Is it really just that easy Jow Forums?

Is it really just that easy Jow Forums?

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What’s the saying, easy on paper. In practice it takes more effort. But no, what works for someone else might not work for you.


There are more steps to it, but it all boils down to: fill your life with self-improvement up untill you are attractive and confident enough to get a girlfriend.

>There are more steps to it

Could you elaborate please

What if we're short on time?

How short?

I mean yeah kinda. You'll still fail a lot but that's fine, don't let it wear you down. Also last line should just read "don't reveal your power lvl"

Now 26 y/o short.

Depends what the the question is or what it is you asked to be able to do.

If you want to get your dick sucked by shallow whores who's assholes have been beet up by every other person with muscles, yeah. It is that easy. Probably easier. Gym fags just happen to go to the gym and so when whores jump over their dick they think the gym did it, when it's really that the girls are whores.

Contrary to belief, just hitting the gym won't change the fact that you sperg out with girls if you didn't already. Though it's a great hobby to have for self-improvement, i believe there's more to it.

If not doing it already, Having a good oral hygiene routine is neccecary as well. Subconsciously, if you have white teeth, you'll smile more often, which is good.

Also, washing your face (twice a day), moisterizing it with a cream, always having a nice haircut, using sulfate-free shampoo, at least weekly oil body massages before showering, drinking enough water, noporn, keeping your house CLEAN, learning how to cook a few fancy meals, having a car or at least a drivers license, most of the time trying to be in a good mood, even if you have to force it, are a few things that come to mind.

That's the worst Jow Forums advice I've ever heard. Stop immediately if you're following that.

You're not.

>approach women in public fucking constantly

This is "I'll take what I can get" behavior.

nigga giving this advice if he knew what he was doing he wouldn't get rejected most of the time making HAVE to approach every woman to get those 50 "fuck offs" for that one "hey, how are doing?".

Yes, the steps are that easy. But there is a shitload of stuff that comes naturally with those.

Hit the gym means confidence, self-esteem, caring about how you look, making the most of your appearance with clothes that show off your physique, discipline to keep your schedule, etc.

Approach women in public means not fearing rejection, believing in your own success, having an optimistic outlook and more.
The last one is just fucking stupid. If you do the first three you won't be so insecure that you spend any time thinking about black people.

That's why "be yourself" is all it takes, because it means that you have so many things in place before you get there.

hating black people is not about insecurity, its about rationalism


None of those things help you improve if you're a sperg around women

>be yourself, but make sure you do these specific things
you're a retard

hate's a strong word. It says something about you if you keep "hating" on any single thing. Some girls will notice this and take it as a warning sign of your attitude/behavior. I'm not judging you, I hate mad shit because I am a pissed off human being a lot of time.

Also, you can hate, it's not a deal breaker. Just make sure you have enough good qualities/behaviors to make up for it. Chick doesn't want to be with a Jow Forums fag 24/7.

The best time to start was yesterday. The second best is today.

>Chick doesn't want to be with a Jow Forums fag ever.

I have had extremely high success with women and a lot of it comes from just being chill. I literally don't hate anything. No matter what you're hating on, if you're a source of negativity (all you do is complain, rage about people, pout because you're competitive and lost, etc etc) then you're going to push women away. You're going to push anyone away because no one wants a downer in their life.

Be positive. Be upbeat. Talk about shit you _like_ and be interested in shit _they like_ and you'll find way more success.

Negativity is for boys. Being chill is for men.

You only need that
>approach women constantly
part. Anything else is optional, not mandatory. Plenty of racist fat fucks have gfs.

How many girls have you asked on date this month op?

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Fix the body and the mind will follow user.

Easier than that. Just be a decent human and be around women.


I'm not OP, but this is very true post. I am aware of this but I can't help but be mad/angry a good chunk of the time. I'm either really relaxed and a fucking clown or I'm serious and pissed. I don't think I'm bipolar or anything I just am that way. I think I was always like that but military made it a bit worse. I work hard play hard and when I have to work with other people that aren't like that is pissed me off. Wish I wasn't so angry but shit just gets the best of me. One reason also is that when I get tired or hungry I get cranky ans pissed. Not sure why this is. I see people that are tired pulling 14 hour shifts and they still cool. I feel like murdering someone being up that long.

Not OP, but how can I ask women out if I literally don't know where to meet them? I'm not comfortable online dating, my local bar scene sucks (I don't live in a big city so all of the bars are sad hobbles for sad middle aged fucks), I work in a male dominated field, am not in college anymore, and my social circle is nothing but dead ends.

Numerous factors has turned me into a bit of a reculse, being a socially awkward introvert exacerbates the issue, and at this point I'm so out of it I don't even know how or where to meet other people anymore.

Sure, because every healthy relationship starts with a base of lying about your moral and political views. Sounds like a waterproof plan.

