If this IS a forced meme, what is the purpose of it? Why would they try and push this...

If this IS a forced meme, what is the purpose of it? Why would they try and push this? Is it to cause subconscious acceptance of the LGBT flag? Is it to cause an association between the LGBT flag & racism?

I don't get the claims of this being a forced meme because I cannot comprehend the reasoning behind it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Almost every meme is forced

Clown world paradigm. They want your people to go extinct while you laugh.

JIDF sees that the meme is effective even though it's lame, so they want to shut it down.

The great Honk wars have begun

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This being a mossas/cia meme is the forced meme

I've been seeing normies for the past week start talking about how tranny shit is clown world....these very same people were virtue signalers for the past few years

Not today JIDF

>mossad wants normies talking about how insane tranny stuff is
oh wow how horrible we must put a stop to this

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People are claiming it is a forced meme because it has the power to turn the rainbow into a hate symbol.
It is also a threat to the imagery they wish to portray of the "alt-right" because a clown Pepe is even more disarming than regular Pepe.
It is also a threat to their diversity narrative, since nothing is more diverse than the distinct and separate colors of the rainbow, as opposed to the brown mud color from forced integration.

/pol has nothing to lose. If they say it is another/pol hate symbol...who the fuck cares?
They can't shut down /pol because of a clown meme.
A movie is not going to embarrass /pol because "muh clowns".

Shills are going hard against clown pepe because they can't control it, and can't stop their hate machine that will make rainbows a hate symbol.

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We are almost at the phoenix stage

buckle up anons.

tarrent hit on the ides of march for a reason, history is a wheel

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Demoralization maybe? "Fuck this clown world I give up"?

Who knows. They are kinda right though, just looking at this garbage the kikes put out, you can't help but laugh at the absurdity sometimes.

Comedy gold

>all the effort and quality that went into this and they still couldn’t remove the white outline from the explosion at the end

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This redditor gets it

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>pic related is what schizos and shills could never understand

HONK HONK 4 lyfe

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soon pepe will be ours forever

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the clownpill is like they live! glasses


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>le forced meme d&c
they said the exact same thing as NPC was taking hold, before it even hit normies and became one of the most effective memes in years. they tried to convince everyone to stop using it because they knew it was effective propaganda. it's the same every time.

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Let's get together and post funny memes, my fellow freemasonic jews.

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i think that some people are so mad that Trump is winning and things are going back to normal that to them, things seem like "clown world", but the truth is that its ultimately an arbitrary construction of political differences or preferences people have. To some people, Trump as president is clown world, To some people, the fact that Trans people have rights is clown world

It's only as useful as the arbitrary interpretation that you give it, which most people probably dont agree upon anyways, or maybe it was just promoting that joker movie too and its a dig at white people, but thats unironically the most shallow kind of selling out of leftist principals that it deserves to be called out for the racism that it is

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This is retarded take. A multicolored clown wig is not going to make rainbows a hate symbol, though Jow Forums could probably do that directly.


Comedy is the final defense mechanism for the hopkessky black pilled, although honkler is being hijacked by wang gang atm

HA! silly Jow Forums she owns pepe now


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Lol dont care still a fun meme and the aesthetic is relateable
>Oooh biggedy woogedy they made it for us as a trap!!!
If it wasnt organic, dont care we appropriated it and it backfired.

>yes goyim don't commence rope day
>honk honk instead goyim

>unironically her shop

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Honestsly I think this user is right but for the wrong reasons. It's an effective meme to signal the ridiculousness of western society's current state. They're trying to meme that honkler is forced to try to stop it like doesnt appear to be working whatsoever though. Honestly I can see why they would force honkler anyway


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>isn't a le funny maymay
>gets posted anyway

Mossad made a low effort forced meme, we did what do do to all memes. We took it, made it our own, and added meaning they never intended. Hon Honk is Gritty 2.0.


said it with straight face.

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I'll give 3.50 in goodboi points to whoever's edits this with clown pepe.

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that's some Jared Leto level honking

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to advertise a movie you dumb fuck


Decent take. I like the clown meme desu. It's simple and descriptive like NPC. We really do live in a clown world.

