The rainbow flag is the new White supremacist symbol

We live in a clown world.
Honk Honk

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Who cares ? Let's have the raibow flag back.

Honk Honk

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you gays don't deserve the symbol of the full spectrum of the Sun. FUCK YOU AND GO DIE FROM SEPTIC SHOCK.

We're taking it take from faggots

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I fuckin love ya pol

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Okay, this is epic

Can't tell if she's a troll or not, still funny tho

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This. The rainbow represents the colours that make up WHITE light. Therefore they represent the different people that make up the WHITE race e.g. Germanics, Slavs, etc.

Let's get this rolling
Honk honk

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The rainbow flag is gonna be a hard one to meme to white supremacy, it's been LGBT property for years. Here's an in-between idea to get the ball rolling. If you rotate the flag, 90 degrees, it means "we stand tall and proud for our race".

Stage 1: We claim that holding the flag sideways is rebellion to white supremacy because we are all equal.
Stage 2: We claim that the flag promotes segregation. We are strong when unified with our own race
Stage 3: We claim that the normal LGBT flag is the real racists flag, as it promotes the idea that some races are better than others because some colors are on top of others.

Need help fleshing this out boys, but this could work. Honk Honk

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Homosexuals have always been Nazis.

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Clown uprising when?

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We just need to make it visible on the board, after a while some deadbeat journalist will pick up on it and write a story, once it goes to the media the leftists start talking about it, becuase the media programs them.

Nah, we don't need anything special we'll take it as our symbol in time, we just need to be persistent.

She’s unironically mentally ill. Hey

The ball's already rolling

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Fuck, Jow Forums rotated the fucking image. Meant to post this

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Yeah, we've taken clowns. But we want the big guns. We want the rainbow flag.

thrice done over numerals indicate the truth

Exactly. Spam the rainbow flag, preferably with Honkler or Pepe. Use it as a meme flag. Let's reappropriate it

Member when being "gay" didn't mean being a degenerate faggot?

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>The rainbow flag is the new White supremacist symbol.

Can't wait to see it in the ADL's hate symbol library....fuck chinks honk honk!

>White light is made up of the colors of the Rainbow
>Each stripe represents a quality that white people have
>All of the colors blend together to create white light

I don't know, we can work out the details later, just spread it.

Peperidge farm remembers.

Make rainbow armbands like da ebil nazis had

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Checked and Honkedpilled. Keks wants the flag

Funny posts clown frens

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Once the average person understands clown posting (which will be soon). Slowly reduce the meme down to just the rainbow with offensive words, and slogans (particularly ones about lgbt). Until just posting the rainbow flag becomes offensive. I think you're on to something here.

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Preserve the uniqueness of our race and cultures

The rainbow represents a remembrance of God's destruction of sodomites. Making it anti lgbtq based on that should be easy enough.

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Honk honkler is coming out of the closet

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Clowns will seize the rainbow flag from the bearded ladies.

-Honk Honkler

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thanks bro not sure why i glitched there

honk honk!

We're taking it back!

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I do it sometimes too, I think we have the dyslexia

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I don't think we'll be able to do more than take clowns this way. The gay flag is too ingrained in LGBT culture.

This is too much too soon. I'm all for acceleration but if the satire is over the top, it's not gonna work. People like to think they have hidden/secret knowledge. Gotta be sneaky

Thats why I'm suggesting a rotated gay flag. It's just 90 degrees away from being that symbol. The challenge is claiming quickly.

Honk Honk my clown friend

White Pride World Wide

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Maybe the we can push back into the meatspace by holding """ironic""" right wing rallies dressed as clowns. It will be funny watching the media try to tell the american pepole to be afraid of a bunch of clowns.

holy fuck this is genius

get ready boys

I probably have aphasia but it is mostly on being able to express what I am thinking and how I feel.

should just be a bunch of /ourguys/ holding the rainbow flag next to a nazi flag and that might work. or maybe someone could do a poem or some shit that goes like
red is for the blood we share
orange is pretty cool (idfk)
yellow for the sun we worship
green for the earth we protect

Get ready for fag butthurt

Praise the rainbow. Sieg Heil

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Isn't that their default state?

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this pic is so fucking amazing, every time it is posted I just marvel at it

Honk honk

Take pictures of huge mobs of white people (most dressed like punks) in Seattle's Capital Hill, which has rainbow flags flying everywhere. The rest of the world won't realize they are actually looking at pictures of the most cucked city in the world.