Spain or Italy?

I want to move out, I'm tired of being surrounded by latinam*ericans. Which country is more based? Italy now seems to be the safest option but for how long will Salvini and Salvini-style politicians govern in Italy?

Attached: 250px-Greater_Coat_of_Arms_of_Charles_I_of_Spain,_Charles_V_as_Holy_Roman_Emperor_(1530-1556) (250x262, 81K)

Italy is without a doubt the better choice. Because of Franco, and the complimentary jews, and the leftism in Iberia has proliferated more successfully than anywhere else in southern Europe. I'll be moving to Italy soon. Every burger will spout something about muh gunz when it comes to Europe (80% of mutts don't have passports, so just ignore them)
It's actually much easier to get firearms in Italy than it is in any JEWED part of the US (NYC, LA, Chicago, SF)
It's not exactly texas, but at least i can buy a chrome relatively easily there. Move to Italy, don't look back. Lovely place to live.
I can't stand the obese, circumcised, brainwashed subhumans who inhabit this land. I need out.

Attached: 10.-Amalfi-Coast-Italy-Hiking-for-Women.jpg (2400x1650, 3.34M)

Italy is a welcoming place, and always has,been somewhat resilient to change.
It's a pretty conservative country, but with a huuuuge amount of commies nonetheless.

I'd like to point out to our burger friends that here for a law abiding citizen gun ownership and practice is reasonably easy (you can call it a Shall Issue system).
It's CCW permits that you're never going to get.

Also, D&C agents coming soon, enjoy the usual buzzwords.

Are you Italian? You might be able to enigrate under jus sanguinis

>no portuguese emblem in it

How do you view non-muslim immigrants? I have italian ancestry and I hold some "traditions" from my grandmother but I wouldnt consider myself culturaly italian.

My grandmother was, I do have the spanish nationality though, so thanks to the European Union it would be easy for me to emigrate there.

you have to do something about the nigers that litter the streets of Rome

we know
not only niggers, but gypsies as well

People's view on immigrants here are very simple, for the most part. As long as you are an honest guy and share some basic western morals, it all boils down to one fact: are you coming here to bring our country in your heart and make it yours? Are you going to make every effort to become an Italian in culture traditions and mannerism?
Then you are welcome.

If you're here to bring your country to us, to change us, to improve us, to complain, to enrich us, fuck off right back where you came from

Yep most people here are pretty much civ-nationalists, because we (rightfully) think that our culture and civilization is superior and doesn't need improvements by immigrants, except the one WE choose.

Also, we all hate gypsies and most dislike niggers.