How to deal with being around my girlfriend's exes?

Girlfriend wants us to hang out with a friend group in which she has multiple exes. I'm not really comfortable being around them and she thinks I'm being unreasonable. I really don't want to sit at a party and shake the hands of several guys she's fucked. Wat do?

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>multiple exes

Run as fast and far as you can

Lol cuck getting sloppy seconds, thirds and fourths

Welcome to dating in your 30s.

Sloppy 22nds to be exact.

Stop dating girls who sucked the dick of every guy they've ever been loose friends with.

S-scott Pilgrim?

user are you sure you can't just date another girl?

this is a winless situation for you, other than skipping out on the pain of a prolonged relationship with her. No matter what you do in her eyes you will be insecure. And mind you, you have every right to be. Ex's are ex's for a reason. She shouldn't be friendly with THAT many of them.

yea man, it's totally normal to get cucked in your 30s

Why the fuck would I want to date someone that is in constant interaciton with people she's dated and fucked in the past? Those traits alone should tell you she doesn't have traditional values which is a red flag. If you really think its normal then you probably deserve her and you should ask her past boyfriends if they want to come over some time to fuck her for you.

> user are you sure you can't just date another girl?
Of course. She's just house pussy for a little while.

> this is a winless situation for you
really seems that way

> No matter what you do in her eyes you will be insecure
why is "OMG INSECURE!" always the first thing they throw out. They must know deep down how fucked up their past behavior is which is why they have such a visceral, deflecting response to it. Can't attack it on an intellectual level, so just go right to emotional shaming tactics.

You'll get there one day kiddo. It's like trying to find a late 80s car with low miles. By this point every girl has been through lots of dick, married/divorced, and maybe a kid or two. Going younger is the only escape from this hell and that sucks for its own reasons.

>They must know deep down how fucked up their past behavior is which is why they have such a visceral, deflecting response to it.

That's why if she goes "Why, are you just jealous/insecure?" Reply calmly with "No, but I feel a bit embarrassed by your behavior" Make it clear that you know these guys are chattering behind your back about how funny it is and how she acts like it's perfectly fine.

Or just dump her when you're done.

I'm not saying every girl is a virgin in their 30s but I'm referring to her being friends with so many of her ex boyfriends. I think it would be pretty disrespectful to my current gf if I was frequently interacting with girls ive dated in the past. Why would I prioritize my past boyfriends by interacting with them continually if I know it makes my current boyfriend uncomfortable (which it should)

past girlfriends* but whateverl, same idea

I agree 100%. I guess the issue is she wants to spend time with all of her friends (girls) and their husbands/boyfriends are friends with the guys she used to bang. You know how it is being the new guy in the social circle, even worse when they all know you're getting sloppy 22nds. I'm sure nobody would actually say anything to my face but it's still uncomfortable as fuck.

This is a shit test if there ever was one. Refuse to do it but don't express any concern or insecurity. Just act like you're not interested and have better things to do. Either way lol

That sounds like a horribly awkward situation. At least you made it seem like a temporary thing so you're under no real obligation to go and integrate into her life. That's the best case scenario

Be sincere of how you feel OP, she might appreciate it. If she didn't then dump her.

>multiple exes in same friendgroup

What's there to worry about? If she leaves you for any of them, she would have done it regardless and you will be better off. Just go and have fun you loser.

be rude to everyone

Set your foot down, you’re a man and she’s trying to see what she can get away with. If she still hangs out with ANY ex bf, dump the slut on the spot. Or keep her around for easy sex until you find a better gf, then dump her.

Ok well your first mistake is not just bringing her into your group of friends. You never wanna hang out with your gfs friends because they will always bring their boyfriends and thats when it gets fucked.

I'm glad I'm Muslim. Wife was a virgin. Virginity in woman is must for Islam.

welcome to being a man. you've gotta do it and be cool about it and win over her friends. man up and do it

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The only correct way to do it if you want to keep the relationship.


Dont take leftovers, user
especially when they are past their expiration date

Damn your girls a hoe

deal with it, they already fucked her and they dont care much for her any more