Only in America can you

Only in America can you

>have 30k student loan debt
>30 year mortgage
>7 year car payment
>medical bankruptcy
>5k credit card debt
>need both parents working full time to not even make enough money to get by
>no pension

And still shill (for free) for billionaire elites who hate you because “capitalism is the best economic system”.

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It’s too late.

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>1 post by this ID
learn to code

>you NEED to take out loans for party unis and a new car
get fuckd hipster scum

At least half of people on Jow Forums are anti-capitalism. Preaching to the choir here.

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>Tfw paid off a new car in 2.5 years, paid for school completely out of pocket, and have no debt

Even my local community college wants $12,000 per semester. It is not possible for an average person to pay for their own college.

Because it is....what we have now is pseudo-capitalism, or even oligarchy

>He still doesn't realize communism and capitalism synthesized by the end of the Cold War
Stop defending neoliberal Jews still playing this false dialectic

i love capitalism because i can grow some tomatoes in my garden, sell off the harvest, and profit from my labor instead of having it "redistributed to the needy"
all of those things that you complained of are the product of bad decision making on an individual level
you fully have the option of living a life free of those burdens, you just dont because you are weak, needy, and materialistic

A 100% free market is not the answer. Even Hitler knew that businesses need to be held accountable for having a net positive or negative benefit on the nation as a whole. The ones that were bad for the nation where obliterated. Parasitic Jew-like corporations should not be allowed to participate in the market.

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"I like the option of sacrificing something I made myself for abstract, meaningless currency rather than giving it to someone who needs it more" lol, you're too far gone.

>have 30k student loan debt
Paid off quickly if you got a useful degree
>30 year mortgage
Get an affordable house and pay it off sooner (as long as you don't live in Commiefornia
>7 year car payment
Imagine not paying for a car full, up front
>medical bankruptcy
Not if you got a decent job
>5k credit card debt
Your fault, loser
>need both parents working full time to not even make enough money to get by
Not even
And if you have kids what's wrong with working full time?
>no pension
Then get a 401k or IRA, moron

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>billionaire elites who hate you
That's a point I don't think actually gets brought up enough. The billionaire elites hate us.

The Kock brothers hate us. Sheldon Adelson hates us. Foster Friess hates us. Paul Singer, Robert Mercer, Woody Johnson, Phil Anschutz andSteve Schwarzman definitely, they all hate us. They despise us as passionately as Yvette Felarca or Sarah Jeong do, just for different reasons. Well, partially different reasons, there's some overlap. They utterly hate us and want us ground so deep in the dirt they never have to see us again.

Hitler wanted businesses that strengthened society. We currently have the complete opposite. Every big business operates like a parasitic jew right now.

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This is straight up bullshit. No community college costs that per semester.

College should be for above average people.


Either you have no empathy, were born wealthy and fortunate, or both.

"Needy" people are almost universally morally awful subhumans.

>you don't have to get a loan debt if you don't want to, work while going to college
>every country has mortgages
>anyone with half a brain can pay cash for a used car
>government is the cause of healthcare being so expensive
>only retards get into debt (most Americans)
>every country need both parents working to get by

"sell" isnt necessarily in the context of fiat paper currency
it can be in trade or barter economy
if i grow more tomatoes than my family can use, i can trade them for food items that we currently dont have the capacity to produce
fiat currency is sometimes necessary as a medium for trade with certain individuals when a material trade cannot be bargained, but it obviously isnt preferable

i have my own people to take care of, i have no obligation to take care of others
if i can help them out through a mutual agreement to trade excess for lacking necessities, then by all means i will
but i am not a charity, nor is my labor

>paid off quickly
This is how I know mommy and daddy buy you everything you own.

Greed is a sin, faggot.

The Koch's pay their shills pretty good.

God isn't real.

So... you're not actually defending capitalism then?

I hate the burden of picking my own career, I wish the state would just tell me what to do

>you don't even own your car

Nice projection, cunt.

My local community college is 80 bucks per credit hour. You're fucking lying.

>X be like Y
fucking niggers

I graduated with no debt and it wasn’t even a difficult thing to do.

