuck

Larp or real?

yeah sure thing, roastie, or a cuck, or whatever
anyway, ami, better stay within your designated cuckolding country

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Or Moldova. Maybe some Borat level village in Romania?

What are German women like?

You're such a retard, 75% of 14 year old girls are whores? Here's an idea, have a daughter with some roastie, raise the daughter from birth and then turn her into your perfect innocent wife. Sure you'll be fucking your own kid but you can at least take solace in the fact that she'll never see life outside of your basement and be corrupted by Vanya

*nigger voice* oh nonono pkhhhhahhahaahha *nigger voice*

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Did you know that college is free for all foreigners in Iceland? Did you know that 60% of Icelanders are under the age of 40, the highest percentage of youth in Europe? Did you know extreme urbanization of the country means that 70% of the population lives in the greater Reykjavik region, keeping the sluts all in one place?

>move to Island
>do free second degree
>nail literally every chick on the island
>go home and never have to listen to fags whine about no sex again because you'll have had a fill for a lifetime AND have a second university degree

You have to pay for your rent and food though

I've seen this poster before with the "if you are too old you will never have a girlfriend". Perhaps instead of wallowing in your sorrow over being old, you should get off your ass and make something of yourself.

You are literally a fucking psychopath, get a life you fucking retard

It's not their fault, all the men moved to UK to work so there is a dearth of young men to lay pipe in Warsaw.

hot as a coal burning stove

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american girls are the worst by a WIDE(literally) margin

As he said its a 50/50 either a trad girl in places like Galicia or a femishit in Catalonia

This. You need to stay in their home country.

I don't think you would find what you want in France. Not that I complain, as a white antifa


>Muh 2060

Try 2030 (literally 10 years).

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