>confident enough
this is actually the only step. "self improvement" is totally unnecessary if you have the confidence. The entire point of self improvement isn't because girls won't fuck you now, but they will when you can 1/2/3/4 your lifts and quote Marcus Aurelius verbatim in Koine Greek, it's to develop your confidence enough for you to start going out there and shooting your shot with women.

>being a socially awkward introvert

elaborate on that?. Might be the real issue holding you back from a relationship instead of the entire paragraph before about how you don't know where to meet women. If you are socially awkward then knowing where to meet women wouldn't help because they wouldn't want to deal with you.

And also truth is when you have a really good attitude women EVERYWHERE will notice and any where you go is an opportunity.

Jesus Christ you're clueless.

I know what he said is dumb, but truth be told I wouldn't be surprised if some women actually fed him this bullshit.

>I just am that way
I mean that's not super normal, I'd expect a doctor could take a look and see if something is up.

>but military made it a bit worse
Oh now see this is where I start getting biased. My grandfather, father, and a number of friends were in the military and they're ALL worse off for it. I hate the fucking military because of this. My grandfather was paralyzed in WW2, good friend back in Wisconsin can't go hunting anymore because gun shots _sometimes_ randomly set him off (starts hyperventilating and just anxious as shit). Fuck all that noise. My grandfather was the only one who even took part in a meaningful war. Killing brown kids in the middle east 10 years ago wasn't worth my friend losing the ability to participate in his favorite hobby.

If you get angry easily, it's probably because your body produces more adrenaline than most. Which can be a result of a number of factors (I'm like the science nerd of my friend group. Molecular Biology degree and Software Engineering). I'm autistic enough to be able to keep the "it's all these chemicals" in mind, and that actually does help me stay chill. I know that doesn't work for everyone though.

That's essentially what meditating is though: "Tricking your body into not producing rage-compounds like adrenaline and producing more chemical signals that make you chill out". Like there's no magic about it, it's just practicing how to produce the right neuro-chemicals, and I know a lot of people that have found it really helpful. It just sorta sucks because practicing it is a bit of an ambiguous process and its not easy to tell when you're making progress.

You sound like a good guy, rage aside. Hopin' the best for you, user.

Most people would describe me as "shy", but it's a bit more than that. I can count the number of close friends I have on one hand. I have trouble establishing and maintaining relationships with people. I'm a sensitive person and I have trust issues, on top of low self esteem. I generally don't talk casually with people unless they talk/message to me first, which people rarely do, because in my head no one wants to talk to me otherwise. I'd rather be alone until I'm needed, where I'm not bothering anyone. Sometimes if I need something from someone, even something simple and inoffensive, it'll take me 45 minutes to an hour to work up the courage just to hit send on the text message asking them. My friend once described me as the kind of person that would rather drown than inconvenience the lifeguard by asking for help.

It's a big part of the reason I've ended up this way, and as far as social skills go I'm YEARS behind everyone around me.

I'm self aware that it's all in my head and have been making a conscious effort to put myself out there more and try new things, go to new places, meet new people, etc. I want to be a more social person, but every time I try I just end up being that awkward guy sitting alone in the mall food court or whatever. Occasionally someone will strike up a quick conversation with me, but it never ends up going further than that.

I've been trying to get better, but I'm 26 now and I still have a long way to go. Not knowing where to go or what to do makes has definitely made it a lot harder than it needs to be though.

You sound a lot like me man. I'm 37 but been married a bit over 10 years now.

complicated situation. How is your humor?. One reason I ask is that I think one of my qualities that saved me is my humor.

Interesting thing about all that stuff you typed is that it can work with you or against you with women. Some women will hear that sob story and feel sorry for you and shit and then want to take care of you and save you from your past and all that crap and I really think those women have their own issues to deal with. If you however present that info to a girl she will be like "wtf, this nigga is probably a serial killer in the making".

no its not

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I would describe my sense of humor as "niche".

It's hard to really put into words. Among those I'm close with, I'm known as the guy who'll put in a bunch of unnecessary effort for a dumb joke. Being a shut-in means I have way too much time on my hands. The joke itself is whatever, the fact I put in an outrageous amount of work for something so silly is what makes it funny. That kind of stuff, if that makes sense. Doesn't really do me any favors in day to day conversation though.

As someone who often over-analyzes everything (especially myself) I can also make the occasional funny observation that goes over most people's heads. In the right context, I've been able to score laughs like that. Having a good deadpan helps, though generally it's not the kind of stuff that would be "haha" funny to most people. Most people think it's weird. Naturally, I'm also pretty good at being self deprecating but that's kind of counterproductive considering my predicament.

Have you ever thought of going to a rennaisance festival?. I know they're corny as fuck but truth is some of those people are on a different plane and may find interest on a person like you.

