Fuck off we're full?
Fuck off we're full?
>transgender researchers
>kids who persistently express a transgender identity
>at 3 years old
DotR when?
There is plenty of space, but we're at capacity for non-Whites.
Bumping this
Jow Forums - What did socialism mean by this?
>according to pedophiles, it's ok to groom 3 year old children.
Were full on useless welfare leeches that will just make the country worse
Can use plenty of people with even a bit of useful skills that wish to integrate
Fuck off, we are full.
Bingo! Was going to say the same.
>all the people saying “just stuff them into North Dakota or Wyoming!”
Giving everyone the right to vote was a massive mistake
Fuck on we’re not full
Norwegians only. Otherwise full.
Of course we're full.
And smack any window-lickers trying to even entertain that it's a physical space issue.
Lots of space in outer space, too.
We're already teetering over the edge for overwhelming resources and having too many welfare leeches.
Too many fucking people, especially people that shouldn't even be here making everything worse, making less of everything.
It isn't just waiting in line, waiting in traffic, finding parking or having milk shoot up 5 dollars, it can be deadly with these useless scumbags bogging down hospitals, that's fucking deadly.
Couple that with raising crime and incurable disease and the answer is a very clear FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL
Yes for shitskins. Time to get rid of them
we are not full. You economically illiterate incel fags
kys globonigger
eternal population growth is unsustainable
a 3 year old transgender is a fat fucking double decade cash cow for "doctors" to treat.
have you ever been to Arizona? There fucking nothing there
but damn do those banks need it to keep the whole thing running. more debtors creating more debt faster is the only way goy ;)
the population centers of arizona are crowded as fuck. as if every sq mile of land needs to/can be covered in humans. wyoming is also "underpopulated" but it should absolutely stay that way. like more and more south american immigrants will make anything better in the first place.
that's because it is a literal desert
the population density in the sahara is also almost nonexistent if you exclude the nile