Is there anything more cuckolded than spending your short life caring/arguing about politics?

Is there anything more cuckolded than spending your short life caring/arguing about politics?
It's up there with actually licking up Tyrone's mess imo.

Attached: harvey.png (236x249, 116K)

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It's all for fun I love upsetting people on reddit

It is better than movies and music right now

but you can watch old movies and listen to old music

while upsetting politicalfags may be entertaining, there are better things you could be doing with your life such as learning a new skill or creating art.

To each his own

if you were not such a fuckup and actually had to pay income tax then you would see things differently.

>is there anything more akin to watching your wife fuck another man than discussing politics?
I'll have to think about that one..

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i pay taxes and just kinda don't care that much i mean there's nothing i can do to change it so who cares

they are pretty similar when you think about it, whereas in politics the "watching your wife fuck another man" part is "watching your life fly by while you get heated about stuff that doesn't matter that you can't change anyway"

Fuck off nihilist.

What the government does directly affect your life.

does does directly*

no it doesn't my life has been the same no matter what goes on politically and no matter who is president. nothing has changed since trump got elected just like nothing changed when obama got elected. nothing changed for me personally from any new laws being set in place, nothing changed for me personally with any of the wars going on yadda yadda you get the idea. my life is my life.

Do you live in a cave? If not, you're full of shit.

You study politics and war so your sons may have the liberty to study other things.

congrats on being a boomer and inheriting one of the best economies the world has ever seen, before exporting it to Brasil and China.

I guess.

i live in a 2 story house i inherited from my grandparents, i guess you could call it a cave since it's in the middle of nowhere surrounded by forest with no neighbors to speak of.

having kids is for the birds

don't even know nor care about what you're talking about

So basically yes. Lucky you. For everyone else who does have to live in society, politics matters. Still do for you too if you care to look past the bow of your own ship.

i dunno i mean all of my friends, most of whom aren't that lucky tend to agree that politics aren't really worth caring about.

sure things are the way they are, doesn't mean we have to care. who wants to look back when they're 90 and be like "dang i spent my life studying politics and complaining about the way the country works" instead of "i'm sure glad i spent my time here doing things i love and being with people i love and truly appreciating the gift of life."

Good for your friends. Mine *do* see the point in politics because it affects their everyday life in every way from the price of milk to who lives next door.

Lmao o became blackpilled last summer and by winter i became a radical centrist. I welcome white genocide and hope non whites enjoy trying to manage climate change without us

That's very frustrating indeed.... But arguing is so much better than... you know ... hurting and stuff

I can already predict you're going to disagree with this principle, but y'know, you're just an individual amongst billions and your contributions to politics aren't really going to matter anyway. might as well buy your milk, drink it and stop caring and channel that energy to pick up an instrument or something.

got a point, paying taxes has just become so standard, nothing's changing and nothing's getting better. I can totally see why you'd get disillusioned with politics. That's why you gotta go bernie 2020 baby!

Hitler was just an individual among millions. So was Churchill. So is Trump.

The laws and policies that govern you change, and indeed have wildly in mere decades, so you assertion that no one can is not correct.

>having kids is for the birds
Seems odd you have no desire to procreate yet you see the significance in having a profound emotional bond with a woman, and the grotesque nature of seeing her fuck other men

they're exceptions, not standards dude. do you see yourself becoming president? realistically now. no, you're going to continue to live your life as a citizen. and thus we return to my prior point.

>yet you see the significance in having a profound emotional bond with a woman
i'm not sure where you got that from, women aren't my thing

Yes, being a jewish gangstalker:

Do you know the expression "the exceptions that prove the rule"? It doesn't mean what most think it does. "prove" in this case uses the archaic meaning of "test", as in "proving ground". "The exception that tests the rule", in that they test whether or not the rule is true.

It's not.

if that's the case then why don't you go spend all your money on lottery tickets
after all there are exceptions and people who have actually won it

Or how about I get involved in politics like the millions before me who have in the process affected change? Your argument is "it might be hard, so why bother?". Fuck that.

my argument is "there are better things you could be doing with your time that would make you feel more accomplished as a person."
do what you want though bro, i'll keep living for me. you wanna spend your one (1) chance at life on a gamble whether or not you'll maybe make a slight difference on something that won't matter to you after you die? be my guest, but when you're 90 and your efforts never affected anything, remember this conversation.

Sorry we can't all live in gated communities away from the consequences of jewing and mass immigration you yuppie faggot.

Yes "it's haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard! I want jack off to anime titties and ignore reality instead".

actually, I've never been a fan of titties, nor anime for that matter myself. I've spent my time learning instruments, creating music, learning to draw, writing, reading, enjoying the outdoors, studying/researching and learning from the vast pool of information available to us today, taking care of pets, taking psychedelics, hanging out with friends etc etc.

like I said though, you do you dude. go uh, change the world and... stuff.