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Clown world meme has been around much longer than the development of that movie.

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The colors are easy to track. Imagine that machine learning is developing quickly and many now have access to software that can do image pattern recognition. The best software could identify all sorts of things- but a simpler version would be pretty easy to program- that only looked for certain colors or patterns.

Now you can use a bot or a script to scour the internet and crawl through websites to find these patterns and map out how right-wing political messages spread. The left doesn't understand memes and so they are studying us.

Also it wasn't completely forced- the meme spread organically over a long time. I watched it happen and thought a lot about what it meant.

This meme is older than the ads for the new Joker.

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honk posting started after the filming but before the trailers.

IT should have used this viral marketing. this will be a record breaking box office.

this meme has already hit liberal counter reaction in its life cycle

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This meme is quasi-organic, meaning it started that way but was soon co-opted in order to make people think this place is ridiculous. Most "forced" memes are like this, as leftist shills cannot meme. Experienced lurkers can tell if a meme is organic or not almost instantly, it is a trait gained through many years of lurking

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It's something that's spread can be traced because of the unique RGBY in the hair.

Same reason "Frankly Fox" (forced fox) was just a rotoscoped image.

Someone is testing out algorithms designed to force memes in conjunction with paid shills.

Who cares ? Take back the flag from the fags. Enjoy the utter triggering

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Pretty sure that was a little visual gag. Like the explosion just being a stock photo. The actual bomb was transparent so I have no idea why they would leave the white in otherwise.

Between IT and all the different movies with the Joker in them, there was barely any time in the last decade that this meme could have emerged where there wasn't a clown movie in development

pretty much
if you can make em laugh....

Jane likes to post here.

Clown posters aren't laughing though, it's more of an expression of realization. I used to say READ SIEGE

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nice numbers, but what it's really about is reminding people to have fun and enjoy the lulz. honkler is enjoying himself and having a laugh, and trying to share that laugh with others - that's what clowns do. we are reacting to the pain being felt around us and trying to let everyone else know that it'll be ok.

Thank god for filters, so long cancer.

>t. nigger aids

I find it an odd coincidence that all the Qtards use clown as a bad thing. It's probably them pushing it.

That explains why it works so well then.

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Qtards do not have the ability to form any independent thoughts, That's the exact reason why they are Qtards. Don't think they are capable of pushing anything except psyop propaganda.

Didn't this new clown meme start as some fags trying to promote a new chan site? First time I saw it the shithead was spamming it. They've ramped it up, the board is being invaded. They really must be desperate for traffic.

Don't you know? Those standard colours listed on MS paint are specifically chosen for the meme to be tracked by the FBI

I am glad that the (((alt-right))) now officially supports LGBT+ rights alongside the right of Israel to defend its land rights in Syria with US troops.

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We don't.

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Jow Forums was co-opted by neocon astroturfers since 2014.

Milo was turned into a gay alt-right icon. Breitbart was created in Israel.

Honkler is this and only this: he is not Pepe the frog. The comedy is that he is. Many times over. He is a New Zealand celebrity in fact

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i don't care if it's forced i like it because it represents how i feel.

Learn to read, nigger.
Honk honk.

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jokes on you because I didn't actually misread your post that badly, because I'm not used to seeing schizo posts all the time.

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They push it because it lowers the testosterone of the males that believe in it.

“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”
The white man is already a villain in the leftist paradigm of reality, trying to act otherwise is foolish.
If they want a villain, we’ll be a true villain, one that people can comprehend and admire for his righteous madness.

>Implying we can’t head into the day of the rope laughing out way through the corpses of niggers and kikes

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It's just a meme about the current state of the world, which is clown world!

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this site is great for seeing psyops occur in live action, its saddening how most people fall for it but its truly amazing to see the fragility of the human mind. The fact that these people think their "redpilled" is laughable

I'm amazed you idiots still haven't realized the clown meme was started by the Joker movie's marketing department. They want us to spread the memes and give the move free advertising. Same thing happened with that shitty Childish Gambino song "This is America."

checked. hey meme the force be wiff you! lel xx heres some old copypasta i found online, hope its relevant!