I haven't, but I'll keep that in mind if the opportunity ever arises. Thanks.

yeah, when I was in the military I knew a guy who was really big on those. He was a bit of a weirdo but a smart guy. Always saw some of his gear in the back of his hatchback. He met a girl at one of those just before he left the military.

not the guy you're talking to but I go to the renaissance festival every year, dressed in garb, and every year I wander around looking at all the shops for 2 hours, eat for 30 minutes, and watch the joust for an hour before going home. Never talk to anyone, never made any friends, never participated in the alleged orgiastic parties in the camp afterhours.

If you're too shy to talk, it doesn't matter where you go.

I never been to one. Do you enjoy it?. What state you go to them in?. Is it a big area?. How many people go there?. Do you not talk to people because you don't want to or do you want to make friend but just end up not doing so?.

Dancing lessons

If she breathes, you can try to small talk her

lmao at the last one
the absolute state of neo nazis :')

>Imagine actually talking to people in gym

My gym has special room for females, i dont dance and do yoga cuz i am not a faggot

Absolute state of adv

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depends where. LA's renfaire is big, I also went to one in Oregon and it's pretty small. It's great if you're into history, crafts, and being silly.

I still go because I used to have friends of a sort, but I was really just part of their group because I dressed the same way in high school. Otherwise we weren't friends and never hung out until FB came out and FB invites became a thing. Anyways we used to all go as a huge group of like 20 people and drink and have a blast. That group has dissolved over the years but I still go to the renfaire every single year hoping to somehow recapture some of the fun of those days. It's become very clear that I not only never had friends, but I never learned how to make friends or even be a pleasant person to be around.

Retarded, and a very good way to be "disinvited" from returning to class. Seen it happen in Yoga and BJJ.

wow. that's very honest. I myself reminisce a lot. I talk a lot about the military and my service. Very proud of that. I feel like Al Bundy that won't shut up about his "four touchdowns in a single game". Makes me feel good though. I'll never be rich but I'll always have that under my belt.

I miss those days because that was a period of my life when I had buddies but the only time I had buddies and it was because we all lived together. It was like a campus and we all hung out. If it wasn't for that experience I would have no stories of fun and would feel like I had been a longer that missed out my entire life. At this point I'm ok not having friends. I don't want friend. I just have my wife and me and her are like best friends. More people just complicate shit. between her my job, my dogs and myself I don't have spare time for anyone else.

All races hate niggers though and if anything, whites are the most tolerant of those subhuman animals.

>le "i'm only racist online"
white supremacy has never been weaker lol

>All races hate niggers though and if anything, whites are the most tolerant of those subhuman animals.

what color are you then because you don't sound very tolerant.

This is why I have given up. No matter where I go, I will always be there. Autism should be removed from the gene pool. I have accepted this.

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>I'm not comfortable online dating, my local bar scene sucks (I don't live in a big city so all of the bars are sad hobbles for sad middle aged fucks), I work in a male dominated field, am not in college anymore, and my social circle is nothing but dead ends.
Literally stop making excuses. Use dating apps, go to bars and hang out with your friends, expand your social circle.

No, you mongoloid. The fact that you can be yourself means you already have all the things needed in place, otherwise you wouldn't be able to.

Yeah, you dont even need the gym part but itd help you get hot girls.
Being fat iant going to help you
Being cut or jacked is def gnna help you
Even attractive guys get turned down
Even average guys that are confident can get above their 1-10.
Even short guys if they got other things going for them can get hot girls.
Example, friend 1 is 5'2, unnatractive, chubby. Cant get any without help of him having alot of money or drugs to use with them and as soon as hes out so are they.
Friend 2 is 5'2 or 5'3, but jacked, handsome face. Litteraly pulls 2 a week.
The hardest part i think is gaining the ability to just walk up and talk to them, then if your turned down, trying again on another but if you get that ability some will say yes and like it. I used to not get girls almost ever and when I did it wasnt from me approaching them it was coworkers, or friend of friend, classmate just situations where i didnt have to do much work to break ice. Now I have options and have problems like liking both the girls im seeing and feeling bad im gnna have to let one go.

Why do black people always have to be some kind of grand villain in these self improvement posts?

Essentially yes
I'd add the obvious regular hygiene.
Also learn style and fashion.
But that's the truncated version of what you need to know.
Most of it is to get you to looksmax
Approaching women is short for, get social experience. I also suggest drop your at home hobbies(video games, tv, anime, etc) Those don't make you an interesting person.
Get outdoor hobbies. Hiking, photography, shit like that.

>fill your life with self-improvement
>and don't worry about getting a girlfriend

Fixed. They will show interest in you. Once she shows interest, it's up to you. Keep socializing, don't stay isolated.