All manner of escapism, yes.


t. the eternal boomer

as if living vicariously through politicians isn't? pfft dude

Attached: i just wanna grill for God's sake!.jpg (750x739, 70K)

I don't live vicariously through them. I take an active interest in what my government does to I can afford to eat tomorrow.

shit, so true

Nothin' matters, maaaan. I'm so above it alllllll.

I don't do that and I eat pretty lavishly. don't waste money on fast food, buy all fresh organic ingredients, cook all my own meals etc. I mean I'm no gordon ramsay but I'm eating pretty nicely here not giving a crap.

lmao based

y'know it's true, maaaan.

Good for you. Then one day you can't and you wish you paid that minimum of attention beforehand. I don't think it will tomorrow, but it certainly can.

now you kinda sound like zombie apocalypse people. "zomg one day you won't be able to buy food!" right.

even if it turned out that way i wouldn't be wishing i paid attention beforehand because either way what I did wouldn't have had an effect on such a drastic change in society.

No, just someone who has seen what a bad government can do. Food prohibitively expensive, nothing works, no heating of electricity, and black suited men in gasmasks kicking your door in at 4am.

>What the government does, does not affect my life
I knew you were a retard from the 'imo' part, but I had to read a bit to make sure.
The rest of your posts make it even worse.
This bread serves as a good indicator of what people turn into when they don't touch politics.
(from Greek: πολιτιkά, translit. Politiká, meaning "affairs of the cities")
Mindless, careless drones that pretend they are unaffected by what happens around them.
Your mental capacity cannot handle anything complicated, so stick to spending your short life arguing about sports and where will you go eat today or better yet kys, you panem et circenses idiot.

Attached: rly nigger.png (285x279, 220K)

and if you live in a country with those types of issues i could understand maybe caring perhaps, but in a country like america or the UK or most first world countries, you can just not give a crap and be fine, at least as of right now, for the foreseeable future, which is to say certainly your lifetime and then some.

never been a sports fan myself, also only speak english sorry.

wouldn't ya call the one who lives vicariously through politicians the drone though?

That sort of thing has happened here as recently as the 80s. It can happen here, and it can happen in the USA too. You're human like the rest of us. You don't have some magical system that will never fail.

people are born into the situation though, if they were to seek out statehood and be there from the creation and purposely grant other people power is where they get cvcked

people SHOULD be seeking anarchy and a stateless society, not trying to help others achieve nominations, etc. just because "he's better than the other guy at least"

anarchy sounds nice on paper but i don't think it will ever work because, as this thread proves, someone is always going to have a stick so far up their ass that they wanna argue about something silly.

but i'm also not gonna live my life in fear of the 0.00000001% like some paranoid schizophrenic. I'm gonna keep not gaf.

You don't want to pay attention and want to go be a hedonist in your own world. It's a choice many make.

Just don't come here and try to tell us all you've got shit figured out, because you don't.

i know it's niggerball and whatnot, but I threw footballs with marcus mariota in elementary school and encouraged him to keep it up when teachers would be telling us that professional athletes weren't viable career aspirations. maybe you're just salty about being mediocre and want to drag anons down to your level? wouldn't surprise me, to be quite frank.

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there's no shit to figure out. life is what you make it. only you can teach that to yourself, or learn via experience/aging.

lol I couldn't drag down anyone on this board if I wanted to dude, it's already rock bottom.

You think this is my first rodeo with a nihilist? Reality exists beyond your mind. You are not the only thing that matters.

>couldn't drag down anyone on this board
at least you're correct about ONE thing

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that's the thing, you get to CHOOSE what matters to you. but society sorta tells people that politics matter and they just accept that. you're born into a political world so politics "matter." but it's up to you to choose.

Some things, others the choice is made for you. Eating for example, or not getting your door kicked in. Poilitics also affect you. You live in the USA, not Somalia (and even then). You have a government, and they rule you.

I.. don't want to? In fact the opposite of that would be nice. I'm a nice person, I want good things for people. even the rock bottom anons on this board. politics divide people and inhibit personal growth, as they are inherently childish in some ways(e.g. wanting to impose your beliefs on others, reminiscent of a toddler yelling until its parents give its pacifier.)

>Heya Harv

It depends. If you don't matter and have no influence, I agree with you. But not all of us lack agency.

I'd be living my life how I am now regardless of the government, regardless of laws, and regardless of what beliefs another would like to impose on me. and that's the way things should be, living life as a journey with natural progression where none of your decisions are made for you.

dude I haven't touched my 3DS in ages I bet my town is fudging deserted.

lol. Yeah ok tell that to the Red Guard. "I'm a free spirit!!!!!!!!!!" Go to Gulag. Go directly to Gulag, do not pass home, do not collect your vodka ration.

That seems to be common with every Animal Crossing Village, check it some day though.


oops, meant for I will check it though, and my friends will make sure I get the switch one coming up eventually anyway lol.

The fact you view politivd as childish and look down on it as a result illustrates your own naivete, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Take maturity; experience will teach you (if you do not already know) that immaturity is a necessary step towards becoming mature.