>got paid for six out of seven years of college
Scholarships are nice. Still unemployed for now, but at least i'm not in debt

Please shut the fuck up and die. Honestly, you're just a poorfag and you've never earned anything.

You are a fucking liar. Link or it didn’t happen. I go to the CC with the highest transfer rate in the state and it’s like $137 per class

>he thinks capitalism let's him choose a career freely
>he thinks the only alternative to capitalism is some sort of authoritarian dystopia
Fucking lol

Well let's look at the real life examples of the alternatives to capitalism.

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Start a website, or sell from Amazon.
Make 10 dollars profit for a product.
Sell to 100000 people, gross a million.
Quit being a dumb bitch

Idiocy isn't a crime yet; you should be thankful.

My fucking retarded neighbor makee 120k mowing lawns.


>JC costs $3k per year for 2-3 years
>do well, get a scholarship, pay $20k for an in state school
>make $50k out of college if you aren’t retarded
Paid off in a few years. If you’re worried about debt, look into majors that pay off quickly. Grad school is a trap

capitalism is, at its core, the embrace of a free market of goods, services, and labor
the choice ultimately belongs to you, even if you are too frail of mind to accept responsibility for your own mistakes and life choices
one is free to go work for a megacorporation to earn a wage and participate in whatever systems they wish to
or they can work their land and live a smaller natural life style such as i do
or any other sort of lifestyle you can imagine
capitalism is inherently freedom, even if you dont agree with what other people use it for

a leaf probably wouldnt understand, but the inherent freedom of capitalism is a perfect companion to the tenets of freedom and individual expresions protected for Americans by their forefathers

Let's look at real world capitalism first why dont we.
Only in a system where everything is for sale could such a generation of unapolagetic whores and weak men exist

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“People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices. "

"Our merchants and master-manufacturers complain much of the bad effects of high wages in raising the price, and thereby lessening the sale of their goods both at home and abroad. They say nothing concerning the bad effects of high profits. They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains. They complain only of those of other people."
“No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the greater part of the members are poor and miserable. It is but equity, besides, that they who feed, cloath and lodge the whole body of the people, should have such a share of the produce of their own labour as to be themselves tolerably well fed, clothed, and lodged."

"We rarely hear, it has been said, of the combinations of masters, though frequently of those of the workman. But whoever imagines, upon this account, that masters rarely combine, is as ignorant of the world as of the subject."

"Labour was the first price, the original purchase-money that was paid for all things. It was not by gold or by silver, but by labour, that all the wealth of the world was originally purchased; and its value, to those who possess it, and who want to exchange it for some new productions, is precisely equal to the quantity of labour which it can enable them to purchase or command. "

Historically the concept of debt was applied so as to allow poorfags to buy things they would pay for in full as their income grew

The system only started to fail when we imported too many poos to do jobs that Americans should be doing

Communism itself could never produce even half of what we have so it's a moot point, corporatism is the failed system but nationalism with a free market works just fine.

>Only in America can you
>>have 30k student loan debt
Really not that much if you choose schooling that results in a well paying job. Trade schools much cheaper its less than $5000 in my area. At the end of the day it's your choice. You are complaining about the freedom to borrow money to pursue your own future. If you would prefer less options you could always move to Africa or China.
year mortgage
Once a again your choice. And once again you are complaining about the freedom to be able to go get a 30 year mortgage if you choose to.
year car payment
Same as above
>>medical bankruptcy
Lol total myth. Thanks to Trump every hospital now lists their pricing online. Go look up how much shit costs. An x-ray and cast for a broken arm is like $2000. For reference I pay about $5000 a year in taxes to our universal healthcare.
k credit card debt
Complaining about freedom blah blah
>>need both parents working full time to not even make enough money to get by
Lol because these people choose to get degrees in things that there aren't jobs for. I know these people. They honestly believe that they should pursue the thing that interests them regardless of what the job markets like.
>>no pension
Again a fucking choice to be a neet that doesn't get a job with a good company that offers a pension. Also there are a shit ton of us that work for ourselves that save money for when we retire because that the responsible thing to do.
>And still shill (for free) for billionaire elites who hate you because “capitalism is the best economic system”.

