What might he have had to say today? Would he have been based on race/IQ, or just turned a blind eye like others of his stature?

Attached: sagan_america.jpg (640x640, 115K)

Sagan was weedpilled

He was controlled op just like his replacement. The first bill nye to come along after Darwin.

Little did he realize that the dumbing down and increased superstition of society was because of niggers and browns lowering our collective IQ, and also the erosion of belief in God and Truth thanks to skepdicks.

Einstein said he didn't want to endorse Zionism because they fund terror

I like Carl, but he would very much be a globalist if he were still alive. He was basically one before he died, at least, with talk of the inevitability of climate migrants and how human beings have always moved from place to place throughout history.
I'm glad we didn't get to see him become a modern, 21st century leftist, though.

>(((Sagan))) fake "scientist" low IQ anti Christ kike

He's talking about you

Well climate migrants are inevitable. That is, unless we do something to stop climate change. Really it's the most redpilled thing to do. A wall won't save us if all of Central America tries to storm our gates