Likewise, a toddler must learn not to throw tantrums in order to function in society and our current world at large.

Politics, by extension, is the adult learning to negotiate and debate with reason, swaying people to your side through rhetoric instead of, say, throwing a hissy fit.

You might find pic related interesting.

Attached: lolbertarianism.png (1231x441, 25K)

You don't live in a country with those issues until you do. It can happen almost overnight. Russia and eastern Europe were quite nice once.

Behold, the average Jow Forumscel and his delusions of grandeur. Buddy, Hitler was fighting a war, Churchill was a politician, Trump is a lucky billionaire. None of them got their start shitposting on a BBC enthusiast forum.

>You might find pic related interesting
who's "they?"
cuz I DO live my life the way I want, I DO keep my hobbies etc etc. for real who's ever "they" other than a mysterious placeholder boogeyman?

Pick any MP in parliament right now. They're nothing that special.

>who's they
hello newfag enjoy your stay

Attached: here forever.jpg (480x360, 27K)

like I say if it's going to happen it's going to happen anyway. we'll cross that bridge, if we get there.

This is some primo schizo posting, saved and thanks.

i wish lol i've been here since 2010

dude yeah, I was getting maybe bipolar manic vibes from that myself.

Then you get hit unprepared, and you are not one who crosses.

There is nothing schizo about that post.

like I say, you can live your life anticipating what may or may not happen or you can live in the moment and do things your way.

actually if you had any experience with psych patients you would be able to see where he's coming from but I get more of a bipolar manic vibe personally. obviously you can't tell for sure via the internet but there def are some signs there and it's not unreasonable.

>He never figured out how to synthesize all three

user, did nobody ever tell you, that there's no point in having a cake, unless you also get to eat it?

I have. My sister spent time in a mental institution for BPD. She's a nut.

That guy isn't.

>like I say, you can live your life anticipating what may or may not happen or you can live in the moment and do things your way.
Then you get hit by a truck, because the world does actually exist outside of our own brain. Reality is objective, not subjective.

y'know it's funny most people misunderstand the saying.
the reason you can't have your cake and eat it too isn't because you have to choose one thing or another.

the reason you can't have your cake and eat it too is because once you eat the cake, it's gone and you no longer have it.

reality is objective, life is subjective, and the human mind can, very obviously given the nature of differing opinions(displayed wonderfully by politics?), mold itself into very many different things.

>delusions of grandeur
>paragraphed rant post
>clearly thinks he's preaching the be all end all that no one has ever said before
>paranoia(fifty different race boogeymen out to get me)
bipolar manic signs man

You can imagine all you like, but that truck is a truck and it will paste you no mater how you try to will it otherwise.

>delusions of grandeur
Nope, no more than you.

>paragraphed rant post
Oh wow he actually wrote something. What a psycho.

>clearly thinks he's preaching the be all end all that no one has ever said before
So are you.

>paranoia(fifty different race boogeymen out to get me)

I don't fear death either though. that's part of growth as a human, you have to accept dying.

w-where does a truck fit into this anyway? I mean regardless of politics you're just as likely to get hit by a truck as me, objectively. there's nothing you can do politically to affect trucks LMAO.

It's to show that life is not all a dream. You can't just will the world to be how you want it to be and/or just wish hard and everything will be fine, you need to actually get involved in it to do that. Such as in politics.

>You can't
but i do
>you need to
but i don't and i'm fine

Then don't say you were not warned when the world does not cooperate with your delusions.

the world can do whatever it wants bro, you miss the me not caring part? I'm gonna do me, til I die.

Hello, my opinion is that your personal moral code determines how you think politically, you would want the state to enforce the way of life you support. Through arguing about politics I also find my own morale and rules for life. I can read Goethe and still have time for politics, one enforces the other. If you have any personal views you already pretty much have some political views too. If I were living in a forest like you, I wouldn't care either, since yes, small political swings do not affect you. But the moment the state would want to for example collectivize your forest house, you would have political opinions pretty fast.

As for wasting my life - you are right, not much depends on me. But when you say that society tells that politics matter and then people choose to argue over that - it's not true, most people don't argue about politics or even hold any certain views. It's different from the mass to discuss politics.

Also, I don't really see that apoliticals are not wasting their life either. They just spend it on watching TV and working. If I were to stop caring about politics tomorrow, I would feel less nervous but I don't think I would start spending my time any smarter.

I don't mind that you don't care. You will likely grow out of your nihilistic hedonist stage (been there, done that, avoided the venereal disease). Telling us all about how nilihistic hedonism is the one true way is what I am arguing against.

Nihilistic hedonism isn't the one true way.

the one true way is doing things your way, and developing and feeling accomplished as a human.

when you get involved in politics, you're not doing that. you're doing things society's way.

you don't get that through hedonism either, which is simply a dopamine chase. and you certainly don't get there through nihilism for obvious reasons.

Nihilistic hedonism is the official name of the philosophy you are pushing. It boils down to "nothing matters bro, so lets all fuck and take drugs until we die".