1488 1776

#America #Freedom #Liberty

Our World. Our Time. Our Future.

A Holy American Empire to rule the world for 1000 years.

America, the Heartland. Jesus Country. Western Nations as satellite states. Maintaining individuality and autonomy. Retaining history. Australians stay Australian, but with American Freedoms and Liberties. British stay British, the French, French, etc.

Full Freedom and Liberty.

The biggest baddest empire this humanity has ever seen. Waiting for Jesus Christ to save us. With Holy Spirits help. God protects us from Jewry and any form of oppression.

This is so the European(white) male can live well. That's all its about. So we can start families and continue the works of our Father.

Retain our history, thousands of years in the making. A global effort by the commoner. For our greater good. We craft our future.

Remove Kike. Remove Foreigner.

One last War. Our World Forever After

S H A D I L A Y ~ B R O T H E R S

Frightening and hideous

>my post
user, I...

There are no coincidences.

It’s the fucking glow niggers tracking how we permeate through all regions of the internet.

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It's the clown world flag, not the LGBT flag. I don't know why those sickos are trying to steal it

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I don't know, but I think it's retarded either way. Then again, I also think Pepe is a stupid meme but hey, what can you do?

It's not a forced meme. You might be struggling to understand it, which is normal. Clowns (outside of the idea of the "evil clown") haven't been that common or popular on the whole for the past several decades.
Clowns, fools, jesters, etc. have a unique place. I used to know a guy, a nuclear physicist by day, who was all about being a literal, actual clown, with the costume and the gags and everything. He explained the long and detailed history of clowns, and how they work. They're a powerful and complicated archetype.
You might also be thrown off by how quickly new images of Honk Honkler are generated- that's just a byproduct of people getting practice at image editing memes for 15 years. A single guy getting his chuckles might produce 15 new images in an afternoon. If the meme is widely liked, it sees explosive growth that can be so dramatic that I can see how you might think it artificial under these conditions.

Anyway, memes are driven by the appearance of novelty, and the appearance of novelty is created by complexity and penetrating insight. Honk Honkler, a clown symbol, frog poster, stealing the colors of the LBGT, and so on, is anything but simple.

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I saw it posted early on by some fuck jannies posters. I don’t think it’s forced.

its to deflect their shill behavior as something uniquely Jow Forums and therefore acceptable whatever they are "humorously" shilling.
i dont like it.

Don't believe this theory. They can already track people simply by the way they type, everyone has little unique handles that give them away. Words they use, the way they punctuate or don't, etc.

It was pushed by warner, or DC, or whoever is in charge of marketing for the new Joker movie. If you can't see this, you're hopeless.
That being said, I've seen plenty of ORGANIC memes get created, I have not see a single clown pepe get created on Jow Forums they all just showed up. So they were made in a lab, or somewhere I don't go, either way, they're useless.
Same goes for the NPC, and the other one that just came out that I can't remember what it was.
Disagree with me? Show me a fucking screenshot of any of these memes being created. I don't care what the site is, I want to see the creation of the meme. Here's a protip, some fucking guy by himself does not create memes. Sure, he can contribute, but will never be the creator. Only people who have seen a meme be born will understand this.
These now are all so forced. It's sickening.

>and the other one that just came out that I can't remember what it was.
Boomer sip
the product being shilled was literally in the meme and the fact that you couldn't even remember it really shines a light on how artificial it was.
The human mind latches onto novelty, good memes aren't easy to forget.

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This right here 100%

this is rly cute

this is true. i've not seen a single honkler meme in creation. they just showed up ready-made, but i seem to recall a thread or two way back when discussing the subversion of the lgbt flag. at this point, even though i don't think its organic, i'm ok with the honkers. honkler is an unlikeable character but so is the society it honks at. it's a good fit for pole.

for some reason I never get tired of this copypasta

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>I have not see a single clown pepe get created on Jow Forums
That's because it started on /tv/ at the beginning of the year

I like the way you think. You're on a higher level than these fucking Jews.