No you retard we realize the only thing that separates some shit hole in Africa from the west is jobs. Who provides jobs? Companies. Who own companies? Billionaires.

You mean per credit, you highschool dropout faggot

And that's still roughly 600 dollars a class considering the extra books and fees slapped on top

5 of those is about 3000 a semester. Then you transfer to real college and it shoots up to 12,000 a semester.

The average college student has an IQ of 108 compared to the general population's IQ of 98 so it's already for above average people

Name one alternative to capitalism please

this chart is fucking retarded, how about some axis labels?


>Grad school is a trap
>based bachelors is best

In any case your post is basically "if everything goes perfectly then you won't get fucked in the ass" which isn't realistic in any way.

It is possible to run a small business mowing lawns, I know because a white guy nearby graduated highschool and immediately got his truck and his two buddies together and now they run a nice show doing landscaping.

I’m pro free market but why do we tear the rich like they are a special class?

>mfw when I own my 2005 Camry free and clear

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Still better than queueing in a bread line for 6 hours after your 12 hour shift in the the steel mill every day so your family doesn't literally starve to death.

Learn to read, mouthbreather

I'm not only capitalist here that owns my own stuff am I?

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So when are you giving away all of your material goods to the needy, do they just form a line? You clearly don't think that they need it too much because you still hold onto your worldly possessions.

My community college was roughly $2000 for a 12hr credit hour semester.
>The Great State of Texas

>not having at least $10k in the market

The first five points you make only happen to retards who never stopped to think whether or not going that far into debt is worth it. The only valid point you make is that you need a two income household. That is entirely correct, and this is what happens when you force women into the workplace.

abolishing private property and establishing worker-owned means of production DOES NOT equal forfeiting personal possessions

you can keep your Sex Robot and your Glock, just stop exploiting workers

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If you don't waste your money on short term meaningless stuff, you can pay off things that last long term.

Vehicles are the best comparison, as I come from a poor family.
>Buy $3k 4cyl car, as long as the timing belt is replaced at 90k~ miles it will last another 90k miles.
>Suburban Richfag "acquiantances" buy brand new $35k Mustang. They ruined it and keep "buying" new cars. $500+ car payments each month.
>By the time we hit 30 I have money saved up, the RichFag is now becoming a Poorfag. Their parents spare the rod and spoiled the child. The manchild has no idea what life is like without wasteful luxuries.
>I also am cheap wherever I could be when I was younger. $1 month tracphone, they $200 month smartphone with absurd data fees.
It all adds up.

Aside from Taxes, I'll have no real bills. They on the other hand have become debt slaves.
I also don't spend my money on hipster sugar (coffee). I know of some morons who are living memes and allocate $400 a month for their sugary coffee drinks. They wonder why they are poor. They blame capitalism. I blame their freedom to be stupid.

>those damn millennials and their coffee

Okay grandpa; I’m sure that’s it

>full ride scholarship

>rent out property

>buy used reliable car

>don’t buy frivolous shit on credit cards

Easy retards

without googling it name 5 billionaires that are not Trump. write them down on a sheet of paper.
all 5 are democrats now STFU

I'm a millennial, you people who blame others (like the previous generations) are a lost cause. The only mistake the previous generations made was pampering you too much.
The millennial who have failed due to their stupidity and false sense of entitlement will eventually come to the violent realization that you have no one to blame other than yourself.
>May the generation of the Alphas spare no mercy!

I'm willing to bet you are a failure millennial, or a zoomer who has no idea what is what yet.
Stop blaming the other generations for your own failures, no matter what happens, those generations will laugh their way to their grave and it still changes nothing.

Sound like you got it all figured out champ. Didn’t know it was as simple as that.

I guess it could be complex for retards.

"Where's your factory"

literally 1 million autists have 3d printers and cnc mills now. I know faggits that make bank with cnc cutters making stickers.

>moralizing poverty

It isn’t 1840 anymore my man. We discovered there are other, actual causes for it.

Wow it's almost like people are to stupid to group together and take as many loans and possible while refusing to pay them

So something like 40% of people in college have iqs between 93 and 108? Terrifying thought.

i went to trade school about 2 years after i got out of HS. ended up in about 25K debt from that. got an electrician apprenticeship and moved on from there. i make about 52k after taxes now living in michigan. paid off my debt in about 2.5 years. i also paid off my car in 2 years. no credit card debt to begin with. 167k house is about 7 years from being paid off now. i have pretty good insurance as well.

not my fault that people are fucking awful with their money and life choices.

I went to UT Austin, NOT a community college and only paid like ~$5,000 a semester.
Of course with scholarships I was only like $4,000 in debt when I graduated and paid it off in the next 3 years.

You’re a fucking idiot.

we like to eat

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The anti-capitalist with an iPhone talks shit about the best economic system in the world.
Jesus Christ man I didn't know this was a YLYL.

>be socialist in America
>don't learn about capital gains
>decide college is the only way forward
>no networking, no parents' networking, etc
>doesn't choose military as first option
>doesn't pick a trade
>doesn't max out IRA's and roll trad to roth like Chad
>doesn't max out a 402g
>doesn't work for a company that provides serious benefits
>decides to be a florist
>surprised when it's a heavy-debt, low-return field
>not even satisfied with horticulture or aquaculture
>can't even into shrooms or weed for money
>just stupid
>blame capitalism
This is you.
I'm 22 and make 80k a year without a degree (but finishing one soon), as a reservist, rent out two duplexes I bought as corporate housing, with three cars I rent out for profit, and work at an airline while living on a base in Hawaii.
You fucking suck dude, I live really well because I know what the capitalist component to our economy is. You don't, therefore your life sucks. My debt literally makes me money (below inflation). My credit scores are 810, 795, and 812. I have 8 social security credits of my 40 I need and 80 I'm aiming for. I divorced my bitch exwife and fuck 3 girls a week. I fly to game conventions and pick up nerd girls. I attend conferences and fuck directors. I owe that singularly to merit and capitalism.
Sucks to suck loser. Should have learned about what you live in instead of trying to change it at the bottom.
Get fucked.

Does anybody here actually still view credit cards as a status symbol?

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>hehe yeah kid but you’re using an iPhone

Hope you don’t drive a Volkswagen

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Black Card - rich parents
Rewards Cards with cashback - discounted reality
Manufactured Spend - Magnificent Bastards.

I made like 3k a year and get by fine, you guys are just fatcat suckas

No banks would give out 30k student loans. Those are government loans which are so high because their existence has inflated the cost of schooling. You can also not go bankrupt on them unlike with stand loans from banks

That's the government, not capitalism you stupid bastard.

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>Black Card
I heard the black cards were CIA use that the bill never goes anywhere, you don't need to pay the bill with unlimited credit

ok dude.

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>You can also not go bankrupt on them
don't ever take this kind of loan for anything, nothing worth borrowing money for but land anyway

Are you me?

>while living on a base in Hawaii.
bro you need to cop that soldier of valor award so you don't have to pay property tax at your primary

>shill (for free)

My uncle works for Nintendo too

t. kid that is still on his mom's family plan.

t. 16 year old

Ever notice that the only people who scream CAPITALISM are the poorest segments of America? Go to any rural town and all you see are tweakers and ignorants talking about the evils of Socialism.

>Learn Trade
>No student debt
>Car paid off with 2 year loan
>No credit card debt responsible
>Bought land 1/2 acre for 35k
>Another 50k later in building a home out of pocket
>Still building, should be done in a year or two probably hit over 100k
>All done by a 70k salary working on avg 55 hours a year

>1 post by this ID
Still with this meme? ID's are by thread and this is three posts in you giant faggot.

no one is forcing you to have any of those things

The dollar should be backed by west texas intermediate

I have already started to notice that people give me weird looks when i pay my bill at a restaurant using cash. They usually have the card processing terminal all set up and giving them a $50 bill throws them off

This guy knows...
Old fag here. At 54 I own my house, 3 cars, nice boat and about 50 grand fluid, retired, tidy little pension. Never went to college. For me it was all about hard work and not pissing away my assets. Wife was stay at home mom. Kids are fucking awesome and well off and we really didn't need to help them much. Yeah, capitalism really sucks lmfao!

you can pretty much do that here too now apart from medical :(